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Funny / Ghost (1990)

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WARNING: Spoilers are unmarked.

Oddly enough, almost every single one of these moments is from Whoopi Goldberg's iconic turn as Oda Mae Brown:
  • Carl and Sam pranking a crowded elevator by making everyone think Carl has a contagious illness and rash.
    Sam: On the genitals again?
  • Sam and Oda Mae's first encounter.
    Oda Mae: [locking herself in a closet] I swear, no more cheating. I promise. I'll do anything. I'll do penance. Give me penance, but make that guy go away.
    Sam: [appearing beside her] No way.
    Oda Mae: AAAAAAAAHHHH— [runs toward the door and breaks it down, falling on it]
    Everyone in the room: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
    [Customer runs like hell out of the room]
  • Our introduction to Oda Mae, claiming that she can help a Hispanic woman contact her dead husband. After rattling off about dozen well-known Hispanic names, Oda Mae visibly rolls her eyes and finally says "Maria?" The woman enthusiastically agrees and Oda Mae joyously claims to have made contact with him. Somehow, the fact that "Maria" is an extremely common name in the Latino community and that anyone could have guessed that he knew someone by that name completely escapes her. Sam, who is watching this unfold, is particularly unimpressed with her amateurish Cold Reading:
    Sam: "...What a crock of shit.
  • Oda Mae's reaction upon learning from Sam that he's white. Especially her associates, who are further convinced she's losing it.
  • Sam singing "Henry the VIII, I Am." No matter how hard Oda Mae press the pillows into her ears, she can't seem to drown out his voice. It's more funny when you realize that Sam can sing as loudly as he wants, since no one but Oda Mae can hear him.
    • There is a Call-Back to this in the very next scene, which is almost as funny. Oda Mae, after ringing Molly's apartment and thinking that no one is home, tries to leave, only for Sam to quickly, and loudly, start singing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall". She quickly turns back around, agreeing to stay as long as Sam stops singing.
  • "Molly! I'm gonna count to three and I'm outta here! Onetwothree!" [rolls her eyes and scoffs]
    Oda Mae: [to Molly] HEY, DO YOU HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU??
    Workman in loft: I hear you!
    Oda Mae: Aw, shut up. Nobody's talking to you!
    Workman in loft: Didn't you ever hear of a phone?
    Oda Mae: Wanna kiss my butt?! [to Molly] I'm not gonna stay down here all day.
    Workman in loft: Thank God!
    Oda Mae: Aw man, shut up!
  • The part where Sam and Oda Mae give the four million dollars they stole from Carl to a church, with one of the nuns nearly having a heart attack when she sees the check.
    • Oda Mae reluctantly and briefly refusing to give up the check, holding onto it with a death grip and arguing with Sam in front of the perplexed nuns.
      Sam: Give her the check!
      Oda Mae: [through clenched teeth] I WILL!!!!!! [turns clenching into smile]
    • In the same scene, Sam tries appealing to Oda Mae's better nature:
      Sam: Just think of it this way—you'll go to Heaven.
      Oda Mae: I don't WANNA go to Heaven! I wanna go to the BANK and cash the goddamn check!
    • The entire scene with "Rita Miller", in which Oda Mae's Motor Mouth pulls off the con while also annoying Sam at every turn.
      "Rita Miller": Will you quit poking me?!
      Sam: Well, don't overdo it!
    • Once they're in the depths of the bank, Sam starts quietly telling Oda Mae the next stage of the plan. Since he's Invisible to Normals, she asks "Why are you whispering?" Sam has no reply and takes a few seconds to recover.
    • "What's that nun gonna do with it? She can't even buy underwear!"
  • Sam trying to communicate with Molly via Oda Mae:
    Sam: I need you to tell Molly what I'm saying, but you have to tell her word for word, all right? Word for word!
    Oda Mae: Yes. [to Molly] He wants me to tell you what he's saying, word for word.
    Sam: Molly, you're in danger.
    Oda Mae: Now, you can't just blurt it out like that! And quit moving around, will you? 'Cause you're starting to make me dizzy! I'll just tell her in my own way! [to Molly] Molly... you in danger, girl.
  • Oda Mae arguing with Sam in front of Molly, who looks like she's seeing someone going nuts.
    Oda Mae: What am I doing downtown? I hate downtown! Where are you? Oh.
  • Compare Oda Mae's theatrics when she's faking Psychic Powers to her complete exasperated boredom once she's turned out to be a Not-So-Phony Psychic:
    Oda Mae: [deadpan] Orlando, Orlando, is there an Orlando here?
    • Orlando taking over Oda Mae's body to communicate with his wife.
      Oda Mae/Orlando: Ortisha?
      Ortisha: Orlando! Is that you?
      Oda Mae/Orlando: Ortisha, where you at? I can hardly see ya.
      Ortisha's Male Friend: Here! She's here!
      Ortisha: In front of you! I'm right here!
      (Oda Mae/Orlando looks at Ortisha with wide eyes)
      Oda Mae/Orlando: DAMN, baby, wha'd you do to your hair?!
      Ortisha: Orlando, you like it? It's autumn sunrise.
  • When Carl asks Molly if she has something to settle his stomach, Sam snarkily suggests "Cyanide?"
  • In a scene that is otherwise rather scary, Willie Lopez, blindly running for his life, somehow manages to slide down an entire staircase in a single second while staying completely upright.
  • When Sam is dealing with Willie when he's looking for Oda Mae, he turns on the hot faucet to create steam, and writes a single word in the steam in the mirror - "Boo". Simultaneously really funny for how cliched and childish doing something like that is, but nonetheless it's also effective for how incredibly creepy something like that would be in real life.
  • Oda Mae and her sisters frantically banging on their neighbors' doors to escape from Willie and Carl. When they beg one old woman to let them in, she snaps, "Who you kidding?" and slams the door in their faces.
