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Funny / Bowfinger

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  • The scene where a scared-shitless Jiff has to run across a busy highway. He's even forced to do a second take! And he survives both times doubling as an awesome.
  • Kit's paranoid ranting at his agent, culminating in this:
    Kit: (loading a gun) It's all my imagination, huh? It's all my imagination? So I suppose they didn't put a computer chip in LaToya Jackson's brain – she just acts like that, huh?!
    Hal: What?
    Kit: And I suppose Teddy Kennedy ain't one-sixteenth black, huh?!
    Hal: Teddy Kennedy?!
  • Bowfinger and Afrim go to hire a film crew. They enter the van, and Bowfinger remarks:
    Bowfinger: Afrim, we're going to need a crew, and I want to get the best damn crew we can afford.
    Bowfinger: ANDALE, MUCHACHOS!
  • Jiff's Adorkable reaction to Daisy's nude scene ("Awesome!").
  • While shooting the "aliens arrive from Wyoming" scene:
    Slater (playing Todd): Don't act dumb! Where's the plutonium?
    Kit: Hey, listen, that plutonium is mine and it's been registered for use for religious purposes!
    Slater: ...You– You actually have some plutonium?
    Bowfinger (behind the camera): He's got plutonium?
  • Bowfinger finds out Daisy had sex with Jiff in the van. This entire exchange takes about eight seconds:
    Bowfinger: We are finished. We are over.
    Daisy: How come?
    Bowfinger: You had sex with Jiff.
    Daisy: So?
    Bowfinger: (beat) I never thought of it that way.
    Daisy: I'll see you tonight?
    Bowfinger: What time?
    Daisy: Eight?
    Bowfinger: Okay. (they leave)
  • "Did you know Tom Cruise had no idea he was in that vampire movie till two years later?"
  • How about when they follow Kit through a carpark with Bowfinger's dog dressed in high heels?
  • The Curse Cut Short near the end where Bowfinger almost calls Mind Head "Mind Fuck".
  • The final scene, following Bowfinger opening the Fedex mail and learning he has been hired to do movies in Taiwan... "Fake Purse Ninjas"!
  • Carol finally sees her chance to meet Kit, approaching him in a clothing store, and manages to say the exact wrong thing to trigger his paranoia:
    Carol: I know I'm not supposed to be doing this, but I just want you to know you were so real, in your response to the aliens. I mean, I wasn't even sure that I could be a pod person, but now of course I'm enjoying it! Because you made the aliens come alive! It's like they were living inside of me! Oh, and at first I was nervous about us having sex, but now I think it's a good idea. As long as we do it in a completely professional manner, and of course, well, there will be a lot of people watching. (lightly touches Kit's face) I won't bother you anymore.
  • Carol again, when she unexpectedly runs into Kit during the shooting of the "aliens arriving from Wyoming" scene.
    Carol: Oh, hiii, I came down because I wanted to see them shoot you today!
    Kit: Shoot me today?!
  • After a whole film of buildup, we finally see Kit flashing the Laker girls...and they all just laugh at him. He sounds on the verge of tears as he shouts "It's not funny!"
