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Funny / Banished from the Hero's Party

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  • When Rit is buying a bed and asks for a double, Red insists it be a single. Stormy the shopkeeper calls him a wimp...and then so does Rit in a softer, inaudible tone.
  • Volume 6 of the novel: Ruti goes fishing. How does she do it? With a hook... that she proceeds to hurl into the sea and then reel in whatever she hits... and she always hits something. Red tells her that's not Angling, but she nonetheless has more than thirty to his six.
  • Season 2, episode 2, the group has stopped at the mountain hot spring Tisse wanted to visit. They initially separate by gender, but when Yrandrala wonders why she gets up and goes to get Red, with Rit tailing right behind. Red's protest comes in the form of much off-screen screaming that eventually dies down... until Ruti decides to go see Red and he starts screaming again.
  • The fight between Red and Van is a mismatch, because of Red’s experience and Van’s piss-poor tactics. Red even bonks him over the head with the flat of the sword.
