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Funny / Head of State

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  • Mays questioning about being the President by asking which America.
  • When Mays' ex-girlfriend appears at rallies or events, Mays will call, "Security!" and she is then dragged off with the exact same scream each time. Then it happens to Arnot, still with the same scream.
    • At one point, she disguises herself as a member of a marching band playing for him as he exits a plane. When Mays calls "Security!", the guy that grabs her is also wearing a band uniform.
  • The following exchange:
    Mays Gilliam: [on a bullhorn outside Lewis's office] Yo, Lewis! Your mother's ass is so big, when she sits down, she's three feet taller! Yo, Lewis! Your momma's got a really big ass!
    Advisor: Sir, I think it's time we prepare for a debate.
    Brian Lewis: Aw, give me one good reason I should debate that jerk.
    Advisor: [distressed] He talked about your mother, sir!
    Brian Lewis: So what?
    Lewis' mother: [Enters and slaps him] Are you going to just let him talk about me like that?
    • To make this dialogue even funnier, Lewis's mother is portrayed as actually having a butt that's slightly larger than average.
  • When Mitch, Gilliam's brother and VP candidate, exits a train and nonchalantly slaps the crap out of reporters and lobbyists who get in his way. In particular, he winds up to slap the guy trying to promote his demo tape, slapping him with full force for asking the most ignorant thing.
  • Mays's daydream about getting assassinated gets even funnier in its own Black Comedy way at the end. Right after finding out he won, Gilliam's celebrating body double is shot out of nowhere.
  • As Gilliam's election day wins grow, the opposing party realizes they have only one hope of swaying California to their side. Cut to an upscale neighborhood as a TV notes that "we may have a black man as President." In unison, dozens of rich white people run out of their homes screaming as they race to get to the polls before they close while Outkast's "Bombs Over Baghdad" plays in the background.
