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Funny / Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

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Suletta smacking Guel's ass in defense of Miorine. Yep. It's now a 'Dance' meme.
Even in a gritty, violent, dramatically tragic series, The Witch from Mercury never forgets that it's mainly set in a school, and a school setting brings inevitable comical events. Otherwise, there could be hilariously serious knacks on the side of the adults.

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  • The scene where Nadim sacrifices himself to allow his wife and daughter to escape and shares a final message with them is very much a sad scene. However, at one point, it cuts to the commander of the invading force, who is listening in utter bafflement as enemy pilots suddenly start singing 'Happy Birthday' over the radio in the middle of a battle.

First Cour

    Episode 1: The Witch and the bride 
  • On a general note, Suletta's panicked, wide-eyed expressions that come as a result of her total lack of social skills are an absolute joy to see.
  • Suletta's first meeting with Miorine involves her spotting Miorine drifting outside of the school - causing her to ring the transport's bridge screaming "THEY'RE GONNA DIE" at the top of her lungs. After that, she forces her way out of the MS locks holding the Aerial in place, much to the chagrin of the crew. She then approaches Miorine, who is very clearly trying to wave her off - and when Suletta pulls her into the Aerial's cockpit, Miorine promptly headbutts her before chewing her out for ruining her escape attempt.
  • When three girls attempt to make fun of Suletta by asking if her mother made her wear her headband, Suletta has no idea they're insulting her and happily replies that her mother did in fact make her wear it, leaving her would-be bullies miffed.
  • How Suletta gets Guel's attention when he's busy destroying Miorine's greenhouse - she slaps his ass, with an exaggerated key frame of Guel recoiling with his back arched while Suletta's hand is still swung forward, while Miorine is so taken aback by the sudden intervention that she can only gawk at the spectacle. And it apparently hurt so much that Guel is leaning forward grabbing his ass in pain before he furiously rounds on Suletta. Funnier still is Suletta's hilarious cowering pose after she does it, as is her immediately hiding behind one of Guel's possenote , much to the girl's confusion. Crunchyroll's clip of the scene has the most hilarious title to it:
    *slaps ass* I'm the groom now.
  • When an enraged Guel demandingly asks Suletta if she knows who he is, the genuinely clueless girl nervously replies with "A pushy suitor?"note  This causes everyone besides Guel to nearly burst out laughing, and it further fuels his rage.
  • While the duel is being set up, some students call the Gundam Aerial's paint job French in design.
  • In the Gundam tradition of Grand Theft Prototype, Miorine steals the Aerial... Only for Miorine, who has never piloted any machine before, to get her ass kicked, including falling down on the ground due to the recoil of the Beam Rifle. The reveal that Suletta isn't actually inside Aerial features her gawking at the live video of the duel, flabbergasted that her mobile suit has been stolen.
  • Suletta gundamjacking the Aerial back, including her angrily headbutting Miorine and pushing her out of the seat. And while this is happening, Aerial turns on the outercom, allowing everyone watching to hear Suletta and Miorine's little argument. One person even describes it as a falling out.
  • While Suletta's racing to Aerial on an E-bike, a Haro on the front helpfully reminds her that she's over the speed limit.
  • After Suletta wins her first duel against Guel, Miorine makes her the Holder... Which makes Suletta Miorine's fiancé. Cue Suletta freaking out, saying that she's a girl, and Miorine noting that Mercurians are conservative in their views of marriage. Suletta's expression must be seen to be believed.
  • The very fact all of the above happens on Suletta's very first day of school.

    Episode 2: Cursed Mobile Suit 
  • Miorine vents out her frustrations from her father's decisions in a bathroom by playing a mobile phone shooter game all while muttering "Die, die, die" over and over.
  • After Lady Prospera reveals her mechanical arm, she casually tosses it to the side like a ragdoll over to Vim who freaks out upon catching it. Talk about giving him a hand.
  • One can imagine how Delling must be feeling when not only Miorine called him out, but she also challenged him to a duel in front of everyone that he must accept or else he would be seen as a wishy-washy hypocrite for not following his own rules when it's convenient, followed immediately by Jeturk stepping in and rallying the other board members by presenting a reasonable counterpoint to him. How the tables have turned on him.
  • Despite the intensity that is the high stakes involved (Aerial getting scrapped and Suletta getting expelled), Suletta's reaction when Miorine tells her what is on the line if she loses is a sight to behold.

    Episode 3: Guel's Pride 
  • Miorine gets increasingly annoyed when hearing about Suletta's wishlist of things she wants to do in school, and when Suletta touches on wanting to go on dates, Miorine flicks her on the forehead and causes her to tumble about due to the lack of gravity, even calling her "sex-crazed" to top it all off. She later snarks about the date wish again while Suletta and Elan are exchanging contact details. The fact Miorine shows signs of being a Clingy Jealous Girl the moment Elan begins talking to Suletta is pretty funny considering she originally didn't want anything to do with Suletta a few episodes ago.
  • Suletta's reaction to finding out that her opponent in her second duel is going to be Guel again. Relief, since she already beat him once. Which she reiterates after their rematch is officially sanctioned. All while remaining the shy, stuttering mess she usually is, even hiding behind Nika when Guel gets angry at her. Her bizarre jog to Miorine's greenhouse afterward is hilarious as well.
  • When Guel tries to make excuses for losing, Suletta showcases some Brutal Honesty in a shy way by pointing out that he is still basically admitting he lost to which he really can't respond.
  • Suletta arrives at the battlefield and it seems her second duel with Guel is about to start, only for Elan to point out she still needs to recite the oath, with Miorine chewing her out for not remembering despite teaching it to her beforehand. As a result, Suletta does it very slowly, causing an impatient Guel to start reciting his part before she is finished.
  • When Miorine gets into a mobile craft to reach the malfunctioning sprinkler controls, she proves to still be an abysmal pilot, repeatedly crashing it into the walls and having to grab elevator cars to hitch a ride.
  • Remember that pose Suletta did after slapping Guel's ass two episodes ago? She actually strikes that pose again when activating her stave bits, meaning she wasn't cowering and was instead assuming a fighting stance. She was getting ready for a physical fight with Guel back then.
  • Petra and Felsi, having tampered with the sprinkler systems, are busy watching the duel on their student notebooks, when Miorine finds their room and smashes her mobile craft through the window, freaking the two girls out and making them comically cling to each other. Petra, despite trying to sabotage Suletta's duel, complains that using a mobile craft to come after them wasn't fair, which Miorine immediately calls her out on.
  • During the duel, the Earth House is watching it live, with Nika, Chuchu, and Martin among them. Chuchu and a boy, who is excitedly having another annoyed boy in a headlock, are loudly cheering and egging Suletta on to take down "the Spacian" Guel, with Martin meekly trying to remind them that Suletta isn't from Earth herself.
  • The fact that the Gundam Aerial takes out the Darilbalde with its chest. Yes, the Gundam Aerial took out her opponent with the robot equivalent of the Marshmallow Hell.
  • The moment Suletta wins her second duel, she gets bombarded with messages upon messages from the other students congratulating her on her victory, leaving her overwhelmed and asking Miorine for help.
  • After Suletta wins her second duel, she tries to call Miorine Mio-Mio, only for Miorine to tell her "denied". She tries other nicknames, but Miorine ends up rejecting them before she can even say them.
  • Suletta's second duel already has another suitor, this time Guel, proposing to her, complete with taking a knee and grasping her hand. Suletta is so shocked she can only make a Flat "What" (making this the third episode in a row that's ended this way).
  • The fact that all this stuff happened and Suletta hasn't even been to class yet.

    Episode 4: Unseen Trap 
  • Continuing from Episode 3:
    • Suletta rejects Guel in front of everyone on live TV with her screaming, running, then flying off on Aerial at high speed. This moment also reveals that Guel proposed without thinking. It isn't until after Suletta repeats his words back to him that he finishes processing what just came out of his mouth, at which point he panics and tries to walk it back. After Suletta flies off, he then hears a Haro talking and realizing this whole ordeal is being broadcasted, shouts at the Haro to turn the camera off.
    • The varying reactions of everyone watching: From Miorine's Flat "What", Shaddiq and Secilia laughing in amusement, to Vim and Lauda being flabbergasted at what Guel just said. Among Earth House students, Lilique is practically squeeing in delight while everyone else has a Jaw Drop of stunned disbelief. Lilique comments on how this was her first time seeing a proposal to which Martin adds it was the first time he saw a proposal getting rejected at the same time.
  • Later on in the episode, Guel clarifies that he didn't really mean to propose and that he doesn't actually like the country bumpkin. Rather than save any face, it just makes him sound like a Tsundere. Which also means that Suletta is two for two on such love interests. Miorine herself spends the entire scene looking very bored and uninterested, even as Suletta cowers behind her and Guel says his piece, already seeming to have accepted this as her new normal. As Guel leaves, an understandably confused Suletta proclaims she really doesn't understand him.
  • While Nika was introducing Suletta to members of the Earth House, Suletta gets spooked by Tycho the goat. She even expects the goat to be her spotter.
  • When Elan offers Suletta to join his house, Miorine intervenes telling Suletta that Elan is the enemy and that he too is after her. Elan flatly tells Miorine he is not the least bit interested in her, which she is fairly offended at.
  • We get a first look at Miorine's living quarters, which reveals she doesn't bother cleaning at all, with there being several garbage bags, empty instant noodle cups, and bottles.
  • As cathartic as it is watching Suletta's bullies get knocked out by Chuchu, the girl's small frame and out-there hairstyle makes for a comical disconnect with her belligerent attitude and how she's slugging other schoolgirls in the face, especially since she instantly knocks out one and resorts to headbutting the other.

    Episode 5: Reflection in an Icy Eye 
  • Ojelo and Nuno's gambling bets in this episode, first while watching Elan's duel against three pilots, and the second while watching Elan and Guel's duel. Ojelo loses his bet both times and the first time he loses 200 grand.
    • Which is probably intended to be a currency like the Japanese yen, meaning he'd be losing the equivalent of $1000-1500 USD. Still a hefty chunk of change, considering the Earthers are implied to be generally poorer than the major Spacian houses.
  • Everyone reacting to Suletta's mundane meeting with Elan like it's a date, mostly because Elan having a remote interest in anyone was the last thing anybody expected.
    • Miorine, upon hearing the news that Suletta was going to visit Elan dashes with her scooter to try to remind her he is their enemy. Till and Nika have no choice but to physically restrain her as she protests, with Miorine even saying "Don't you pull a Romeo and Juliet on me!".
    • Petra and Felsi, for their part, immediately run to Guel in a panic to tell him about Elan's date with Suletta.
      • Guel's panicked reaction at hearing Elan going on a date with Suletta and the fact that he immediately ran after them and didn't even change out of his workout clothes is also very funny, especially when you remember his very vehement denial of liking her not too long ago.
  • Suletta's stuttering gets the better of her when answering the phone, leading her to stutter "Muh-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-moshii!" (Which would be translated to being stuck on the "H" of "Hello!")
  • Suletta getting flustered in Aerial's cockpit when Elan gets close to her, with her expression suddenly becoming panicky after a delay.
  • Guel's condition should he wins the duel is for Elan to keep away from Suletta. When Suletta tries to object, he tells her that Elan is a member of the Three Houses, so thus he's an enemy. Suletta then points out that Guel is literally the head of his house so he's also an enemy by his logic.
  • While the act of Guel losing this duel isn't funny, the fact that he lost 3 times in 5 episodes is humorous in its own way.

    Episode 6: A Gloomy Song 
  • Earth House has to spend an exorbitant amount of its cash to build Suletta a thruster unit for her duel. Olejo and Nuno tell her that if she wins they can easily make their money back through gamblingnote , but when Suletta asks what happens if she loses, the two boys dourly tell her they'll all be bankrupt.
  • When Suletta announces that her stake in the duel is to know everything about Elan, the girls in Earth House take it she's asking for a Love Confession, making Lilique Squee.
  • As grim as Guel getting kicked out of his house is, seeing him moments later with a tent and enjoying a cup of coffee as if he was having a fun camping trip instead of being effectively disowned is hilarious, especially in contrast to the serious tone of the rest of the episode.
  • In response to the tender moment between Suletta and Elan following their duel, Nika asks Miorine if she's okay with it, given she and Suletta are engaged. Miorine casually states she's an "understanding bride" who can tolerate "some minor two-timing."

    Episode 7: Shall We Gundam? 
  • Miorine expressing her annoyance when Suletta complained about the red dress she borrowed from her was a little tight.
  • Suletta accidentally knocks a couple of glasses over, causing the waiters to clean up and check upon her in concern. Lauda who witnesses Suletta's clumsiness simply scoffs and walks away, while wondering how in the world did his brother fall for such a foolish woman like her.
  • When Miorine steps in to protect Suletta from being defamed by the Beneritt Group and Aerial from being scrapped, the first thing she notes is how Aerial has proven herself to be technologically superior to Jeturk and Peil's machines due to defeating them. Vim visibly starts shaking in fury upon her mentioning this.
  • In the middle of her presentation, when Miorine walks up closer to Suletta during the section recognizing Aerial as a Gundam: Suletta interrupts her, whispering to her that Aerial isn't a Gundam only for Miorine to give her a Big "SHUT UP!" as if conveying to her: "Shut up and let me save you!"
  • Shaddiq clearly enjoying himself over the theatrics present throughout the entirety of Miorine's presentation, treating the whole affair like one, big show.

    Episode 8: Their Choice 
  • Miorine (who just finished painting the company sign with Suletta) declares she will set up GUND-ARM Inc. at the Earth House dorm, with the students as her employees before anyone of them can say their piece first - all with an uncharacteristically enthusiastic tone in her voice and grin on her face. When Ojelo objects, she even points her airbrush gun at him at point-blank range telling him they will be properly paid. Suletta can only bow her head and apologize on Miorine's behalf.
  • Chuchu vents her frustrations on a piece of pipe using a buzzsaw attached to her mobile suit as she curses Miorine out.
  • Once again, Suletta's panicked face when Shaddiq asks Miorine to marry him for the sake of her new company, with the added bonus of putting up her attack pose too.
  • When Miorine shows up to present what she'd learned from Belmeria, Suletta excitedly runs and tries to hug her, causing her to hold her away by the face in annoyance.
  • Nuno and Ojelo having a fight over their views on the company is not funny by itself with the boys refusing even look in the same direction. The fact that they keep showing each other their back even when Miorine is showing everyone a video with Ojelo sitting with his back to the screen while everyone is facing it very much is.
  • Everything about Gund-Arm Inc.'s PR video: The editing is nothing short of laughable, with a very obvious cut and Aerial's (badly) green screen-inserted model dancing out of sync with Suletta, Earth House was similarly unable to cut out a goat that wandered onto the set (the goat's bleating can even be heard during the ad read at the end), and the absurd dance and jingle (which was sang by the Earth House, with some even going off-key) that Suletta has to do with the shoddy Aerial model is also hysterical, which is compounded by her looking more and more distressed as the video goes on (which, judging by how quickly the time of day changes, implies that Suletta had to do the dance repeatedly all day until they could just cobble together enough takes for one coherent cut). Even Prospera has a good laugh over it.
    • The English dub takes this further as the singing comes off as a bunch of students phoning it in while poor Suletta is clearly on her last nerve over all of this as she sounds so frustrated over it.

    Episode 9: If I Could Take One More Step Toward You 
  • When meeting to formally arrange the duel and its terms, Renee tells Lilique to join the team duel, saying she'll teach her "which one of us is better", which Lilique doesn't understand. In the duel proper, when the two clash, the reason behind Renee's beef is that her "12th backup boyfriend" asked Lilique out on a date. And when Lilique tells her that she turned him down, Renee still gets mad at her for "embarrassing" him, prompting a Big "WHAT?!" from the Earthian.
  • The student body is understandably excited to watch Grassley in action, but each female member has a dedicated Groupie Brigade that are head over heels for them. Special mention goes to Sabina's, which is full of girls, and Ireesha's, which is projecting her face onto what looks like a helipad.
  • Because Earth House's only real pilots are Suletta and Chuchu, others from the house have to fill out the remaining four slots for the team duel with Grassley. While Till and Lilique have no problems joining, with the latter even cheerfully volunteering because of Renee's challenge, the last two spots get taken up by Martin and Ojelo, who really don't want to be there. When the duel starts and Suletta asks Miorine for their strategy, Miorine casually suggests that Suletta use Martin and Ojelo as meat shields in case something goes wrong, much to the bafflement of the other Earth House students. Suletta immediately accepts but Ojelo clearly does not.
    Ojelo: You people are devils!
  • When Shaddiq and his team get the advantage and force Suletta to a corner, Lauda gets a little too excited at the prospect of Suletta losing, no doubt due to her being the reason for Guel's change which even freaks Secilia and Rouji out.
    Lauda: Down you go! Mercurian wench!
  • Shaddiq getting sniped right before he finishes off Suletta. He goes from acting high and mighty about proving Suletta is 'unworthy' of being by Miorine's side to getting his mobile suit's head sniped by Chuchu in a matter of seconds. Bonus points for it being Chuchu who Shaddiq dismissed as a 'sidekick' earlier. Chuchu smugly reminds Shaddiq he shouldn't have underestimated Earth House.
  • When Earth House comes out on top and wins the duel, Suletta steps out of Aerial afterwards to do the GUND-Arm Inc. dance and jingle to advertise the company. It's effectively the Gundam equivalent of teabagging or emoting on a defeated enemy's corpse.

    Episode 10: Circling Thoughts 
  • During the GUND test, Chuchu's hair gets in the way of Nika's vision, so she has to lift it out of the way to get a better view of Suletta's progress.
  • When Suletta is asked about whether she got a good spot for Earth House to film another PR video, Suletta has this to say, which, after a beat, causes everyone present, even Chuchu, to laugh. Chuchu laughs so hard she coughs.
    Suletta: Suletta... Forgetta.note 
  • Because Earth House occupies the Dueling Committee lounge for their GUND-Arm Inc. PR video, we get to Secelia and Rouji not lounging on the couch for the first time in the entire series. While Secelia is annoyed, Rouji geeks out over the prosthetic legs made with GUND Technology.
  • After running away from Asticassia, Guel finds employment as a lowly crewman on a cargo ship. While this isn't funny by itself, what is funny is that the cover name he's using now is just Bob. And on a darker note, after suffering so much humiliation at and ultimately disappearing from the school, Guel STILL can't catch a break at his new job since his ship gets taken hostage by Earthian terrorists.
  • There's something funny about Guel successfully managing to run away from Asticassia on his very first try, whereas Miorine has repeatedly tried and failed for what is likely years. Either he was able to do something she nor the security never thought of, or besides a few members of his former house, people don't care enough to pursue him.
  • The ship captain where Bob works just looks like a generic background character, until you learn that he's voiced by Kenji Hamada, the voice of Patrick Colasour.

    Episode 11: The Witches from Earth 
  • As Suletta finishes talking on the phone with Prospera, she is startled by someone loudly banging on the toilet door, opening it only to find Miorine standing there, furious. There's a brief moment of awkward silence before Suletta tries to shut the door in her face. This leads to a wild and wacky chase through the factory, with Miorine eating wall at least twice and Suletta bouncing around in a terrified panic.
    • In the English dub, as Suletta is struggling to close the door, she says the bathroom is occupied.
    • Said chase scene is initially triggered by Suletta accidentally knocking Miorine into a wall headfirst after they struggle over the closing door; Suletta tries to apologize only to see Miorine's very pissed off face, prompting her to start running for the hills.
    • Miorine struggles to keep up with Suletta, who is both more physically fit and experienced in traversing zero-G environments. When Miorine apparently stops to catch her breath, Suletta turns around to ask if she's okay, only for Miorine to quickly ensnare her in a bear hug as Suletta complains about her using an underhanded tactic. Miorine counters this by saying that it was "cunning".
    • While this scene is mixed with heartwarming, Miorine punching Suletta's stomach in frustration is rather funny; Suletta seems totally unaffected by Miorine's repeated hits to her body, only to be comically winded by the last one. Additionally, Suletta's face when Miorine tells her to clean her room for her screams This Is Gonna Suck.
    • The English dub version of the punch is doubly hilarious as Suletta is trying to apologize before she's slugged, letting out a comically painful groan as she tries to regain her breath.
  • Kenanji makes his first appearance since the prologue, having let himself go quite a bit in the 20 years since the Folksvangr incident to the point his subordinates question whether he can still fit into the cockpit of his mobile suit. Naturally he catches wind of it.

    Episode 12: Keep Marching On Instead Of Running Off 
  • During the Dawn of Fold's attack, one of Plant Quetta's mobile suit pilots notices that they are using physical bullets, which have been outlawed, and complains that they are polluting space. Comes across as extreme Skewed Priorities given that he is fighting for his life.
  • While the scene is dramatic, there is something mildly humerous in how Guel's main reason for not wanting to die is that he hasn't gotten over his crush on Suletta yet.
  • If one can ignore the utter nightmare fuel of the scene, Suletta slipping on the pile of red gore that used to be a human being and then laughing at herself for being clumsy can come across as her being a Heroic Comedic Sociopath.

Second Cour

    Episode 13: Envoys from the Earth 
  • One of the first things we see this episode is Felsi Rollo and Renee Costa striking up a rivalry, which is made hillarious by the fact that the two look and behave nearly identically. Renee also attempts to flirt with Rouji by getting close and asking him about Suletta's duels, who cowers behind his tablet and commands his Haro to do the talking.
  • Sophie's first appearance this season is to call Suletta "big sister" and immediately Glomp her. Suletta, while, very confused, quickly warms up to the idea and proudly claims she'll help them as such.
    • Pretty much Sophie in general. While the end of the first cour set it up as Sophie seeing Suletta as a Worthy Opponent, this episode reveals that Sophie actually just thinks Suletta is amazing and the coolest thing since sliced bread.
    • On their student IDs, Norea, true to form, is standing straight as a rod with a neutral expression. Sophie on the other hand is striking a pose and flashing a wide grin.
    • Sophie immediately makes herself comfortable at Earth House, having brought with her a pile of homemade plushies which she introduces as her family.
    • Suletta gives Sophie a tour of the campus, with Sophie clearly enjoying herself, including taking one of the practice bikes for a joyride (which Suletta is seen apologizing for) and stuffing herself with food at the cafeteria. Rouji's food specifically, having literally crawled across the table to reach it. She is later seen doing tricks on a Haro bike, and apparently kidnaps the Haro to add to her plushie collecion.
  • Elan 5 tries to ask Suletta out, only for Sophie to run past and drag Suletta with her as she's about to answer. Elan remarks that he has to change his approach. He then bumps into Norea, who gives a Tranquil Fury rant about how much she hates Asticassia, ending with "it makes me sick", complete with shots of her sketchbook which are filled with drawings of animal corpses, snakes, and decay. Elan thinks they're gonna get along well.
  • Suletta tries to stop Norea from killing Nika by challenging her to a duel, claiming they have to abide by school rules while attending. Norea points out that they don't care at all about said rules, and prepares to kill them both... only for Sophie to accept the challenge, much to Norea's frustration.

     Episode 14: What They Wish For 
  • At the Open Campus, some potential investors try to get a look at Earth House's GUND-ARM Inc. stand, only to run away due to being disgusted by the goat's milk the kids were trying to serve as refreshments.
  • Once again, Elan gets uncomfortably intimate with Suletta (even grabbing her in an inappropriate way), only for Sophie to show up out of nowhere to drag Suletta to the next distraction. Norea tells him she's sorry that his attempts at seducing Suletta are going poorly, while clearly not being all that sorry about it. The next scene shows that, while the last time might've been a mistake, this time Sophie was definitely screwing over Elan on purpose, thinking he's a creep.
    • Elan compares Norea to his predecessor, causing Norea to say he's irritating to deal with. Elan clearly takes this as a compliment, smiling and saying that Norea is pretty annoying herself.
  • Sophie tells Suletta what her stake in the duel is, meaning that somewhere off-screen someone had to explain dueling rules to her. She runs away just as Suletta is about to teach her the dueling oath.

     Episode 16: Cycle of Sin 
  • Secilia and Rouji are reading messages from departing students leaving Asticassia after the Dawn of Fold's terrorist attack. One such message that can be briefly seen, spelled entirely in caps is "IMMA HEAD OUT!"
  • Guel returns to the Benerit Group headquarters after last episode, and walks into Lauda's office. Lauda and Petra just stare at him, and Lauda drops his pen in shock. And then he gets up so fast that he passes out.
    Guel: Lauda, Petra. How have you been?
    • There had to be an offscreen moment of guards freaking out that Guel really returned. There is no way Guel would be allowed to just walk in without extensive security screening, especially considring the last two terrorist attacks. It also means that he told the guards not to phone ahead to inform Lauda.
    • There's also some incredibly dark humor to be found in Petra trying to gently break the news of Vim's death to Guel, who immediately tells her he already knows.
  • While Elan #5 being assaulted by Eri while trying to secure the Aerial is horrific, when Bel arrives to tell him he won't be able to operate it, he greets her while casually leaning back on a railing, as if he wasn't just screaming in pain from nearly getting killed by a Gundam just moments earlier.

     Episode 17: Precious Things 
  • While Guel's confession to Suletta is more of a heartwarming moment, her shocked confusion is absolutely hilarious, especially since they start to loudly argue over it while Guel tries to explain why he had previously said he didn't like her.
  • With most of the dueling comittee busy, Rouji handles the formalities of the duel. Or rather, he has his Haro robot handle it for him, standing perfectly quiet while the Haro recites the script.
  • Felsi gets on Petra's case for not telling her Guel had come back sooner, and Petra sheepishly says that she and Lauda couldn't think of a better time to break the news earlier. Another girl then teases Petra about her relationship with Lauda, flustering her.
  • After Elan #5 escapes to the Grassley house, he is shown sitting in a room with Norea and Nika. Norea wastes no time trying to stab him with a pencil while calmly asking him to get in a Gundam and die already, and #5 still maintains his casual attitude despite nearly being stabbed. The sheer audacity to hide in his enemy's house to escape his superior's wrath is darkly comedic in and of itself.

     Episode 18: Our Empty Selves 
  • Lauda, along with Felsi and Petra, shows up to Miorine's greenhouse apparently just to rub Guel's victory in Suletta's face. Chuchu is about to get physical when Lauda reveals the actual reason he came there: To thank her for saving him during the Rumble Ring, a sentiment Felsi echoes with a more genuine "thank you". Chuchu is so stunned that she just stands there for a moment before shaking it off and angrily stomping the ground while yelling that that has nothing to do with anything.
    • Felsi's "thank you" is exactly the same nervous, stuttering tone Suletta uses most of the time.
  • In the middle of this otherwise relatively somber episode is the levity of Martin confessing his sin of snitching on Nika to a Haro. The scene gets even more ridiculous when the wall behind Haro opens (to a brief musical jingle) revealing Secilia, who calls him a double-crossing rat, with Martin throwing himself against the opposite wall in shock.
  • At the start of the series, Guel talked about his dream of becoming an ace pilot of the Dominicus Corps. Now, he gets to meet former-ace and current commander, Kenanji Avery, and is comically shocked by the man's opulent figure and light-hearted mannerisms. Probably far removed from the image he had of a personal hero he aspired to be.
  • Miorine winds up frequently shrieking in exasperation having to deal with Prospera, who seems all-too-delighted to continue messing with her at every opportunity.
  • Intentional or not, there's something distinctly humorous about Miorine's absolutely baffled reaction to the incomplete Schwartzette.
  • Elan #5 assures Norea that the secret of Grassley and Dawn of Fold's relationship is safe with him because he's such a tight-lipped person. He then immedidately proceeds to blab about all of Peil Technologies' secrets in a casual conversation with minimal prompting from Nika.

     Episode 19: Not The Best Way 
  • While it was just a ploy to frustrate him enough to tell her his true feelings on ratting out Nika, Secelia's "counseling" for a guilty Martin is hilariously petty, blackmailing the boy into doing her nails while threating to reveal his secret, and seemingly not bothering to remember Nika's name to push his buttons even further.
  • Kenanji admits that he doesn't like being on Earth; girthy as he is, the higher gravity weighs down on him extra hard.
  • Despite Suletta's depression due to the last two episodes, even she can't ignore her grumbling stomach and tries to get a bite from the fridge, and tries to eat ham straight out of the container. Cue Chuchu walking in on her, with Suletta's face looking like a child being caught taking cookies from the jar.
  • Nika's What Is Going On? reaction to Norea breaking down crying in Elan#5's arms really highlights how totally out of her depth she is and what a bizarre relationship she's third wheeling in the storage room.

     Episode 20: The End of Hope 
  • In what is otherwise one of the darkest episodes in the series, there’s a moment of levity to be had in Chuchu using the butt of her beam rifle as a club against the Gundvolvas.
  • When Chuchu, naturally brusquely but otherwise non-maliciously, calls for Felsi's help, but never learned the latter's name, she just calls her "Spacian". Felsi has a Delayed Reaction before being slightly indignant towards "taking orders from an Earthian", leading to their Back-to-Back Badasses moment.
    • Felsi apparently forgot Chuchu's name, or just doesn't respect her enough to use it, since she calls her "the pom-pom head". Which seems to have become Chuchu's default nickname for people outside the Earth House since Secelia calls her that too.
  • Before that, at the start of the episode, Secelia and Rouji interrogate Martin, who merely wanted to report to them of his mended bridges with his House, about Aerial's attack on Earth. What makes it especially funny is Rouji's use of his Haro, which flashes a red light from his eyes as if it was some kind of Agony Beam. Even better, one of the episode's preview images on Twitter was the frontal shot of the Haro using its red lights, drawing comparisons to the common meme of people's eyes flashing brightly, and eliciting surprise that it wasn't an edited image like most uses of the meme are.

    Episode 21: What We Can Do Now 
  • Rouji accepts a tomato from Suletta without a word while his Haro thanks her.
  • At the end of the previous episode Elan #5 had escaped from Lfrith Ur and fans presumed that he was plotting revenge in deep space. This episode reveals that he's still in Asticassia, eavesdropping on Suletta's conversation while munching on a power bar with Brahe (the Yak) for company.

     Episode 22: The Woven Path 
  • The episode begins with Chuchu literally begging Secelia for the use of Burion's Demi-Barding prototype. Followed by Secilia agreeing on the condition that Earth House pay for the repairs if it gets damaged - which freaks out Martin at the prospect of paying so much.
  • Rouji's lack of social skills continues to be played for laughs, with him needing his Haro to say "You're welcome" to Nika.
  • Felsi is barred from leaving with the Jeturk contingent by Guel so she grabs hold of Ojelo and begs him to let her come along with Earth House, much to Ojelo's consternation. Later, when she sees Guel, she hides behind Suletta in the same way Suletta hid behind Petra when facing Guel in the first episode.
  • The same bullies that Chuchu had punched out in episode 4 reappear helping Aliya take care of Earth House's animals. They complain that the list of animal-related tasks are longer than a mobile suit manual, prompting a confused reaction from Aliya.
  • Guel loses another duel against Suletta, this time an actual fencing duel. Guel's reaction, however, shows how much he's gotten used to taking losses at this point and just gives Suletta back the Holder colors while calling himself a fool. If anything, he appears to be relieved that Suletta defeated him again.
    • That or Guel eventually came to find the idea of Holder duels stupid.
    • Suletta doing a Stab the Sky Victory Pose after she win the duel.
  • Martin’s moment of being willing to put himself in danger to help with the battle against Quiet Zero is cut short by the fact he needs motion sickness medicine.

     Episode 23: Unrelenting Tenderness 
  • While Martin being frightened makes sense given the situation, his constant undignified screaming and even calling out to his mother is hilarious.
  • After boarding Quiet Zero, Chuchu is quick to show her Hot-Blooded enthusiasm to get the show on the road and needs to be held back.
  • Right after Kenanji hands Belmeria a gun under the logic that none of the kids should have one, Elan #5 immediately pulls out a gun of his own that he somehow snuck in. Chuchu even asks outright where the hell he got it from, and he just snaps that it doesn't matter.
  • While trying to shut down Quiet Zero:
    • Miorine types in the password and gets an error. Belmeria gives it a go, but capitalizes the first letters of each word, which still fails, but is a funny detail. Even in the future, passwords are case-sensitive!
    • In the same failed attempt, Belmeria also puts in a period at the end of the password as well, as if said password required special (non-alphanumeric) characters.
    • During all of this, Prospera in the background outright mocks the two of them for thinking she wouldn't change the password they already knew.
    • A Freeze-Frame Bonus bit during Miorine's attempt at gaining backdoor access to Quiet Zero: the icon shown beside the username "Notrette" is a red tomato.
  • Felsi pulling a Big Damn Heroes to stop Guel's mobile suit from exploding... while also calling out both brothers in having their big dramatic conflict in the middle of everyone trying to stop Quiet Zero from taking over the whole solar system.
  • Lady Prospera has no words and can only offer a Death Glare when Miorine tells her that they’ll be family after she marries Suletta. It is even funnier that for all of Lady Prospera’s previous trolling, she is unable to make any kind of comeback towards Miorine. For the first time, her future daughter-in-law got one over on her.

    Episode 24: May All Blessings Find Their Way to You, I'm Wishing It 
  • When a shocked Miorine calls out the names of her captured friends on Quiet Zero, she neglects to call Martin's name, who haplessly reminds her that he's there too while at gunpoint.
  • The looks on the Peil CEOs' faces when Elan resigns. And of course, his resignation is as delightfully smarmy as one would expect of him.
    Elan Ceres: To: [Peil CEOs], Subject: My Resignation; Thanks for everything. I’m sick of all of you and am quitting Peil. Best wishes, Elan Ceres
  • In a callback to the first episode and their first meeting, Miorine accidentally knocks her helmet into Suletta’s which causes her to wake up after previously being unresponsive to Miorine’s words. Mixed with heartwarming as Miorine tearfully calls Suletta an idiot, and she should reply to her sooner.
  • When Eri is traveling with Miorine, the annoyed expression she has on her face says it all as Eri tells her to listen to her sister-in-law. Mixed with heartwarming because it doesn’t seem like Miorine hates these annoyances either.
  • The look on Guel’s face as he's discussing business with Elan and Secelia. For as far as he's come, ultimately he's wound up not far off from where he started, as he's still being mercilessly taunted by the Dueling Committee's resident mean girl and now has to contend with someone who's just as bad as her on top of that.
  • While Elan #5 spending his time Walking the Earth to find the lake Norea had drawn is heartwarming, something must be said for how he's gone three years without managing to find it. He even complains about Norea not actually specifying the location of the lake in her notebook as he sets off for the next one.
  • The Peil quartet are seen having tea together with very disgruntled expressions on their faces while watching the Benerit Group proceedings, demonstrating hilariously bad hairstyle and fashion senses.
  • Chuchu and Rouji are now coworkers, and Rouji is apparently prone to changing her suit's specs without telling her, pissing her off in the process. And in one such case of Chuchu chewing him out, he claims her words could count as harassment, prompting a Big "WHAT?!" from her.
  • As sweet as it is to see Suletta play with some children in a field, a closer inspection reveals that one boy has taken one of her crutches, and Suletta is shakily chasing him.
  • Even after three years, Miorine is baffled by Eri’s existence in Suletta’s keychain. Even funnier is that Eri is content to spend her new lease on life poking fun at Miorine by nagging her like an Obnoxious In-Law, despite otherwise looking like a kid and doing this as a keychain.


  • Box art for the High-Grade 1/144 Demi Trainer Gunpla features three of the suit(s) in question in a bombastic action scene, with one of them face-planting into the ground.
  • The Audio Drama "What Miorine Wants" has Chuchu challenging Miorine to a duel over Tycho and Brahe's manure. To reduce the risk, they wind up having a goat-milking duel, with the typical duelling BGM heard in mobile suit duels playing as Martin acts as witness.
    Martin: "Both parties, state your case!"
    Miorine: "Victory will not be determined solely by the condition of the goat…"
    Chuchu: "…nor solely by the skill of the milker."
    Both: "Only the result is the truth."
    Martin: "FIX RELEASE!"
  • The drama CD also has a scene showing that Jeturk House took Guel getting kicked out on the chin, and even camped with him and asked for advice. Guel is even heard helping one of his fellow students try to properly roast a marshmallow.
  • A skit is put on to celebrate the Mercury Magnetosphere Explorer “Mio” starring Suletta and Miorine. Miorine realizes the probe has the same name as Suletta’s nickname for her. Suletta thinks it’s fate, but Miorine thinks it’s just a coincidence.
  • When the Gundam Aerial's model kits proved to be a sell-out success, stores in Japan resorted to replacing them on the shelves with bags of Aerial corn snacks in a sort of absurdist gag. And then the makers of Aerial snacks started an official collaboration with the show.
  • During the initial run of the show, the cast's Twitter shenanigans made for some excellent laughs.
    • To start off, scriptwriter Okouchi tweeted about watching Episode 5 whilst enjoying a nice bag of Elan-branded grilled corn Aerial snacks. For those who finished Episode 5, this was (and is) prime Black Comedy.
    • Then, when Guel was kicked out of the Jeturk dorm and started camping out on the school grounds, his voice actor Yohei Azakami tweeted... a photo showing that he had just gone on a camping trip.
    • Suletta's forgetful tendencies and struggles with the editing software combine in the release of a message from GUND-Arm Inc. recorded by Miorine to thank the people that supported the creation of the company... which is completely uncut and ends with her telling Suletta to edit the video well. Lynn's reaction says it all.
