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Funny / BloodRayne

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The first game:

  • The very fact that Rayne just won't shut up while fighting, throwing taunts and Bond One-Liners all the time. Some of her quips are plain hysterical.
    Rayne: [upon being shot at] You guys crazy? Or just stupid?
    Rayne: [to a mook yelling in pain after his limb got hacked off] Quiet, baby. What would the neighbours think?
  • The Daemites may be horrifying abominations, but the only thing they have to say to Rayne is quite hilarious.
    Daemite: I'll wear you like lederhosen!
    Rayne: Whatever you are, you just said the wrong words.
  • You may hate Báthory Mengele — and righteously so — but you've gotta admit, she delivers quite snarky retort when Rayne asks her what she plans to do with Daemites.
    Mengele: Let me see... I can keep them here and feed them with my men or I can unleash them on your country. Tough choice.
  • After hitching a ride in a Nazi truck, Rayne has this to say:
    Rayne: Thanks for the ride, fucko!
  • You may spend the whole Unholy Mecha sequence laughing at constant radio banter between Rayne and Germans piloting other mechas. They're acting less like mortal enemies locked in a fight to the death and more like a bunch of teenagers wisecracking to each other during a match in an internet cafe.
    • When you begin to fire at them, it takes them quite a looong time to realize that one of their vehicles got hijacked. For about a half minute, they keep politely asking Rayne to check what she's firing at... until one of them snaps:
      Mecha pilot: What am I saying!? Unit three, hold your fire!
      Rayne: That's a command?
      Mecha pilot: WHAAAT!?
      [at which point all three simultaneously turn their turrets towards Rayne and finally start to shoot back]
    • A few moments later, one of them finally manages to notice that the one piloting a hijacked mecha is not of an expendable gender.
      Mecha pilot: Who is this?
      Rayne: Just a little girl playin' with the boys.
      Mecha pilot: For Christ's sake, it's a woman!
    • To their credit, they at least remain Defiant to the End. After you've destroyed two hostile mechas, the pilot of the last one does not lose any of his spunk.
      Mecha pilot: You know, I have had just about enough of you!
    • And when Gossler finally arrives on the scene...
      Rayne: Just you and me, Gossler.
      Gossler: Who are you? How do you know my name?
      Rayne: I've got a shopping list. And we fresh ran out of Gossler. The others were just for fun.
  • The battle against Krieger twins is quite funny as well, given the fact that Sigmund and Simon seem more interested in flirting with Rayne, rather than actually fighting her.
    Sigmund: You should stop this nonsense...
    Simon: ...and join us.
    • And after Rayne realizes that the twins' bizarre biology make one of them suffer from damage dealt to another, her reaction is to quip "so... you punch yourself when you're mad at your brother?". Simon bursts into laughter in response.
  • Rayne's reaction when Mynce — who was killed a second time during their earlier encounter — turns up quite alive and well again.
    Rayne: You know, your whole coming-back-from-the-dead act is really starting to get old, Mynce.
  • After destroying Beliar once and for all, Rayne simply flips off his heart. She does the same thing to Wulf's dismembered corpse after cutting him into pieces.

The second game:

  • Zerenski's guests are mesmerized by Rayne's dress. One guy in particular:
    That's definitely stimulating my economy!
  • Most of the game's humor comes from Rayne's snark. A few gems that come to mind:
    Minion: The master — I mean, Mr. Zerenski — would prefer that all the guests remain downstairs, madam.
    Rayne: The master can blow me, monkey suit.
    (after dismembering an enemy) And I thought somebody was going to lose an eye.
    (a car crash causes the bar to catch fire) I'm trapped in a burning honky-tonk and the jukebox is downstairs! Somebody's gonna pay for this!
  • There's a particular Squick-tastic moment where Rayne blows open Slezz's stomach and has to climb inside to rip out her heart. Amidst Severin's praises of her, and is seemingly traumatized by getting "bowel in her hair". She then climbs up Slezz's corpse to the exit.
    Rayne: I think I need a minute alone ...
  • Rayne's first encounter with the Shadow Legion.
    Shadow Legion Vampire: *whispering vampirish*
    Rayne: God, you guys and your stupid, secret dead languages. Always showing off.
  • And then there's the one she has later.
    Rayne: Do you think it's cool? Really? It's not that cool. You're probably making it up as you go.
  • The minions have more than a few particularly funny moments.
    We're getting our asses handed to us here! Drop the exit now! (the exit drops, crushing another minion into Ludicrous Gibs)
    Alright men, turn the pumps back on! LET IT FLOOOOOW!
