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Funny / Mass Defect

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  • The intro. The Heavy inadvertantly creates a Dead Space homage at a poor astronaut's expense, eventually with him and his fart-powered space bike being launched by a mass relay into the Enterprise...which promptly destroys him.
  • Bill's older brother. "COCK EATER!"
  • When Shepard is having a really hard time on the toilet. I mean, HE'S SCREAMING. Later, we find out HE FELL ASLEEP on the toilet.
  • Shepard's habit of randomly flying around instead of walking.
  • "You really fucking suck at this game."
  • "EDI" is in general a funny character in its roots of affable villainy and outright snark. It having the face of the Yes Man and the voice of a text-to-speech processor makes it all the more funny. It establishes its purpose in this video from the get-go.
  • When Shepard plays Amnesia at night despite the warnings of EDI, he runs into a grunt and after much screaming and intensity dies in-game. For some reason, he also dies in real life. However, in this video Death Is Cheap, so he comes back.
  • The nightmare Shepard has where a virus is detected causing Gabe Newell to appear on his computer and eventually come out of the screen.
    "...simply press your primary fire again to stop the commentary."
  • The different names Shepard gets called, such as "Commander Shitface" and "Commander Titfuck".
  • This moment:
    "EDI": Want me to page you through to the council?
  • "It is written--only Commander Shepard can defeat furfags."
    • "Great, I'll grab my stuff!" *gropes Liara's boobs*
  • The 100% done look on Shepard's face after he purchases a carton of milk and only a little bit comes out.
  • The pair of classy servant grunts wearing top hats and monocles. The best part is when they spot Shepard. "Fregley, get into character, QUICK!"
  • The start of Friday is played out The Sims-style. The commands for Shepard to get out of bed are "hi", "idk", "Wake up n shit", and "JAYSUN". The commands for Shepard to make breakfast are "Make pancakes", "Make pancakes", "Take cancer and die", and "Put dick in oven".
    • Shepard stirs his pancakes so quickly it spills over the stove and sets on fire, killing Shepard. It turns out to be an actual game played by Shepard himself, who then says the best line:
    Shepard: I don't even know this guy.
    • Shepard hears a telephone ringing all the way at the end of the hall, so he grabs Liara to make the pancakes for him and runs right through the wall. When Liara tries making the pancakes, the same thing occurs, but now Shepard arrives and kicks her burning corpse out of the way, not even noticing the fire.
  • This scene:
    Norman Jayden:"I'm here to see Pahkouh."
    Norman Jayden:"Pahkouh."
    Norman Jayden:"Tahkouh."
    Bouncer:"Taco? There ain't no one named Taco here, fella. Get lost!"
  • Shepard announces to the Normandy crew that they're going to the Citadel for milk...or rather, whoops and hollers it like a cowboy firing his gun in the air causing everyone else to go hog wild and completely ventilate the entire room (except Jacob sulking in the corner,) shooting the cameraman Ellis all the while.
    Ellis: Y'all know you shot me right?
  • When the crew goes to the Citadel to buy milk, Garrus imagines how things would go if he bought the milk. The Heavy cashier mis-scans the Spy's item, refuses Garrus' payment and goes nuts, shooting everyone in sight before turning the gun on himself. So he gets Shepard to do it. Shepard promptly manages to purchase said milk with absolutely no problem whatsoever, leaving a most priceless disbelieving look on Garrus' face. And then Heavy puts the gun to his head when everyone's gone anyway.
  • During the Thursday run, after he's attacked by the Grunts the first time, Shepard's found sleeping in a cell. The camera then pans over to a couple of other prisoners (one being Bill's Brother) in the cell next to him. Bill's Brother smacks his cellmate aside then tries to burrow through the wall to Shepard's cell in the most balls to the walls fashion possible. There's no way to describe it accurately, it has to be seen to be believed.
    • While Shepard is in the mansion from Amnesia, a quick argument between Francis and Bill from Left 4 Dead is heard
    Francis: "Bill, quit shooting me!"
    *More gunshots*
    Bill: "Nah"
