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Funny / Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

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  • After Malcolm takes Caesar and some of his group to the dam and goes into this detailed explanation of why they need access to it, the apes all stare at him with this deadpan, "say what?" expression on their faces, with Malcolm asking if any of what he said makes sense. Caesar speaks up and responds with, "The....lights."
  • The general reaction to the humans finding that an ape can talk.
  • Ash scaring Blue Eyes while they're out fishing.
  • Carver receiving a well deserved punch from Caesar.
  • The scenes where Koba starts acting like a silly chimp in order to distract the guards, until he kills them of course.
  • Maurice telling Malcolm and his friends to run. Deadpan yes, but you can hear the dawning horror and urgency in his voice.
  • A more dark example: Koba's celebration with Stone during the battle against the humans getting cut short when Stone is blown up by the humans' APC.
  • "They're apes, man! With big-ass spears!"
