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Funny / Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks

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  • Here it's more a measure of how funny it is against the rest of the special, but this line from Trunks has been known to get chuckles despite coming in the middle of a pretty damn serious scene:
    Trunks: "To be blunt, we got beat up."
  • During Gohan and Trunks' training montage:
    Gohan: "Here ya go, Trunks." (gives out towel)
    Trunks: "First you just stand there and watch while I almost drown, and then you offer me a towel?!"
    Gohan: (grins) "Yep."
  • The Super manga based on the special somehow made Piccolo's death humorous, with him looking like he's grumbling in the afterlife.
  • A dark humor example, apparently the humans who've lived in fear of the Androids for 13 years don't actually know what they look like and are unable to react thusly when they arrive in the amusement park. Also, the fact that there's still a fully functional amusement park.
  • In the manga, Gohan is finally killed by the Androids and left in a pool of his own blood. Which isn't funny. What is funny is the very sudden smash cut to his body a few panels later, which isn't too far off from a Family Guy style prat fall pose.
  • An unintentional example (see Narm in YMMV), but the narrator saying "EVEN KRILLIN WAS DESTROYED BY THE RUTHLESS DUO!" comes across as this, given that, although not weak despite his status as a Butt-Monkey, he's one of the weaker Z-Fighters by this point in the story, only being stronger than Chiaotzu and Yamcha, and being weaker than Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, (possibly) Tien, and even Gohan before training. As such, singling him out as if it were impressive can get a laugh out of a viewer.
