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Funny / Joe Dirt

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  • After getting his foot trapped in some railroad track with a train inbound, Brandy's dad tells Charlie the dog to get help from Joe and Brandy. So Charlie runs off, and the guy hopes that he makes it in time...cut to Charlie mating with a female dog along with the song "Atomic Dog."
  • Buffalo Bob, a parody of Buffalo Bill, who holds Joe captive.
    Buffalo Bob: It puts the lotion on! You have no idea what kind of hell I CAN BRING YOU!!!
    • Joe, in his hole in Buffalo Bob's basement, checks out a car magazine while his captor strikes a pose.
    • And all subsequent scenes have people asking about what they'd heard Bob did to Joe.
  • All of Clem's scenes, really.
    • His introductory scene, where he tells Joe his fake Backstory and his hot wife.
    • Later, he's seen dancing in the hallway while mopping the floor, then stops and talks to a wall-mounted fire hose:
      Clem: What you say? Whoa! You're talkin' to me all wrong. It's the wrong tone. You do it again, I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron! Is that right? Let me tell ya something', huh? Does your mother sew? BOOM! Get her to sew that!
    • After he rescues the kids in the science classroom from killer mustard gas and everyone starts hailing him as a hero, Clem makes them praise Joe as the hero instead.
    • A brilliant bit of Black Comedy: Clem, revealed to be a crime boss in witness protection, killed his attackers as he supposedly died.
    • Clem's new alias at the end: "Gert B. Frobe."
    • "Hey! You’re talkin' to my guy all wrong. It’s the wrong tone. Do it again, I’ll stab you in the face with a soldering iron."
  • After Clem's Disney Death, Joe talks to his supposedly dead body about how he's in Heaven with his wife now and starts listing all her sexy physical qualities...while the sheet covering Clem slowly begins to rise in the middle.
  • While Joe holds a bunch of tourists hostage with a supposed "atom bomb":
    • Joe points to an attractive woman and says, "Now you! Show me them boobies!"
    • When the sheriff realizes that the "atom bomb" is actually a camper's septic tank, he takes a hammer to the top and poop starts pouring over Joe.
      Joe: (at an outdoor shower) I got the poo on me!
  • Joe finds his family home, but it's been abandoned for 15 years. So he sits on the dilapidated swing in the front yard... which promptly breaks, dropping him flat on his back.
    • He only learns how long the house had been abandoned from a man with a very thick Cajun accent (Farmer Fran from The Waterboy), who eventually gives him sound advice.
      Cajun Man: Nah, home is where you make it.
      Joe: Ya like to see homos naked?
      Cajun Man: (Repeats it more firmly) Home. Is where you make it.
      Joe: You like to see homos naked, that's cool man, whatever.
      Cajun Man: (frustrated) No, no, no, no! Home is where you make it! Home! Where you make it.
      Joe: Oh!
      Cajun Man: Ev'body know that. Goddamn, boy. (walks away)
      Joe: Guy likes to see homos naked. That doesn't help me.
  • Joe meets an old woman who tells him her ex-husband was a police sketch artist before he died, and when Joe expresses his condolences, she responds with an utterly casual, “Nah, I killed him.”
  • The flashbacks to Joe as a child. Seeing Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle with a mullet.
