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Funny / Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers will remain unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.


  • The Columbia Pictures Logo Joke at the start of the film has the torch lady letting out a startled scream as she's knocked over by a banana.
  • In the first scene where we meet Officer Earl, he says he wants his son to have a bright future where Flint's inventions don't ruin the towns celebration. Sure enough, Flint is holding that very invention behind his back and says "Well, thats behind me". It's a subtle bit of foreshadowing that just also happens to be very funny.
  • Flint discovers snowball fights.
    "Is there like a point system, or is it...(dramatic chord) to the death?
  • When Flint takes Sam to see the lab, he shows her the entrance to the lab (a port-o-potty) and says "This is where the magic happens..." Cue Sam and Manny exchanging a glance.
  • Steve the Monkey, in his introduction, tears half the moustache from Tim Lockwood's face. Later, he's perched on his shoulder as Flint talks to him and repeatedly reaches towards his moustache, only for Tim to glance to him sternly, causing Steve to retract his hand quickly. Later, he does the same to Manny.
  • The spaghetti twister. When the glass of a TV store is broken, a man enters and steals a TV. Then comes Flint's Remote Control TV, which steals a man.
  • A bunch of children making snow angels in a field of Neapolitan ice cream, and only vanilla and chocolate are occupied. A random child runs past to the strawberry strip, proclaiming, "Strawberry's my favorite!" in the derpiest tone possible.
  • One guy ends up running around with a macaroni noodle on his head, obscuring his vision, and shouts, "I HAVE A MACARONI ON MY HEAD!" When everyone is saying one another's names during the reunion scenes, Flint addresses him as "You... guy."
  • During the food request montage, an old man shouts, "AVOCADO!" in a goofy voice.
  • A guy in the crowd is heard shouting, "I ADMIRE YOUR QUIRKINESS, DUDE!!!"
  • When Cal is eating jellybeans, he puts them in his mouth and shouts, "I'VE GOT JELLYBEANS FOR TEETH!!"
  • Sam gets the camera mashed into her face (twice).
  • When the FLDSMDFR launches from the power grid, Flint is left dangling from the back screaming like a girl, destroying Sardine Land before, in slow motion, he passes right in front of father giving him a disapproving look.
  • Whenever Flint's father pulls up his Big Ol' Unibrow exposing his tiny Hidden Eyes is pretty funny, either out of bewilderment at the tech-based help he's asked to give during the climax (made better with his mouth dropping open in utter hopelessness), or earlier when he asks Flint to make eye contact with him and promise that he's got the FLDSMDFR under control and it won't end up in a disaster. The way Flint painfully struggles to make the eye contact, acting as if it's some sort of Brown Note Death Glare, is also hysterical.
  • When Flint's father is forced to send Flint's Killcode to the email on his phone, he has no idea how to "drag and drop," how to use a mouse, doesn't understand what a window is, and thinks "desktop" means a LITERAL desktop.
    • The accompanying dialogue makes it even funnier:
      Flint's Dad: "That didn't do anything!"
      Flint: "Of course it didn't! You know what... AAAGGGH!" (starts hitting himself with his phone)
  • A giant fortune cookie falls on the Great Wall of China, splits open, and reveals a large paper fortune slip. It says, "You are about to be crushed by a giant corn." Said thing promptly lands seconds later.
  • The ratbird carrying a kid off as soon as Flint says he's got them taken care of.
    • And Cal almost nonchalantly yelling at him to play dead.
    • Later, it picks up the "world's biggest sardine" right after it escapes death and goes "Yippee!"
    • It crows like a rooster at one point too.
  • The faces on Mount Rushmore are hit with giant pies... but only Lincoln's gets hit in the back of the head, and starts messily gushing fluid out of his eyes and nostrils.
  • Sam reads the list of major cities that will be attacked by the falling food, and residents of each city are shown panicking. The list ends off with China, but the broadcast is heard in London... cue a lone Chinese guy panicking as well.
  • Sam's report about the reopening of the town being translated into several languages, including British — despite her already speaking English in the first place.
    • Said translation is the only one to remove the French term 'à la mode', replacing it with "topped with ice cream."
  • All the times Manny's past occupations are mentioned. They include doctor, pilot, and comedian.
  • Steve in the porta-lift: "Lick... lick... lick...." (said while licking the microphone).
  • When piping hot tea rains on Britain, all the British people are running around in delight and terror as they shout "HOT TEA!" while holding up teacups.
  • When Brent uses the chicken as his new identity and says, "I'M FINALLY CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY!" Later, he shouts, "Yah, I'm a chicken!"
  • When everybody's running away from the giant fish bowl, Brent shouts, "I REALLY SHOULDN'T BE RUNNING WITH THESE!" referring to the huge scissors.
  • The guys holding the signs saying "the end is today" and "the end is tomorrow." When a hot dog falls on the latter, the former laughs and shouts, "I WAS RIGHT!"
  • All of Mr. T's lines. All. Of. Them.
    • "You know what you are, Flint Lockwood? A shenaniganizer! A tomfool!"
    • "My chest hairs are tingling!"
    • "This contact lens represents you. My eye represents my eye. I got my eye. On. You."
  • Anytime Flint announces what he's doing.
    Sam: (Picks up) Sam Sparks.
    Flint: (Slams down phone) HANGING UP. REGRETTING.
    • He even says, "Saying what I'm doing" at one point.
  • During the end credits when it shows "before" and "after" shots of the various places that were destroyed by the food. Every place starts off gloomy but ends up with sparkles and rainbows as it's rebuilt. Then, a "before" shot of London being all foggy and gloomy... and then an "after" shot of London, still all foggy and gloomy.
  • When a young Flint's father is attempting to comfort him through the locked door:
    Flint's Dad: Not every sardine is meant to swim, son.
    Flint: (throwing himself on his bed) I DON'T UNDERSTAND FISHING METAPHORS!
  • Flint and Sam's first real meeting, wherein she kicks him in the face and - while Flint sighs over her - ogles his Spray-On Shoes, going from "What are they made of, some kind of elastic biopolymer adhesive?" to "I mean, ahah... Wow, they're shiny."
    • Made even funnier by the sudden Mood Whiplash when a very sad Sam sits down at the edge of the docks, just above an equally despondent Flint, and then suddenly she accidentally kicks the heels of her feet right into his eyes.
    Sam: "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
    Flint: "It's okay... it's just pain..."
  • After Flint makes it snow ice cream:
    Sam: [...] I don't know how you're gonna top this!
    Flint: Maybe with... hot fudge? Hahahahahahahaha!
  • During the food storm, a guy in New York complains to a hot dog vendor about not having enough mustard. A shower of mustard then pours on him while his hot dog remains completely untouched, and the vendor cracks a satisfied grin.
  • The chant Sam's bullies said to her was "Four eyes! Four eyes! You need glasses to see!" When Sam is telling Flint this, she said, "It wasn't even clever."
    • Made all the funnier when Flint sniggers a little as Sam's telling him the story.
  • When a large pancake lands on the schoolhouse, all the kids shout, "NO SCHOOL!" excitedly.
  • The kids eat an ice cream snowman, and the pebbles and carrot left fall to the ground and form a sad face.
  • The Overly Long Gag with everybody in town turning around and gasping when they see the burger clouds coming over Swallow Falls. It ends on the ratbird, which screeches instead.
  • Just before Sam tells Flint about her past;
    Sam: Can you keep a secret?
    Flint: Noooooooo.
  • Steve is this in general, from his obsession with gummy bears (and we know what happens with him and gummy bears; he goes nuts trying to get them) to "yellow!" (what he exclaims when the danger-o-meter goes into the yellow but he's talking about his hands being covered in mustard) and "danger, danger, danger!" (which he says while running away).
  • One of the tourists who comes to Chew and Swallow, completely sincerely: "Looks safe to me! And sanitary too!"
  • Sort of funny and Nightmare Fuel both at once is this line.
    Flint: "This... probably won't explode."
  • Introducing the Jell-O playground:
    Flint: "Everything's made of Jell-O! This piano, those sconces, that ghetto blaster, that Jell-O, that aquarium, that Venus de Milo with your face on it next to a Michelangelo's David that also has your face!"
  • Flint kisses by puffing up his cheeks.
  • You won't notice it at first, but you can see the Blue Screen outline on the Mayor in his PSA.
  • The mayor's poor attempt at a Pun:
    Mayor: Hey Flint, it's been nice to *beet* you! (flings radish at Flint)
    Flint: That's a radish!
    • Also during that scene, Steve plays with the discarded food.
  • A guy stands in the Splash Zone of Shamo's tank, and is hoping to get splashed, but then the water falls everywhere but the Splash Zone.
    Guy: "Oh, come on!"
  • When Tim points out that the steak is huge, Flint says, "I mean, yeah; it's a big steak. I mean, not every steak is exactly the same size."
  • When Flint gets a phone call from the mayor while inside the Jell-O house. He says he's going to step outside, and does exactly that... except he's on the second story and there's nowhere for him to step once he gets outside the Jell-O window.
  • When Flint finds out that Sam needs her glasses, he puts them on her. Blink and you miss it, but from Sam's POV just before the glasses go on, Flint has slicked back hair and a strong jawline before she sees his geeky face. Cue Sam being very unsubtle about the surprise.
    Sam: WHOA!
    Flint: What?
    Sam: Nothing...
    • When the Foodnado begins and Sam tries to report about the danger, the news reporter proceeds to mock her glasses and scrunchy instead of listening.
  • The Mayor of Swallow Falls. Full stop. And perfectly voiced by Bruce Campbell.
    • The Mayor initially is tiny, ambitious and wishing to be seen as important, he eventually grows into a Fat Bastard from overeating thanks to Flint's food weather.
    • Towards the end of the food orders montages, the Mayor (ballooned to at least six times his original size) makes a complicated order (all while carrying food in his arms). Flint looks at him, confused. for a moment.
    Mayor: A pizza! Stuffed inside a TURKEY!! The whole thing deep fried and dipped in chocolate!
    Flint: stares
    Mayor: .....It's me, the mayor.
    Flint: Oh! You look different. Did you...get a haircut?
    Mayor: Yes I did! Thank you for noticing!
    Mayor: Here's what I heard: "blah, blah, blah, science, science, science, BIGGER."
    • During the foodnado, Flint comes to the shut down the machine remotely and finds the Mayor is still ordering food, unaware of what's happening to the town.
    • When Flint comes to the townspeople to give them a plan, the Mayor rolls by carrying a massive piece of food and yells that everything that happened is Flint's fault and rolling away, leading the people to mob up and try to attack Flint.
    • When the townspeople have made boats from the toast to escape the town, the Mayor rolls up and yells he has an important announcement before wheeling himself backwards onto a boat and shouting "See ya, suckers!" before happily beginning to devour the boat. Before the end credits, we see him floating at sea atop the mast, the rest of the boat completely eaten away. He quietly says "This was not well thought out...", before taking another big bite out of the pretzel mast.


  • At the beginning of the book, Grandpa accidentally flips a pancake right onto his grandson Henry's head.
