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Funny / Brooklyn Nine Nine Season 7

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Season 7

  • The episode starts with the Nine-Nine having a debate about who would win in a fight if no one was allowed to use their hands.
    Jake: We all know that Scully has the hardest head, but what concerns me is the speed factor.
    Terry: Listen up squad-
    Jake: Not now, Terry! We're having a debate about who would win in a fight if none of us was allowed to use our arms.
    Hitchcock: Everyone agrees that I'd bite the best.
    Charles: Meaningless. True strength comes from the pelvis, not the jaw.
    Terry: There's been an assassination attempt!
    Jake: What?! And you let us just sit around talking about Boyle's pelvis?!
  • Jake, upon learning that he's in charge of the Manhunt for the shooter dubs himself "The Manhunter." Charles calls himself Jake's Sidekick: "The Boyhunter."
    Rosa: Come on, dude.
    • Charles's improvised Manhunter theme song for Jake also includes a bit about The Boyhunter, specifically, how he hangs out around schoolyards (because he wants to protect the kids).
  • Jake plans a belabored quip for his TV interview.
    Jake: I’m gonna be on the news. I’m gonna look straight into the camera and say, "If the shooter is watching, I hope you like living between St. Charles Place and Connecticut Avenue."
    Rosa: I don't get it.
    Jake: It’s from Monopoly. That’s where jail is. Whatever, it was a good line. Keep briefing.
    • Ironically, Holt uses that exact line and gets complimented by the reporter for it.
  • Amy taking out her frustration on one of the police dogs, Sergeant Fuzzypaws.
  • The assortment of pregnancy tests Rosa gets for Amy, including one marketed at teens (which Rosa deems "too dark") and one in gummi form.
  • Terry feeling paranoid that Rosa and Amy are talking about him behind his back. Apparently, he's feeling the same way about his daughters.
  • Jake turns on the TV to watch his interview, only to find that they instead aired an interview with Hitchcock and Scully (or as they call themselves, the "Wiener Warriors") claiming credit. Cue Big "NO!" from Jake.
    • Earlier, Hitchcock and Scully list off some of the hotdog stands that they've been to.
      Hitchcock: There's Lou's Dogs, he serves them up real plump.
      Scully: Big Mike's does two dogs per bun.
      Hitchcock: Hank's Franks, great mustard selection!
      Scully: Vicky's Vegan? I'd rather eat *bleep*
      Hitchcock: Charlie does an al dente dog, it's got a really nice chew
      Scully: Johnny Arkansas serves it Little Rock Style, although he can serve it Razorback Style-
      Jake: Okay! Enough, enough! We don't have time for this! Just tell us who has a cart at sixth and eleventh!
      Hitchcock: Oh! There are no hotdog carts there.
      Boyle: What? Never?
      Scully: No way.
      Hitchcock: Not a chance!
      Scully: Zoning issue. Forget about it, Jake. It's Hunger Town.

    Captain Kim 
  • Jake's failed attempt at a cool exit in the Cold Open.
    Jake: Taking down the bad guys without breaking up our convo. That’s how we do it in the Nine-Nine. [walks down the hall]
    Amy: You're going the wrong direction.
    Jake: Dammit! All these hallways look the same. That was such a cool walk-off.
  • Amy is proud to be a Nationally Accredited and Registered Chaperone, or N.A.R.C.
  • Holt, of all people, attempts to make a scene at Kim's party by pretending to be drunk. It's... not very convincing, to say the least.

  • In the Cold Open, Jake pranks a sleeping Hitchcock by tying his shoelaces together. Hitchcock somehow (and we mean SOMEHOW) gets the shoes and laces wrapped around his neck and nearly strangles himself to death.
  • Holt figures out that Terry is doling out compliments to soften bad news.
    Holt: My god, Jake and Charles are dead.
  • The b-plot concerning the Conflict Resolution Seminar. The entire office hates it, even Amy thinks it's boring. Even Holt thinks it's boring and pointless. Even worse... HR sends the "funny guy."
    Rosa: If I get shot in the line of duty, can I get out of going?
    Terry: Legally, you still have to make it up.
    • The HR Guy's laughably pathetic attempts to seem humorous and relatable; amongst other things, he opens the seminar with the most forced, cringeworthy, and predictable ex-wife joke imaginable. When it's met with deafening silence and angry glares, he fails to read the room and keeps going.
    • Amy's attempts to memorize the answers to the seminar backfire spectacularly. She answers every question perfectly and gets the Seminar done in four hours instead of the usual six... but because the seminar legally has to last for six hours, the presenter decides to start resolving Nine-Nine-specific conflicts to fill the remaining two hours.
      Amy: But we beat you... we beat you with study...
    • During the seminar, Scully finally reveals the answer to the question of whether Kelly is his wife or his dog; there are two Kellys, one being his ex-wife and the other being his dog who was presumably named after said ex-wife. And the reason she's his ex is because Hitchcock slept with her.
  • Jake keeps trying to work Harry Potter terms into sex with Amy, such as saying "Mischief Managed" after they have sex. Later, he makes a reference to "trying to put a Whomping Willow into her Chamber of Secrets."
    Amy: Well, I have to get back to the seminar. Also, you've ruined sex forever.
    Jake: Yeah. I heard it. I don't know why I keep doing it.
  • Jake compares Pimento's short term memory loss to the movie Memento, but Pimento and Charles don't get the reference until Charles compares it to Finding Dory, leaving Jake irritably asking if they only ever watch kids movies.
  • Jake rationalizes Pimento's memory loss to his many head injuries. A flashback shows him ramming his head through a car window just as Jake was about to open the door.
    Pimento: Everyone knows the skull is the hammer of the body.
  • Pimento's escape from the neurologist who's behind his new short term amnesia; he busts out of chair he's tied to and climbs out to window... then his memory loss kicks in and he forgets what was happening, leaving him frozen on the ledge out of panic. Jake goes to save him, only to also freeze up in horror, forcing Charles to climb out and save them both.

    The Jimmy Jab Games II 
  • Pretty much anything that comes out of Debbie's mouth is comedy gold.
    • "I can't do competitions. I'm antidextrous; it's when neither hand is good at anything."
    • "I'm just not cut out for this high-stakes world of having fun with friends."
    • Responding to Charles telling her to trust him: "Okay, but only because I trust everyone."
  • Charles' The Greatest Showman-inspired Master of Ceremonies routine, including costume changes and elaborate musical numbers.
  • Hitchcock gives himself an edge by taking Scully's many medications, which are meant to keep Scully normal but give him something akin to superpowers.
    • The fact that Scully keeps a whole tackle box full of pills. He calls it Dorothy.
    • One of the prescriptions is to control Scully's "various swellings." According to Hitchcock: "it's basically just Speed."
  • Jake hurts himself after he hides in the ceiling and the tiles break under him. Later he crashes against a wall and the ceiling breaks on top of him.
    Jake: Why does the ceiling hate me?
  • The flashback to the first Jimmy Jab Games, where Charles accidentally burns his long hair during the bagel lighting ceremony.

  • In the Cold Open, it took the squad no time at all to figure out that it was Debbie that took the guns and coke, due to how absurdly suspicious she was acting.
    • Before then, Rosa eliminates Hitchcock and Scully as suspects because the suspect had to have used the stairs.
  • Scully takes Debbie down as she tries to make a run for it, but only because she threw a box of orange chicken at Terry as a diversion.
  • The rest of the squad can't figure out how someone got Debbie to steal the guns and coke, but as Hitchcock points out, he's the one who overheard her in the ladies' bathroom planning a drop:
    Jake: And why were you in the women's room?
    Hitchcock: It wasn't for a gross reason! The men's room was occupied and I had to dump out.
    Jake: Well! As long as it wasn't for a gross reason.
  • "They call me Mr. Springtime because of how fast I make the snow disappear."
  • Debbie keeps an extremely extensive diary. How extensive? She literally has multiple entire volumes that all cover a single day and an entire book that is dedicated to a single episode of House Hunters. Altogether, her diary consists of hundreds of individual books.
  • Holt actually says "She pwned me"; he explains that he read Urban Dictionary to be able to converse with the younger officers. The fact that he finished the entire site in less than an hour is a turn-on for Amy.
  • Debbie keeps taking cocaine whenever no one's looking, and ends up totally wired.
  • Charles brags that while Holt and Amy pride themselves as speed readers, his "Slow and steady wins the race" approach actually yields a lead - Debbie's mother. It's entirely undercut when Holt and Amy rattle out all they know about her.
  • Debbie considers Mr. Bean a sex symbol.

  • The cake for Hitchcock's divorce party is clearly designed for a gay wedding. Along with the two groom toppers, which Hitchcock and Scully say represent their friendship, the inside is rainbow colored.
    • The cake for the second divorce party at the end is even more obvious, what with "Boys, Boys, Boys" written on it and the little frosting "hearts" that are actually butts.
  • Boyle calls both guinea pigs Claire. When they start having babies, he names them all Claire as well.
  • Amy keeps Jake on a strict regimen for optimum sperm production, including no video games:
    Amy: Also, no more video games because they cause stress and they raise your heart rate.
    Jake: More stress than being a police officer?
    Amy: Jake, I've seen you play Mario Party.
    [cut to flashback]
    Jake: WARIO CHEATS!!!
    [cut to present]
    Jake (whispering): ...I'm just saying, Wario cheats. It—it's a stupid game.
  • Amy super-plans everything to maximize their chances of conceiving.
    Amy: Okay, basal body temp is optimal. Let's do this quickly.
    Jake: Oh, Amy, I'm not some faucet you can just turn on and off. You gotta romance me. [Amy undoes her top button] Faucet's on! Let's ud!
  • Boyle and Rosa are hiding guinea pigs from Terry in the precinct until they find them a new home; they're able to keep bringing in guinea pig food and water by Boyle pretending that they're for him. Terry has absolutely no problem believing him.
  • Holt is walking the same beat for the required six months and gets so used to a guy tossing a trash bag from off-screen that he knows exactly when to stop walking to avoid being hit.
  • Someone wants to adopt the guinea pigs—all 600 of them:
    Rosa: We need to check him out, make sure he's not weird.
    Boyle: He's just a normal guy who's a friend of Hitchcock's. Yep, we gotta check him out!
  • Jake and Amy drunkenly stumble into a storage room to have sex, only to find that they're surrounded by hundreds of guinea pigs. The camera shows the guinea pigs, and Jake and Amy scream. Then the camera shows the CPR dolls, and they scream again.

    Ding Dong 
  • Holt spends the entire episode lobbing barbs at Wuntch.
    • He compares her to a Korean ghost that attacks people in the toilet (The Cheuksin). He expressly went to Korea just to find new ways of insulting Wuntch.
    • At one point he compares her to the Chupacabra
      Terry: Why would she fake her own death?
      Holt: The same reason she visits Mexico once a year and sucks the blood from all the goats; for kicks.
    • "As Wuntch says when she sees deodorant, 'I'm not buying it'."
    • Before playing Wuntch's posthumous video:
      Holt: Brace yourselves. If it shows Madeline, be sure not to look directly into her eyes.
      Rosa: Because we'll turn to stone?
      Holt: No, because her eyes are ugly.
    • Holt, Rosa and Amy start to watch the video, featuring Wuntch sitting on a chair in her living room with a lit fireplace in the background:
      Wuntch: Hello, Raymond! Surprised to see me?
      Holt: [pauses video] Well, I didn't say "Bloody Mary" three times, so yes.
      Amy: When did she record this?
      Rosa: Judging by the flames around her, it could be a livestream.
      Holt: [laughs] Very good, Rosa! (laughs and hits start)
      • Amy disapprovingly shaking her head at Rosa after she cracks the joke.
      • In both this episode and throughout the series in general, the fact that Rosa is the only other member of the 99 to enjoy sniping at Wuntch.
      Holt: As God said when Wuntch tried to sneak past the gates into Heaven, 'It ain't happening, honey.'
      Rosa: (delighted cackling)
  • Holt arguing with Rosa that E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was a monster movie because E.T. “caused a real commotion.”
  • Wuntch reveals her final Batman Gambit; she put Holt on the hook for planning her memorial service...with all the top brass, who will hear him badmouthing her, ruining his career.
    Holt: Oh, no. I'm doomed.
    Rosa: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult a dead woman at her own memorial service.
    Holt: Exactly. It's impossible.
  • Amy suggests that Holt just say the opposite of what he's thinking.
    Holt: Interesting. I'll give it a whirl. [stands up] Madeline Wuntch was...a friend.
    Rosa: See? It's not that hard to say something ni—Oh, you're vomiting.
    [cut to Holt bent over a trash can, puking]
  • The initial décor for Wuntch's memorial service involves colorful balloon arches, party hats, and an unflattering photo of her with the caption in block rainbow letters "SHE'S DEAD!"
    Holt: We . . . may have to make some tweaks.
  • To prove Wuntch was his worst enemy, Adam shows Holt a video she sent him. In it, she tells him she just burnt down his house.
  • Jake tries to leave it to fate to see whom he goes to the Kwazy Kupcakes movie, Terry or Boyle. Terry grabs the coin in midair and bends it with one hand, leaving Jake flabbergasted.
    Boyle: I would never bend your money.
    Jake: That's because you couldn't.
    Boyle: You're right, I couldn't.
    Jake: No one can. How did he do that?
  • Boyle uses his grandmother's "Strawberry Basket" against Terry in a boxing match. Said punch is straight to the nards.
  • At the end of the episode, when it's revealed that Amy is pregnant, it cuts to Charles, who comes out of a dead sleep and sits bolt upright in bed.
    Boyle: It happened.

    The Takeback 
  • Jake expends more energy interrogating a perp about the invitation to Doug Judy's wedding rather than the fifteen B&E's, and it plays out with the show's usual brand of Serious Business. This exchange after Jake gets the password to the wedding website, however, is gold:
    Jake: Now get this piece of trash outta my sight. -walks off, turns back- Oh! Is "forever" spelled out, or is it the number four?
    Perp: Oh, it's spelled out.
    Jake: Okay, thank you so much. Now get this piece of trash outta my sight!
  • Holt is back as Captain, and Terry has to put his office back exactly the way it was.
    Terry: Now, I can't remember ... *picks up a small dog statue* Was this little figurine of Cheddar at a 45 or a 50-degree angle?.
    Rosa: Terry, it's a five-degree difference. (very seriously) You better figure it out.
    • And then Holt arrives and nonchalantly changes every little thing.
  • Doug Judy's new job is sitting behind white executives at congressional hearings and whispering to them every once in a while so they appear less racist.
    Doug: The texture of quiche is unsettling.
  • Trudy Judy is back, and as entertaining as ever.
    Doug Judy: Trudy Judy, you’re not gonna see boobs or butts this weekend.
    Trudy Judy: I'll see butts if I wanna see butts.
  • Jake's cover in the "reverse heist" is as an AMSR vlogger, whispering every line.

  • Jake planned to present his resume to Holt as a rap, but thought better of it. Unfortunately, he didn't clear it through Charles, who bursts in for backup vocals as "Chucky B".
    • Holt's reaction to Boyle suddenly bursting in rapping before being quickly shooed away.
  • Jake assures Holt that he can handle the pressure of working in the task force, but when the glitter bomb goes off, his response is a shrill "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"
  • Scully with his face covered in red glitter all episode long.
  • According to Holt, the term "whodunnit" is a "grammatical abomination" and inisists on calling it a "who has done this." And Dillman ends up calling it the same.
  • Jake's attempts to sound like Hercule Poirot, which sound more like one of the Nazis from Hogan's Heroes instead.
  • The montage of all the times the windows broke at the Nine-Nine, including Rosa chucking her laptop after a Buzzfeed quiz tells her she's a Blanche and Terry breaking a window when trying to "gently" close it.
  • Jake saying that Holt and Boyle is the most unlikely lunch combination at the Nine-Nine after anyone with Hitchcock and Scully.
  • Boyle does a Dramatic Gasp at one of Dillman's deductions.
    Jake: What? Don't gasp for him! What are you doing?
    Boyle: Sorry, it just slipped out.
    Rosa: Title of your sex tape.
    Jake: Yes, obviously title of his sex tape. Everyone's taking my stuff!
  • This exchange between Jake and Dillman.
    Jake: No one likes a know-it-all.
    Dillman: You're married to one.
    Jake: [mockingly] You're married to one!
  • The reveal that Dillman was fired from the San Francisco PD and was now working at a hobby shop. Jake has his manager, a woman in her late teens/early twenties on his phone, complaining that he's late for work.
    Alyssa: Frank, what is going on? You have a shift tonight. You know I have finals.

    Admiral Peralta 
  • In the Cold Open, Jake and Amy announce to the squad that they're having a baby. The rest of the squad reveals that they already figured it out because of Amy trying to hide it by carrying a box around, reading a newspaper, or wear a hazmat suit. Jake then lies and says that they're having twins just to make Charles faint.
  • Looking through Hitchcock and Scully's work files, Rosa and Amy find it full of random, non-document papers, including discarded hot dog paper cups, food receipts, and what is clearly a scam contest for a trip to Fiji (or rather, "Figi").
  • According to Jake's father Roger, the Peraltas have a long history of being lousy fathers. It goes all the way back to the first Peralta to come to America... after pushing his father down a well.
  • Roger and his father Walter bonding over remembering how they saw people get into serious accidents... and laughing at them.
  • Verging into Black Comedy, Walter tells his son a long list of relatives who died ... and one Uncle Dean who came out as gay.
    Jake: Apparently there was a fire at the family reunion. Lucky for my uncle Dean, he was not welcome at the event.
    Amy: Wow. Dark.
  • To keep from finding out the sex of the baby after the sex reveal cake falls on the floor, the Peraltas try to clean it up blindfolded. Surprisingly Realistic Outcome when they end up making a bigger mess.
  • When asked to help clean up and bake a second reveal cake, Boyle asks for a minute to compose himself. After a "1 minute later" Title Card, Boyle is clearly recovering from an intense session of Inelegant Blubbering.
  • Amy's reaction when the cake is botched.
    Amy: Green? What is inside me?!
  • Holt's "tough love" drilling of Terry during his fluting practice.
    Holt: Do you know the Garbage Man? Because I do! He's right in front of me!
    • In the end, Terry is accepted on the NYPD band without auditioning, because he was the only flutist to show up. Nevertheless, Holt congratulates himself.
  • Jake makes a third cake just for him and Amy, but he opens the box and it's empty. In comes Scully asking for a glass of milk, his face covered in blue frosting.
  • Roger is in the hospital, recovering from having his thumbs reattached and congratulating Jake on his impending fatherhood. It's a Heartwarming Moment until...
    Roger: Hey, who's got two surgically reattached thumbs and is super proud of his son?
    Jake: Oh, you don't have to...
    Roger: This guy.
    (Roger points his thumbs at himself, then screams in pain)

  • The episode opens on two random officers walking in on the middle of utter chaos, as people in Easter Bunny outfits run around and one is seen jumping off the roof.
    Male officer: This is still goin on?
    Female officer: What is?
    Jake: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Halloween heist!
  • The goal of this year's heist is to retrieve the three gems of the Infinity Gauntlet from Avengers: Infinity War. Only Jake couldn't afford a real prop, so he got a Russian knockoff instead, the Infinitude Gobbler from The Avengaboys.
  • Once again, Amy hiding her pregnancy is Lampshaded, as she claims her Jack O' Lantern costume is to hide weapons and supplies.
  • Terry declares he is retiring after winning the last heist as he has nothing left to prove. Jake unsuccessfully tries to plead but doesn't do a very good job.
    Jake: But we need you! What if one of us has a plan that involves a big strong brute?
    Terry: Not a great sales pitch, Jake.
  • Scully has to go to the bathroom right after getting handcuffed to Rosa. As Rosa waits outside the stall, Scully apologizes for what she's about to hear. Cut to outside the restroom, as Rosa screams in agony.
  • Captain Holt quoting an Instagram comment that referred to Cheddar as a "thicc king".
  • Cheddar swallowed the gems, but according to the vet they're small enough that he should be able to excrete them:
    Jake: Medical term for "excrete" is "dump out".
    Rosa: It is not.
  • Amy gleefully watches Jake and Holt, who are in the same team, arguing with each other.
    Amy: And the infighting continues!
    Boyle: I guess Jake and I still have the only unbreakable bond in the whole precinct.
    Amy: I mean... he is my husband.
    Boyle: Uh-huh. No one ever gets divorced?
  • Bill starts the heist as his usual chipper self, but after the heist is postponed to Valentines Day, he's looking disheveled and sad, saying that he got "three great months, followed by one really bad month". By the time the heist is reinstated in Easter, he has a full-on Beard of Sorrow and is dressed in a dirty t-shirt. He tries to explain what happened, but Jake is more interested in continuing the heist.
  • Several bouquets of flowers are delivered to Bill at the same time to cause a distraction, and Jake accuses Boyle of sending them because he's the son of a florist. Boyle is deeply offended that Jake would accuse him of ordering any bouquet that had that much baby's breath.
  • After Scully drops out for medical reasons, Rosa is paired up with a new partner of equal ability—a filing cabinet.
  • Jake arguing with Holt over their bunny costumes.
    Jake: How is this any different than my bunny suit idea?
    Holt: Oh, it's very different. I gave the bunnies glasses and little blue vests.
    Jake: The vests add nothing.
    Holt: The vests add gravitas.
    Jake: Your butt adds gravitas!
  • After winning the heist, Rosa explains how she got Cheddar to eat the gems by secretly feeding him ham. Followed by getting Scully to swallow the gems the same way, leaving ham on the table that he took without question. And to top it off, she got Terry to help her by putting ham on his smoothies.
    • Rosa even says that she paid the doctor to say that Scully couldn’t participate anymore in the heist or he would die. Cue to the flashback, where it turns out that the doctor actually put emphasis on Scully being prohibited from participating in anything or he would die, meaning that he was saying it on his own with high concerns.
  • Rosa's reasons for winning: she wanted to stop the debate of who won the most heists, and to make the squad argue.
    • As the others argue over who won the most heists, Rosa has a big smile on her face, clearly pleased with all the chaos she's caused. She even adds fuel to the fire by reminding everyone that the whole squad helped both Jake and Holt win the first heists.

  • The Cold Open is Hitchcock and Scully alone in the bullpen, proud that they're the first at work. Jake enters in a hazmat suit to inform them that the building is being fumigated, and asking why they didn't pay attention to all the e-mails about it. Scully starts to offer a reason, but falls unconscious from the fumes, as Hitchcock calls him a lightweight.
  • Jake trying to act like Kevin for the kidnapping case.
  • Amy doing a dorky mom dance as she enters the stroller contest.
  • Boyle, as usual, has no idea that his domain name for the bone broth company he's starting with Terry,, could not be construed as anything but a porn site.
    Charles: All I hear is friendship and broth.
  • Pregnant women are not allowed to participate in the stroller contest because of what happened the previous year...which the clerk won't elaborate on due to some sort of gag order.
  • Teddy eliminating the other contestants just by being The Bore. He even gets to Rosa, who is participating in Amy's behalf.
    • After Teddy wins, he offers to sell Amy the stroller. The price? Marriage. Amy refuses.
  • The simple fact that the criminal knows enough about Wario that he almost tells Jake how to beat him.
  • The ending: After Holt gives a badass beatdown of the man that kidnapped Chedder, he tells Jake his work inspired an 80s movie. Jake keeps guessing, which annoys Holt and causes him to say I'm too old for this. Jake squees at the realization.
  • "Interesting. You know what else is interesting? Grenades."

    Lights Out 
  • When the lights go out, Jake mentions that he's always kind of liked blackouts because of how peaceful they are. The instant after he says that, gunshots break out and people start screaming.
    Jake: Nope! It immediately turned into a Purge. Way to go, New York! Alright, let's suit up!
  • Hitchcock and Scully leap into action as soon as the power goes out. Jake is surprised at how prepared they seemed, until he and the others realize that they are eating all the food in the break room before it spoils, which they treat as Serious Business.
  • Jake, Charles, Rosa and Amy are disgusted at the prospect of having to call the fire department to rescue Holt and Terry from the elevator. Rosa even crosses herself when they ultimately decide to call them.
    Rosa: Oh no, that means we have to call the fire department. [gags]
    Jake: Or, hear me out, we leave them in there forever, and move on emotionally.
  • The way Amy reveals that she's beginning the birthing process. Basically, she gives the precinct officers a list of instructions, including finding her a pair of sweatpants.
    Rosa: What do you need sweatpants for?
    Amy: [completely casual] My water just broke. Which reminds me, we should be prepared to distribute emergency water and food.
  • Rosa doing her best to convince Amy to go to the hospital for largely selfish reasons.
    Amy: I'm nowhere near giving birth, I haven't even lost my mucus plug.
    Rosa: [horrified] Amy, you need to get the f**k out of here.
    Amy: I'm sorry my baby grosses you out, Rosa.
    Rosa: I'm excited to meet your baby when it's clean and wearing clothes and not blasting out of you like a half-Cuban Jimmy Neutron!
  • Amy trying to hide her labor pains.
  • Rosa being so panicked about Amy going into labor that she actually started reading the pregnancy book on Jake's desk. What takes the cake is the censored image of the infamous page 53.
    Rosa: [whispered] Hey! If you page 53 on me, our relationship will never be the same.
    Amy: Make sure you don't look at page 214.
    Rosa: (starts flipping through the book in a panicked fashion) What, why?!
  • While looking for the man who crashed into the substation and caused the blackout, Jake says they have to use their other senses to locate him in a dark alley. Charles immediately assumes he means his sense of smell.
  • Dottie, the kindly old lady Jake and Charles pick up on their way back to the precinct, who turns out to be a total badass, as well as uncomfortably socially conservative and jerkish.
  • When Hitchcock and Scully come to tell Amy and Rosa about the improvised birthing suite.
    Scully: Hey, Amy, you got a minute?
    Amy: [through gritted teeth] I'm kinda in the middle of something, you *long string of bleeped out curses*.
    Hitchcock: Oh yeah!? Well *long string of bleeped out curses* yourself!
    • Rosa's face during Amy's Cluster Bleep-Bomb: at first she's indifferent, then as Amy keeps screaming profanities she gets more and more shocked to the point that she's openly gawking at Amy.
    • Even better, Hitchcock and Scully knew how to build the suite because they learned how to make a relaxing environment at work their constant sleeping on the job.
  • Dottie using the Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique on the driver by gouging his wound until he tells them about the planned bank robbery.
    Jake: Dottie, that's against the law.
    Dottie: I am the law.
    Jake: What made you like this?
  • While trapped in an elevator, Terry tries to keep Holt calm the same way he did with his younger brother when they were kids — by teaching him the choreography for "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa. They are really getting into it when the power returns, and Holt states that they never mention what happened there again.
    • Holt ends up doing the dance anyway to distract Amy while she gives birth. Jake is sad he never got to see it, but is ecstatic when Rosa reveals she shot video of it.
  • Jake and Charles commandeering a pedal pub full of drunk bachelorettes.
  • Jake lists off everything that went wrong on the birthing day:
    Jake: I almost missed the birth, we had our baby at the precinct, a firefighter touched our child...
    Amy: [dead serious] We washed him off.
    Jake: Yeah, but I'll always know.
  • Rosa changed clothes between the birth and Amy's recovery in the hospital:
    Rosa: The other outfit had a lotta afterbirth on it. And also during-birth and pre-birth. The point is, I burned it.
