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Funny / Chopper

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  • The one time Chopper voluntarily confesses to the police, they don't believe him.
    Detective Cooney: We know you didn't shoot the Turk.
    Chopper: I just told you I shot the Turk.
    Detective Downie: They've picked up the bloke that did it.
    Chopper: What fucking bloke that did it? I did it.
    Detective Downie: No, Homicide have picked up the guy, right? They've even got the murder weapon.
    Chopper: What murder weapon?
    Detective Cooney: .410 shotgun.
    Chopper: [Pulls out his shotgun] Here. This bloody .410 shotgun.
    Detective Downie: Put it away, Mark. Just put the bloody thing away. This thing's a .410. Fine, it's a .410. There's a fucking million .410s out there. That's not the .410 that did it.
    Chopper: [incredulous] You don't want this? It's a fucking murder weapon!
  • There's something very funny about Chopper's terrifyingly inappropriate reactions to the things that happen to him. When he's having his ears cut off, he doesn't writhe or yell in pain, but behaves like someone who's having a bit of work done around the house and is annoyed at the shoddy job the workman is doing.
  • Chopper's method of extorting money from Neville is hilariously unsubtle and curiously effective. He shows up at Neville's house, gets himself invited in, and after a few beers and a few lines of coke he just says "Nev, I hear you want to give me a bit of money." When Neville upbraids him for his rudeness, Chopper repeatedly apologises ("I'm sorry mate, I've had a couple of drinks, I get a bit carried away, I've just been out of it") until Neville finally accepts his apology. Then Chopper says "But seriously Nev, how you holding for cash? I'm a bit bloody broke" and it starts all over again, except this time Chopper says that he'll count to twenty, and if Neville hasn't given him money by the time he gets there, he'll shoot Neville. This is exactly what happens, and Chopper gets his money.
  • The detectives asking Chopper about the aforementioned robbery:
    Detective: "So, you took him to the hospital-"
    Chopper: "No, I didn't take him to the bloody hospital. Why would I shoot a bloke, bang, and then chuck him in the car and whizz him off to hospital at a 100 miles an hour? I mean, it defeats the point of having shot him in the first place. I mean, am I the only standover man in the country who's expected to provide a healthcare service for these characters? What, do I look like Mark Medicare Bloody Read?"
    Chopper: "... Alright, who's bloody driving?"
