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Fridge / Primer

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  • The name.
    • It's a primer (information given to bring one up to date on what's happening).
    • And prime is also used in physics for when a variable changes slightly. Not only does the box send them to a slightly different time, but it's also a slightly different 'them'.
    • "Prime" also means "first." Once Abe and Aaron begin working at cross purposes, each is trying to travel back further to get the edge on the other; each is trying to be primer. Their names reflect this too: both are names that can be reasonably expected to be first in an alphabetic list. But as long as it's spelled that way, "Aaron" will always come first.
    • Primer also being the firing mechanism in an explosive that sets off the chain reaction of events to create the rest of the explosion.
    • The time machine must be primed before each use.
  • One of the major themes of the movie is discoveries often being accidental and unceremonious; the creators mention penicillin as an example of such a major and accidental discovery. Abe and Aaron discover they have a time travel device via a weird pattern of fungus growth, which parallels the discovery of penicillin.
  • The scene where Abe and Aaron discover they've had the same dream seems like a throwaway moment at first, but if you think about it for a second on a rewatch you realize that Abe told Aaron about his dream on the first go-through and repeat Aaron is just messing with him.
  • The machine could be used as a matter duplicator, given a bit of automation. The movie doesn't explore this concept, but it should work.
    • Imagine, for example, a nascent Mars colony that can conjure solar panels, and other simple objects such as jugs of water, at will.
  • Kara thinks that rats are making noise in the attic. Aaron tries to dissuade her from calling pest control. Later, we learn that Aaron had sedated his own original self and left him in the attic, and that that original Aaron had been struggling to escape, hence the noise and the other Aaron's opposition to doing something about it.

Fridge Logic: Here.
