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Funny / Choudenshi Bioman

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  • During the Biomen's first battle, Peebo is cheering them on, until someone taps his shoulder. He turns and sees it's a Mechaclone. Cue chase complete with Undercrank and Peebo tripping on a rock.
  • Episode 17 is surreal in that it references Urashima Taro of the Urashimako folktale by... having the grass-skirted Monster ride the back of Zyuoh like how Urashima rode the back of a turtle while singing a song about the story. Farrah was certainly embarrassed.
    • What was Doctor Man's evil (harebrained, really) plot that episode? It involves kidnapping Urashima's descendant to find Utopia. This will somehow help him conquer the world, supposedly.
  • Episode 46 starts serious, but ends up having costume changes, including the Biomen wearing football uniforms in a really silly fight with can-can music playing.
