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Funny / How It's Actually Made

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The show's a How It's Made parody about a Know-Nothing Know-It-All snarky Unreliable Narrator who zig-zags between being serious and mercilessly throwing bullshit while talking. Needless to say, this is to be expected.




  • Huggbees makes it clear in the description:
  • The video starts fairly normal, with the Narrator speaking about the wood sheets for the skateboards. And then...
    Narrator: The sheets are put through industrial rollers to make sure there is no leftover wood juice left in them. This could make the skater sick if they choose to drink it.
  • Workers then stack 35 of the sheets together and place them in a hydraulic press lock to prevent would-be thieving employees from stealing the wood and selling it on the Black Market.
  • "The press applies 44 tons of pressure, causing the sheets to reach peak arousal, as evidenced by the substance coming out of the sides".
  • "It's time to prepare the skateboards for consumption"note .
  • The decks are aerated in order to prevent spoilage and then the employees contour each deck individually, by running each deck against a cutting blade until they have the final shape...or, at least, that last part is what the original How It's Made episode says.
    Narrator: [The skateboards] are given a practice run by an employeenote .
  • "The skateboards are then massaged by a licensed masseuse. A tense and tight board tends to crack easier than a relaxed one".



Hot Dogs.




Rubber Bands.


  • The description:
    I've heard of China before, this is totally accurate.
  • In general, the Narrator tends to confuse "china" as a synonym for porcelain, and the country of China, so he tells the process of procelain objects as a video about Chinese culture.
  • "China as we know it today was invented in 1949, when communist revolutionary leader Mao Zedong officially declared its creation following the Chinese Civil War, as seen in this sketch". The sketch in question is a man drawing a teapot.
  • The Narrator treating the making of a negative made of plaster for the china teapot body as a description of Chinese policy.
  • We then see three mineral rocks.
    Narrator: The three current rulers of China are legendary Shaolin warriors: Feldspath, Kaolin and Quartz.
    • Then, a piece of their souls is imbued in each bit of Chinese manufacturing.
  • We then see a worker filling the substance in the vase-shaped negative for the teapot, which the Narrator treats it as a national sport of China called "filling the oddly-shaped bucket".
    • The recently-formed body of the teapot is apparently the trophy for first prize hidden inside the lucky winner's bucket.
  • The Narrator then treats the making of the teapot's spout as the making of Chinese toilets.
    Narrator: Toilets in China are very, very tiny, because 95% of Chinese people don't have an anus. The 5% who do are known as "butt-boys".
  • The spout is then cleaned up with a sponge.
    Narrator: After viewing this footage, please remind me to teach you about sexual education in China.
  • Twelve holes are made in the teapot's body, which the Narrator treats it as China's time measurement hole-punch system.
    Narrator: Right now, it's about twelve o'clock.
  • Meanwhile, a robot is being created, at least, according to the Narrator.
    Narrator: Here you can see them bleed, sweat...
    (A hydraulic press is approaching slowly to the robot)
    Narrator: ...and die.
    • "If you feel bad for the robot who was just killed and had his face fashioned into a dinner plate... don't. He was a racist".

Solid Tires.

Pre-Packaged Sandwiches.

Worcestershire Sauce.

Canola Oil.

Swiss Cheese.

  • Apparently, cows need to be aroused before they're milked.
  • Uncle Gary handles quite a bit of the cheese-making process in his cabin which, according to the Narrator, he bought to get away from his stupid, fat wife.
  • Uncle Gary uses a dustpan to remove some of the milk curd from the pot before revealing that he has two dustpans.
    Narrator: Oh, now he's got two dustpans! Well, fuck off, Uncle Gary, you good-for-nothing showboat.
    • One last jab at Uncle Gary's dustpans.
      Narrator: Uncle Gary, you are so bad at sweeping, it's unreal.
  • According to the Narrator, Uncle Gary washing his hands is pointless because he'd just spent ages "molesting" the cheese base beforehand.
  • Pushing down on the cheese curds is described by cheese makers as a "Swiss Orgasm".
  • Even though the two cheese makers are heterosexual, the Narrator is confident that the cheese-makers cinematic universe fanbase will ignore that and write homosexual fanfiction of them.
