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Fridge / Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

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Fridge Brilliance

  • "Ashley Wednesday" (the song Seal sings at the wedding) has the exact same melody as "Mona Lisa" and shares about half of the lyrics, suggesting that Conner really doesn't care that much about marrying Ashley or that he's completely out of ideas at that point. Or both.
  • If Lawrence had really wanted to be super far away from people he could have picked a lot of places more remote than Colorado. That's until you realize what he's actually growing on his farm...
  • Lawrence's known compositions include the "catchphrase verse" of "Turn Up the Beef" and the failed solo single "Things In My Jeep." He was the lyricist for the Style Boyz when they released "Me Likey Dat," and his journals provided the material for "Incredible Thoughts." In other words, the List Song is part of his Signature Style.
  • In the opening sequence detailing the rise of the Style Boyz, Usher explains the roles of each member of the band, describing Conner as "the one who brought it all together" with his charisma. This gets directly called back when Lawrence and Owen explain the process of composing "Incredible Thoughts": the lyrics are from Lawrence's journals, but it was Conner's idea to pair them with a piano line from Owen's solo DJ work. In other words, he's not just riding on their respective lyrical and musical abilities: his talent is combining them for a effective result, which means they need him as much as he needs them.

Fridge Logic

  • If Lawrence did write the entirety of the catchphrase verse, it means that he is most probably also the author of Conner's online hashtag/greeting/signoff line #doinkdedoink and even his stage name Conner4Real (granted, it was derived from his real name Conner Friel, but someone had to have this idea) , adding to the notion of Conner being an Ungrateful Bastard towards him.
