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Funny / Killer Klowns from Outer Space

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It's a movie about aliens from outer space who look like clowns going after humans who don't know any better. Of course it's gonna have these moments.
  • The fact that almost nobody bats an eye at "clowns" who look too deformed and weird to even be considered regular clowns.
  • The Klown's gadgets are humorously creative and silly-looking.
  • At the beginning of the movie, Mooney waits for a citizen named Bob Mcreed to walk by his car. Once he does, Mooney, being the Jerkass he is, calls him a 'little son of a bitch' and drives away. Bob later quips 'cops'.
  • Officer Mooney is basically this since he's such a Rabid Cop that his antics are actually quite amusing.
  • If you don't find the Terenzi Brothers aggravating, then they are a good source of comedy since they are so desperate for sex and seem to have nothing ever go right for them.
    • Every time they fight.
    • When they come by lover's lane to pick up girls with their ice cream truck, it doesn't take long for the poor saps to get relentlessly mocked and tormented by the couples there. Mike simply finds this amusing since they are somehow his best friends from high school.
      • Then there's this bit afterwards.
      Rich Terenzi: Great idea, Paul. Everybody loves ice cream.
      Paul Terenzi: What do you mean? It was your idea. Hey, why don't we just park here for a while?
      Stacy: Hey, what are you guys trying to pull here?
      Rich Terenzi: Well, we thought we'd park here for a while.
      Tracy: You said we could have all the ice cream we wanted, but you didn't say anything about parking.
      Rich Terenzi: I told you they weren't that stupid.
      Stacy: We want you to take us home right now.
      Tracy: Yeah.
      Paul Terenzi: Take it easy. Keep your shirt on.
      Stacy: Don't worry. We intend to.
      Rich Terenzi: Well, this worked out just great.
      Paul Terenzi: Don't blame me. I didn't want to come here. Hey, why don't we try the drive-in?
      Rich Terenzi: Oh, that's dumb. Hey, wait a minute. What's playing?
    • Why are they ice cream men? So they could pick up fat girls.
    • They can be persuaded with promises of sex and hot girls. This is how Mike gets them to cooperate with the Klown invasion later in the film. Wow.
    • Halfway through the movie, they forget to engage the parking brake while on a hill, causing the truck to careen down the hill. Their dates use this as a chance to escape without paying for the ice cream.
      Rich Terenzi: Paul, get the truck!
      Paul Terenzi: What about the girls?
      Rich Terenzi: Forget about the girls. They eat too much.
      Paul Terenzi: They didn't pay for the ice cream!
      Rich Terenzi: So what? The truck's getting away!
  • Farmer Green's rage is a sight to behold.
  • When we see our first Klown, Jumbo, stumbling across Farmer Green, he gives a smile to the farmer who smiles back... then Jumbo pulls out his cotton candy cocoon gun, laughs evilly, then shoots Green who gives a funny sounding scream.
  • Mooney going nuts over two kids who were simply drinking in town rather than on campus.
  • Mike's joke about what might be in the tent while they're still under the impression the circus is just in town.
    Mike: Come see the amazing Miss 50:50, half man half woman, the perfect double date.
  • When Mike and Debbie find the cotton candy cocoons, the way Debbie says nobody stores cotton candy like that makes it sound like she knows the machinations of a cotton candy factory. Then there's Mike saying they do as if he works at a cotton candy factory himself.
  • When Debbie and Mike hide from Rudy, Mike finds Joe Lombardo's corpse and his face looks way too silly, almost as if he was sticking his tongue out.
  • When the Klowns chase our protagonists, one of the Klowns, Rudy, for whatever reason, uses a bazooka that shoots popcorn, and the other, Spikey, makes a balloon dog that comes to life and barks and howls like a real dog.
  • After the Klowns get ran over by the car that was used by Mike and Debbie to get away, Spikey gets up, looks at the camera, then looks at Bibbo who is lying on the floor after getting ran over... only for Bibbo to get back up like nothing happened.
  • Spikey managing to kill a man through.... a puppet show. At first the man seems unamused but willing to humor whoever does the show but eventually he actually seems to enjoy it. But then he sees a gigantic clown coming out of the set and just stands there rather than running. The man is not really a bright bulb.
  • The entire pharmacy scene, all of it.
    • It starts with Rudy walking down the street and when he sees two teenage girls coming towards him, he pretends to be another stand similar to the gorilla animatronic next to the store. The girls simply comment on his weird looks and enter the store.
    • Shorty takes a visit to the pharmacy and he and Rudy check out some of the objects for sale. It almost verges in being oddly adorable because it shows a curious animal side in the Klowns' personality instead of being one-note monsters. It also has Mr. Myers being utterly horrified and confused by the weird looking strangers causing chaos in his store which is just priceless.
      • As Rudy walks around the store, the clumsy Klown accidentally knocks down some umbrellas. We then see him checking out some pharmaceutical items and he takes a packet from a stand. The stand then falls down.
      • We then see Rudy and Shorty basically flinging items that don't pique their interest to the side and when Shorty finds some shaving cream, he accidentally sprays some in Rudy's face which makes Rudy groan as if it was actually hurting him and fall backwards.
      • Then Shorty finds some powder and opens it to sniff some, only for him to sneeze and cause the powder to spread all over the place. Rudy's face is also still covered in shaving cream during this scene which makes the scene more hilarious.
      • By the end of the Klowns' shopping spree, we see Rudy putting a whole bunch of items on the counter all while he wears a weird hat on his weird head in front of Myers who calls Officer Mooney right before Rudy kills Myers.
  • A girl we see opens her door to see Bibbo in front of her holding a pizza box. The weird voice in which Bibbo says "Pizza!" is amazing. Rather than shut the door or call the police, she simply stands there and says "Huh, pizza?" and the Klown nods. Then Chubby and Rudy join in followed by Shorty popping out of the box and killing the girl with a cotton candy cocoon gun.
    • We then see an elderly woman getting a box of chocolates by Fatso and when her back is turned, he takes aim with his cotton candy cocoon gun only for him to frown for some reason. Perhaps the Klown is sickened by affection, or was meant to convey a "That's sweet, isn't it, Ma'am?? Alright, fun's over..." Mood Whiplash.
  • Officer Mooney not believing the Klown threat no matter how many calls he gets.
    "Well you don't need the police, pal. You need a psychiatrist!"
  • Shorty in his tricycle coming across a motorcycle gang who are all amused by "Big bad Jojo comin' into town!" One of the members asks for a ride and Shorty declines though when he asks to honk the horn and Shorty accepts (as if the Klown actually wanted to do something nice for a change), the gang member breaks the tricycle just to be a dick. After some crying over his tricycle by Shorty, he jumps out of the scene and comes back with boxing gloves saying "Put up your dukes!" in a weird voice. When the biker asks "What are you gonna do? Knock my block off?" Shorty proceeds to do just that and the biker gang flees.
    • The little spin Shorty does for no reason when trying to fight the biker is a bit amusing.
    • The way one of the bikers says "Damn!" after witnessing a literal decapitation happen in front of him.
  • When Jumbo decides to lure a child so he can kill her with a mallet, he comes quite close... only for the girl's mother to take her back to her table to finish her food. Jumbo's annoyance is quite comedic especially since he makes a hilariously angry roar at being denied a kill.
  • Slim killing the driver with his invisible car falls more into the comedic spectrum of this Horror-Comedy given how absurd it looks, like something straight out of The Gmod Idiot Box.
  • Slim making Impossible Shadow Puppets to capture the group of people waiting for the bus. How impossible you may be wondering? Well at one point, he makes a shadow puppet of Washington crossing the Delaware. Doubly so since he makes a whole bunch of complex shadow puppets right before going for the T-rex shadow puppet kill as if he was actually enjoying himself right before he remembered his whole 'killing people' mission.
  • "Well it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a lame prank like this to get Curtis Mooney to throw in his badge, so fuck you! Over."
  • Jumbo's interaction with Mooney right before it gets dark.
    • When Jumbo first enters Mooney's office, this is what Mooney says:
      Officer Mooney: Whoopty God damn da doo!
    • Jumbo spraying water from flowers onto Mooney's face. Then when Mooney is about to open his eyes, Jumbo sprays him again. Mooney is not pleased.
    • Jumbo taking off his cuffed hands and regrowing new hands afterwards.
    • When Mooney has his back turned while opening the cell, Jumbo makes fun of him by putting his thumb on his nose and wiggling his fingers yet stops as soon as Mooney turns around to see if he's doing anything.
    • Jumbo's weird waddle when entering his cell.
    • Mooney's death is Nightmare Fuel, but one of the cellmates asking what Jumbo is in for after witnessing Jumbo killing him loops it right back around to hilarity.
  • When Debbie hears knocking at her door and Mike calling her only to find out it's Slim imitating his voice and slams the door shut, the Klown knocks again much faster to the point it sounds like a jackhammer.
    • When Debbie tries to escape her house through her window, she sees Rudy, Shorty, Chubby, and Bibbo holding a tiny trampoline for her to land on. What sells this scene is that they are all wearing fire fighter hats as pictured above.
  • Once the ice cream truck stops during a chase with the Klown's car and Dave gets in the truck, Rich tries to pretend to be ill so as to not get in trouble with Dave.
  • When the Klowns arrive at the amusement park, the security guard tries to get them to leave since it was closed. However, in true clown fashion they get out of the car despite it being shown to not be that big on the outside to fit all those Klowns in it all while the guard watches in shock and surprise. Then they take out pies and show them to the guard who asks "What are you gonna do with those pies, boys?" Why, throw it at him of course! But since the pies are acidic, the poor sap melts.
    • Then when the Klowns enter the Big Top, Shorty puts a literal cherry on top of the melted guard right before he enters.
  • When the Terenzi Brothers fall in a ball pit, they meet two female Klowns who's erm... "assets" grow.
    Paul Terenzi: Are you Debbie's roommates?
  • When Mike, Debbie, and Dave run into an elevator to get away from Bibbo and Spikey, as soon as it closes the Klowns both hilariously bang on the elevator door as if that would do anything to open the elevator.
  • When Dave slides down the pole after Mike and Debbie do so, they ask why they stopped at a certain floor, only to be greeted by a creature with a Flower Mouth biting on the pole. Dave says it was a good reason.
  • The overall weird layout the Klown's ship. What's the point of that corridor filled with balloons, really?
  • When Mike, Debbie, and Dave stop at a colorful door, Mike tries to open it only to find another door, then another door? Another door? Then he finally finds a door that actually leads to another room.
  • The Terenzi Brothers trying to pass off as the Klown's leader. They do a horrible job at it yet the Klowns still believe them.
  • When Klownzilla comes out, Paul, completely frightened, says this:
    Paul Terenzi: I don't wanna play here, can we go home now?
  • Then there's this gem:
    Dave: Everyone out of the truck! Come on!
    Paul Terenzi: We can't! It's rented!
  • The Terenzi Brothers try to honk at Klownzilla to make him back off yet it only seems to piss him off since he starts beating up the truck before throwing it and causing it to explode.
  • How did the Terenzi Brothers survive the truck explosion? They hid in the freezer with the ice cream. Don't question it too much.
