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Funny / About Time

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  • Harry and his reaction to the bad opening night of his play
    Harry: It's the Titanic of play openings but with no survivors. No women, no children. Not even Kate Winslet
  • The whole wedding day
    • To wit: After the ceremony at the church it starts raining... heavily
    • After arriving to the outside reception the (now very wet guests) attempt to dry themselves, and then the overhead tent collapses
    • Inside Rory tries to entertain the guests with his best man's speech on Post-divorce properties. Cue Tim in wardrobe.
    • Next up is Harry's (Which prompted another Tim in wardrobe):
    Harry: When Tim asked me to do his best man speech my immediate reaction was how much are you going to pay me you little shit I don't work for free you know!
    • aand then Jay:
    Jay: And these were the girls available to him at the time. And this is how far he got with each of them [shows slide with various girls with numbers attached] Hello girls. Let me explain the code 5, blow job 8, full penetrative...
    • And finally he finishes with a speech from his father. Meaning that Tim went through the entire wedding - the ceremony, the rainstorm, the tent collapse - four times.
  • After the seemingly endless Costume-Test Montage to prepare for a dinner with a publisher, Tim and Mary return downstairs to find their infant daughter has drawn all over some the manuscript and shredded the rest. Tim repeatedly attempts to leave the room to time-travel back and stop her... and an increasingly-irate Mary won't let him.
  • The baby shower has one of Tim's friends get a ludicrously big bear and remark that he never gets a toy "smaller than the child". The other friend (who only brought a teeny bear) grumpily tells him to shut up.
