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Funny / Brightburn

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For a darker take on the typical Superman tale, there are surprisingly some genuinely humorous moments throughout.

  • Tori goes through Brandon's room and notices photos of women he had cut out from magazines. Nothing of much concern. But then, Brandon apparently also had photos of vivisections in his "private stash." A perturbed Tori asks Kyle, "Is this a guy thing?"
    • Kyle is notified of this, and he opts to tell his son about the The Talk. Needless to say, it is painful.
  • While Brandon learning about his alien nature is traumatizing and heartbreaking, Brandon rapidly screaming "I hate you!" to his mother and tossing several fragile objects off the shelves in a classic temper tantrum is a little giggle worthy.
  • Despite what follows afterward, Noah's reaction to Brandon flying is going "Nope! Mmm-mmm. No, no, no!"
  • Tori suggests that Brandon go to a specialist, but Kyle reminds her (and the audience) just how difficult describing his actual issues would be to one.
    Kyle: And say what to 'em?! "Hello, this is our son, we found him in a fuckin' spaceship in the woods!"
  • While The Stinger is absolutely terrifying with The Reveal of numerous other super-beings, seeing the Crimson Bolt sit among the ranks of the Wonder Woman and Aquaman expies is pretty hilarious.
    • What’s even funnier is the dawning realization that this universe’s counterpart to Lex Luthor is... a YouTube conspiracy ranter played by Michael Rooker.
    • And it's even funnier because this YouTube conspiracy ranter honestly is brave enough to the point that he thinks he can take on the supervillains.
