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Funny / Black Rose Blooms Silver

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  • Ruby begging for uppies in her corgi form, like she's an actual dog.
  • Ruby likes to ensconce her loved ones in blankets until they're not sad anymore. Whether they like it or not.
  • As an author's note lampshades, the entirety of Chapter 10 is just Ruby mentally gushing over Crescent Rose and Augury.
  • Weiss of all people being a Big Eater is rather hilarious. The trigger? Eating good pizza for the first time after a lifetime of the stuff Atlas pretends is pizza.
    • As a result, Weiss keeps getting banned from the fast food places in Vale because of her insane orders.
  • Penny getting all excited to study Ruby's abilities.
  • While Ruby and Penny are adorable together, their Sickeningly Sweethearts behavior keeps annoying others.
    • Ruby keeps producing rose petals from her Semblance when being affectionate with Penny.
    • When out on a walk with Penny, she and Ruby stop and a bench and start making out, and get so into it they don't manage to get back to Beacon before sundown.
  • When the group is leaving to go to Mistral, Blake jokingly says that Cinder should make sure that Jaune doesn't fall off a cliff. While Jaune denies being that bad, he admits that with his luck he probably will fall off of a bridge.
  • When Blake and Yang learn that Adam was apparently killed during the attack on Vale, they note that it kind of seems like an Anti-Climax.
  • Ruby, while in stasis, had a vision of the Tree in the Ever After, and later tells Penny that she thinks that the tree is somehow her grandmother. Penny can only respond with a Flat "What".
  • When Qrow suggests that they deal with Salem by sending her into the sun, Ozpin shoots him down... because he apparently tried that already.
  • Ruby casually mentioning that there are Grimm in the upper atmosphere, causing everyone except Penny to react in shock.
  • As it turns out, Jaune had an online game girlfriend... that was Pyrrha.
  • Why wasn't Hazel guarding Watts when Qrow found him? Atlas pizza is so bad he was in the bathroom dealing with the digestive distress it caused, with Qrow wincing in sympathy.
