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Funny / fault milestone two

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  • Many of the exchanges between Rune and Selphine-Rhegan despite many of them being Black Comedy.
  • Rune using her abilities to haul Serisian soil with Sol in about two hours when her initial estimate was five. Sol is left appropriately speechless.
  • The Pharmacist offering Ritona sea slug sperm as actual medicine, when it was the furthest thing from that: a virility booster! Ritona is outraged at the prospect of drinking something so repulsive.
  • After Rune's manaware is updated with the function to speak Viscantan, she suddenly starts conversing at a fluent level without any problems. This is taken as a shock by Sol, who was only minutes before having to communicate with her through broken Cordonian. He wonders aloud, "Just... who are you three...?" Ritona responds to that, "Even I'm not sure anymore..."
