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Fridge / Monster Musume

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Fridge Brilliance:

  • Miia scaring the child she tried to rescue is Played for Laughs, but it's also a clever allusion to the fact that that the word 'lamia' was used in a psuedo-bogeyman fashion to frighten and/or discipline children, and indirectly, that the original Ancient Greek lamia was a child-eater, represented by Miia inadvertently appearing quite hellish to the little girl (thankfully she, and other lamias, have zero intention of eating children in this series).
  • Rachnera's speed seems a little crazy... and then you realize that spiders can move very fast. Scale one up to the size of a human/king-sized bed and well...
  • In Chapter 9 when rescuing Suu from falling into the river, Kimihito didn't drive the pick-up truck especially fast. He just ran it off the edge of the road, anticipating that Papi wouldn't be able to hold on for long. He was still pretty fast to get the Racist Couple out that quickly, as well as tough enough to survive the fall.
  • Lala didn't teleport. She merely grabbed the truck as it turned past Kimihito, then alighted behind him.
  • Why is it we get all these villainous-looking introductions to so many recent monster girls? Because that's how the normal person sees them all the time! Even Kimihito can be initially shocked by first impressions, but they become cuter because Kimihito sees past their scary initial impressions!
  • Rachnera getting drunk on coffee - which is a pretty funny moment, until you realize that she was the one who ordered it in the first place, not to mention that it was likely the first time she got drunk in front of Kimihito. In a hindsight, it looks like her troubled memories and recurring nightmares - and/or the resignation of going back to her original host family - really pushed her to try and drown her sorrows.
  • The nearly identical family resemblance between Miia/Papi/Centorea and their mothers actually makes a great deal of sense. It's been established in-universe that when monsters breed with humans the result is an un-hybridised monster, and in fact, this in the only way for lamias and harpies to reproduce. So with all three girls having human fathers, of course their mother's genes would be dominant, and the same would be true even if a monster child is born male, barring any learned behaviors from the father.
  • Why does Rachnera call Kimihito "Honey"? Because you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.note 
  • Want to know why nobody ever complains of back pain? Liminals all have Super-Strength. No matter how large their chest is, the weight is probably meaningless to them, beyond perhaps some stiffness in their shoulders. It's even noted that large breasts are normal in general for monsters with large bodies.
  • In the manga, Rachnera's boobs are comparable with Miia's, which in the real world would be quite impressive. In the anime Rachnera has been enlarged to nearly Centorea's level of bustiness. This is hardly a mystery - fanservice sells - but it's worth noting.
  • Miia's difficulty in getting intimate with Kimihito without hurting him seems strange when we learn lamias are generally so good at sex with human men that those they trick into bed usually choose to stay as communal husbands and are not harmed (beyond perhaps exhaustion). The brilliance comes in how Miia is stated by her mother to have been notably shy growing up. So it seems likely she missed out on/avoided a fair bit of sexual training/teaching that other lamias got.
    • Her species also likes to mate in groups, with several women sharing a man at once. So it may be that it feels weird having Kimihito all to herself, or she lacks the confidence to do it alone when every intimate encounter she saw growing up was a group affair.
  • The anime switches the timeline of various chapters up a bit to introduce the girls more quickly. This requires some clever changes to incorporate characters in events they were not a part of in the manga. The biggest example so far is including Suu in the events of Miia shedding. Suu is established in the manga as not being harmed by Miia's cooking, so how do you get her out of the way with the other girls? Have her mimic for fun the behavior of the girls who are sick of course! This is shown subtly in how the "soul" coming out of the "sick" Suu is clearly her own normal tentacle-antennae, unlike the others, and has a happy face.
  • Doppelgangers have no subspecies shown in their end-card entry. But then how would that even be identifiable in creatures that can take any form they want?
  • Harpies aren't the forgetful idiots they appear to be. Their 3-step memory wouldn't be much of a problem for them when you realize that they would normally be flying from place to place instead of walking. It isn't until they're in an urban setting, where they must land to properly interact with people and walk around indoors, that it becomes a problem.
  • This being an ecchi series, every girl is going to be seen naked at one point or another... except for Doppel, who is totally undressed and yet always manages to hide her most private parts. The color pages of chapter 39 show that she can talk to the reader. So she not only enjoys to tease the other characters in the story, but she endlessly teases the readers as well!
  • Miia, Papi, Centorea and Mero's mothers are all quite young looking to the point the former three look more like their sisters and the latter still seems too young compared to her daughter's age. However, many fictional species like Elves have much longer lifespans than Humans. Their youthful appearances are likely due to the fact that they are still young by their races' age standards.
  • In the first OAV Manako is seen at the kiddie pool together with Papi and Suu. It may seem strange since she, unlike the other two, is never presented as child-like. But then one remembers that Manako has a complex about her appearance: given that this special episode gives everyone (even Polt) a huge bust, she might be embarassed to stay among the other girls flaunting their half-naked bodies, and prefers the company of the more "innocent" and modestly-endowed girls.
  • Miia's Lethal Chef tendencies are explained in part by her being descended from carnivores, which have a less developed sense of taste since they only eat one thing. This makes even more sense than it seems, since those carnivores are snakes, which would have even less of a sense of taste since they swallow all their food whole.
  • Lamias have a much longer tail than most fictional snake people, which probably makes some scenes harder to draw than they should be, but makes sense; if snake people were real, they would need a tail that long to support a human torso on top of it.
    • Not necessarily. To support the human torso would be more about weight, and muscle strength than sheer length. Many real snakes can raise (proportionally) substantially larger portions of their bodies off the ground than the likely weight (proportionally) that the tail of a lamia supports.
    • Not quite accurate. Weight increases in three dimensions, while muscle strength increases in two. You don't see Anacondas rearing up half their body, after all. At the size a Lamia would be, that would all have to be SOLID muscle with a significant counterbalance in order for her to not be slithering with her face to the ground constantly.
    • One does have to consider that most of a lamia's organs would be concentrated in the human portion, leaving more space for muscles in the tail (and perhaps adding to the weight of the tail as well). They could also have special adaptations internally to support their method of moving with the human portion upright. It simply seems possible to me that they wouldn't absolutely have to have twenty feet of tail to counterbalance/support five feet of upper body, especially if you add in the traction they get from having most all their lower body in contact with the ground.
  • The book being in a World of Buxom actually makes more sense than usual, fanservice-wise; half the cast don't have humanoid lower bodies, so the artist has to make the most of the curves they do have!
    • Okayado's author avatar, though, admits in one omake that he just outright likes "buxom" more than other body types.
  • Why does Papi refer to herself in the third person? Because names jog the memory more than unspecific pronouns like "I", and harpies are forgetful. It's probably a habit left over from when she lived with her family.
    • Given that Harpy families share an uncanny resemblance referring to themselves by name is one of the few ways to tell each other apart.
  • Suu's telepathic-tentacle abilities seem almost Combo Platter Powers territory at first. But with the revelation that there are two kinds of slime - nutrient-gatherer and experience-gatherer - and that Suu is the latter, it actually fits quite neatly. Nutrient-types would would use their tentacles to absorb nutrients, after all, so experience-types...
  • As revealed in the end cards there are a few species that have venom, but their venom isn't strong enough to kill or majorly damage humans. This mirrors real life animals, as a species gets bigger, it venom weakens as it relies on its larger body to be usable in combat as opposed to hit and run tactics of other smaller venomous animals. Look at the emperor scorpion for example, it's larger than most scorpions, but has less potent venom. Ditto for tarantulas vs black widows. Now scale that up to larger than human so you get a lot stronger, but venom loses its potency in exchange for physical power.
  • Why can Ms. Smith walk into Kimihito's house whenever she wants? As an exchange supervisor she probably has a pair of keys to every host family's house so she can get in in the event of an emergency, or investigate suspicious activity. With all the shenanigans Kimihito gets into she has to check on him a lot more than other hosts.
  • In a manga that's often praised for it's biological accuracy, why does Rachnera only have six eyes instead of eight? Because six is all there's room for without giving her a huge forehead. Biological accuracy is nice, but in an ecchi manga Rule of Sexy always comes first. Also, there are several families of spiders in real life that have six eyes, such as spitting spiders, recluse spiders and some cellar spiders, among others.
  • Lamias are said to be renowned for their skills in the erotic arts. While the series doesn't go into detail, with a bit of thinking, one skill certainly comes to mind ...someone who's part snake can't have much of a gag reflex.
    • Not exactly. A Lamia's lower half is snake, but her upper half is still human. They eat, breathe, and do most other things with their upper half with most "Snake" qualities only working out as Rule of Cute. Since her digestive tract is still human, she most likely retains a sort of gag reflex.
  • In chapter 54, Suu absorbs a bottle of royal jelly and becomes a gargantuan kaiju-sized slime capable of combating the enemy slime she's faced with. Everyone wonders what is in the royal jelly that makes her so gargantuan and fierce, so someone guesses it's the nutrients. In a sense, it is. Royal jelly is a substance produced by bees that is fed to a bee larvae in order to have it eventually grow into a queen bee. Suu's sudden boost in confidence and fighting power may be her taking on a 'queenly' stature. However, also of note is that queen bees are the largest bees in the whole of the hive. So Suu absorbing the substance that makes a queen so large may have made her grow large as well.
  • Kimihito finds Tio's warm embrace dangerous because once you are in it, it is impossible to escape but can't really explain why he gets this feeling beyond that. When you consider that by then Kimihito has nearly died from hugs from Miia and has been subjected to Marshmallow Hell from many a monster girl but has always escaped before suffocating, his fear of an embrace he can't escape is well founded. It's not just hyperbole, seeing how Tio also affected Kii and Polt; the former being incredibly stubborn in general but melting before Tio in seconds, while the latter only held out for a little longer despite mentally preparing herself for it.
  • How is it that Tionishia is able to get such perfect bras, while Centorea has trouble just finding one that comes close to fitting her? As a member of MON Tio has access to specially designed clothing, like her extra large combat gear. This would naturally include bras capable of withstanding her enormous bosom, which could get in her way like Centorea's during her work.
    • It's also likely that Tionishia is completely honest about her bust size, allowing her to accurately find clothing that will fit. Since any use of strength can tear her clothing, she can't afford to put on even-smaller-than-normal clothes with this difficulty. By contrast, Centorea's hesitant to admit her exact bust size, and so finding a good fit is more difficult since she gives inaccurate measurements.
  • If Zombina Drives Like Crazy, why is she MON's designed driver? Because the other girls are unable to drive: Tio is too big to fit in the driver's seat, Manako as a monoeye has no depth perception, and Doppel presumably can't both concentrate on the road and also stay focused on hiding her true Eldritch Abomination appearance. Even if she crashes constantly off-screen, she's still be able to survive collisions (albeit needing to be reassembled afterwards) and hopefully learn to get better.
  • Of course Mero would be used to cold temperatures. She's a walking (swimming?) reference to a Danish fairy tale, and the seas near Denmark can get very cold.
  • "Old" zombies who can't get embalming fluid blood and bionic hearts have to make due with cold climates or refridgerated rooms, lest they entirely rot away. Döppelgangers are actually Masks of Nyartlathotep. In this setting, it seems that H. P. Lovecraft either guessed right or personally knew a couple of extra-speces people. Weather he was as terrified of them as he was of literally everything else except for cats and white men specifically from England is undecided.

Fridge Horror:

  • Once you realize the ramifications of the governments revealing the existence of monster races, the world suddenly feels very less lighthearted. Single-sex races like Harpies and Lamia only produce their own race, and this could effectively reduce the human population if enough people were to mate with them. The entire effect that it may have on the medical industry as a whole takes a whole new level as well, especially when you realize that most hospitals were designed for humans, and the amount of money and time to ensure that they could easily treat the newly revealed races would be ridiculous- especially if you think of what kind of changes would have to be made to accommodate large species like Centaurs (How large of an ambulance would you need to transport a lamia after a traffic accident?). Doctors- who are already under enough stress with the human population- now have to learn the anatomy and physiology of countless other races in a very short amount of time, otherwise hospitals would be unable to deal with the new booming population of sentient creatures. The less said about the geopolitical climate, the better.
    • Course some of these are not much of an issue if you look into them more. Monsters have had their own societies and governments for thousands of years and somehow have coexisted with humanity (and known to most/all governments) for all that time without human populations being affected (as famous as the all female, human-dependent races are they still seem to be a minority among the monsters). When it comes to medical facilities monsters are tough and healthy enough that they don't seem to need them much, and when they do the government seems to have people who know enough to provide them (and if not then they can go back to their own people).
  • One of the earliest jokes in the series is the fact that Kimihito never signed up for the exchange bill, and that Smith brought Mia by mistake and didn't listen when Kimihito told her he wasn't a host family. How many times has this happened? Have there been other families that had a Monster girl dropped in their laps and never had a chance to refuse because the agent didn't listen? Were all of them as nice as Kimihito, or have there been a few cases of the Monster girls getting hurt because an agent is lazy and/or uncaring about objections?
  • At one point, Centorea is nearly raped by a gang, because if she fights back to defend herself she'll be the one who gets in trouble. In addition, she would've been deported for technically breaking the "no sex with humans" law, even though she was unwilling. Thankfully, Rachnera comes to the rescue, but it brings up a horrifying thought: how many monster-girls weren't rescued from this situation? How many have been cornered by human rapists, legally forbidden from fighting back, and after they were defiled they were forcibly deported, essentially being punished for being raped? The reverse (as depicted by the orc robbery/hostage situation) is also worrisome. Heck, just apply that to host families in general, especially considering full moon phases. How many members of host families were raped by their charges? The victim would end up in jail and the extraspecies person would only be deported. True, host families are supposed to be warned about that and likely told what precautions to take, but Kimihito found out too late from Agent Smith and by that point he had three monster girls to fend off. It was really a miracle that he escaped with his virtue intact (even with substantial injury). How many other families have suffered because Agent Smith's laziness and neglect of protocol? And odds are she's not the only substandard/overworked agent either.
  • When you look closely during Centorea's scene after Lala declares Kimihito is on the verge of death, you see the car that she causes to crash has the Racist Couple in it. Considering that they stopped appearing afterwards aside from a brief flashback cameo, it's very likely they didn't survive that crash. The anime makes this even more likely, as the car straight-up explodes instead of just crashing.
  • We learn in volume 7 that Papi's father is Japanese and that her parents don't live together despite their love for one another. Which makes a sad sort of sense given that it's only been three years since the government even acknowledged the existence of harpies. Since the government is only now experimenting with the idea on inter-species marriage, the question remains whether or not Papi's parents are legally recognized to be married at all. Papi even had to go into the interspecies cultural exchange program in order to legally enter what by all rights should be her home country. It makes one wonder just how many other families have been split apart by the masquerade?
  • Yuuhi getting turned into a zombie by Lala in order to let her live the life she otherwise wouldn't have had because of her terminal illness. Great intentions and all, no doubt about that. But there's still likely gonna be some pretty damn big changes to Yuuhi's life, such the inability to heal as we've seen from Zombina's patchwork appearance. That's not even getting into the big questions like whether she'll be able to grow and develop due to being undead.
    • Not to mention the fact that Yuuhi didn't even realize she had become a zombie. If doctors hadn't called her in and Smith hadn't had the presence of mind to realize something was off, she might gone on her merry way without getting embalming procedures done like Zombina has, being none the wiser until she started rotting away.
  • With the introduction of Kino, a Matango girl and the reputation of her species, the function of her spores rapidly becomes this. After all, a mushroom is not a plant, it´s a parasitic organism and the reproductive cycle of a mushroom is through releasing the spores and allowing them to combine with each other to make new mushrooms. What better way for a sentient mushroom to assure a healthy offspring than having it grow and drain nourishment from a host that's high as a kite and unknowing (if not unwilling) to leave the source of the spores at all? Considering the nest-like webbing forming around her from sitting still for too long, one can only wonder what would have happened to the household and its occupants (sure unintentional as it may have been, the spores couldn't be withdrawn either) if the issue with Kino's spores had been left unresolved...
  • Okay, Miia is a cultural rebel who doesn't like that her race traditionally kidnaps its mates. Great. But what about all the other lamia, who aren't as open-minded and have been conditioned to reproduce solely through gang-rape?
    • Course given how quickly Miia's mother took a shine to the idea of having a man she didn't have to share with everyone, chances are a lot of lamias are going to change their minds as well now that they have much greater access to human men than before.
  • It's shown that the full moon can make an extra species lose control of themselves as their natural instincts and more primal urges take over. While Kimihito's case was a bit exaggerated since he had three lovestruck suitors trying to outdo each other, without proper precautions just about every extra species could become a threat to others and themselves on these nights.
    • The behavior of Kimihito's other roommates under such conditions could be down right fatal.
    • Suu will instinctively go after nearly any source of water. She's on record for drinking it right off of someone in ways that could be considered borderline sexual assault. She's also come close to drowning Kimihito while embracing him several times without even realizing it. Now imagine if she lost what little mental faculties she's gained since showing up. Of course, we eventually learn that she seems to be totally unaffected by the full moon, and the threat of using her against the other residents keeps the girls who are affected from trying to ravish Kimihito in the night.
    • Mero already has an unhealthy obsession with tragedy, trying to invoke numerous fairy tale and romance tropes in real life, with a habit of zoning out and outright losing touch with reality. If the full moon were to escalate this, she could become completely delusional or schizophrenic.
    • Rachnera enjoys tying others up in her webs bondage style, and can easily outmaneuver and trap anyone else despite her size. If she were to lose her sense of control or restraint and tried to take Kimihito for herself, just about nobody could really stop her except for Suu.
    • Eventually we see these fears can be downplayed though, as we see the first full moon was about as crazy as things can get, and mainly a risk because these particular three girls already had issues controlling their strength. When the full moon happens under less stressful conditions the effects are more sedate and the girls even reach a mutual agreement to not do anything. In another case, when the minotaur and sheep girls end up under the moon's influence, Kimihito's concern is getting ravished to the point he won't want to go go home rather than getting killed.
  • In chapter 29, it's revealed that Centorea's mother fell in love with her human teaser and slept with him instead of her intended mate. Not only did Centorea spend her whole life thinking another man was her father, her mother's original mate (who was knocked out and told he fell asleep) has no idea that she isn't his daughter. Centorea may have never even met her real father.
  • The reveal that Lamias would kidnap and force themselves on human men to reproduce in the past is more horrifying when you consider that up until recently humans didn't know they even existed. The poor men must have thought they had lost their minds as they found themselves being gang-raped by literal monster women.
    • What's worse is that governments knew of this, and rather then setting up some kind of deal to help the Lamia find willing and consenting partners, they chose not to interfere until after the Interspecies Exchange Act was passed. Allowing them to continue preying on unsuspecting men, with seemingly no punishment or repercussions. In fact The Masquerade would also require the government to keep any of the Lamias' male victims who escaped quiet. Meaning that they were possibly negligent in preventing countless men from being preyed upon, and might have been either actively keeping the victims silent, or payed off others to believe that they're just spouting nonsense (helped by the fact that until their existence was revealed, who would believe such creatures existed?).
    • Even more damning when you remember Miia's mom. Bringing Miia a drug that would cause a man to become more sexually aroused the more he hates a Lamia. To the point Miia's mom mentions that her dad ran away the moment the mating was done because he was terrified of snakes. Not only would these men have just escaped from gang rape, there could be an untold number amongst them who were assaulted by monsters out of their greatest phobias.
  • Taking a deeper look at the One-Gender Race status of lamias and harpies also brings on a bit of fridge horror. Since there's no way such a race could evolve without being parthenogenetic (capable of asexual reproduction), chances are very good that there were once male lamias and harpies; which brings up the question of what happened to them? Were they killed off due to a plague, or perhaps particularly destructive warfare? Or maybe males were bred into non-viability due to extreme sexual selectiveness (something which can be demonstrated in real-world evolution). Given the depiction of centaur males and the centaur females' attitude toward them, that actually appears to be happening in-universe for Cenotrea's species; so they may soon join lamias and harpies as a One-Gender Race dependent on humans.
  • The Black Lily organization, despite its president's efforts to sugarcoat what they do, has quite a few horrifying implications to it's existence. It's a mix of Superhuman Trafficking and Work Off the Debt with a hint of Company Town and Human Resources; Extraspecies girls (or at least we've only seen girls so far) are smuggled into Japan in exchange for owing a substantial debt to the organization that they typically pay back by selling the organization substances that they excrete from their bodies all the while being housed in a dormitory on company property. In Real Life such practices are horribly exploitative; That the girls have to be trafficked raises questions about how voluntary the process is and just how much the girls knew what they where getting into. Company Towns that work on debt and yet also supply basic services like food and housing have a well-deserved reputation for being horribly exploitative and price-gouging their "workers" at every opportunity. The Broker claims that the massive profits the organization makes allows them to pay the girls so well that 70% of them keep working for him after their debt is cleared, but that just makes things even worse: Most of the Organization's profits come from grey-market industries and exploiting legal loopholes - The Broker even outright states that some products (like Minotaur Milk) run afoul of human rights laws. Just how secure is the future profits of this company? The 70% of girls who keep working for the Black Lily sounds like a boast until you realize that, possibly being in the country illegally, they may have limited options to find work elsewhere (though the fact this aspect isn't mentioned as an obstacle and some do work elsewhere makes it unclear if they actually are in the country illegally).
    • It's fair to note, however, that at no point have we actually seen Black Lily engaging in these practices in-story: if anything, the whole of the farm arc proved it, what with Kimihito on the front lines with no company corruption or exploitive work environment to be seen. In fact, much ado is made of the luxurious conditions the girls in question enjoy (ie. the after-shedding massage a lizard girl is having) and the average monthly salary the Broker shows Miia and Centorea leaves them stunned, and he mentions that some Extraspecies who came through government channels have actively sought out Black Lily seeking employment.

Fridge Logic:

  • Overlapping between this and Fridge Horror: The laws against interspecies sexual contact seems like a rather silly contrivance to set up the story's harem conflict (particularly given the series' predilection for rape or near-rape); but it takes on a whole new meaning when one learns that Japan has long had one of the the worst records for sex trafficking of any developed country, with little effective enforcement of what few anti-trafficking laws exist. The Interspecies Exchange Act, and its very rigid enforcement, can be seen as an attempt to help prevent monster girls falling victim to the kind of forced-prostitution that many non-Japanese women are subjected to in real life Japan.
    • The "Interspecies Marriage" experimental regulation also fits this; as fraudulent "mail-order" marriages are a common cover for sex trafficking in Japan.

  • The introduction of the Interspecies Exchange program by design would be THE biggest push for immigration and cultural exchange Japan have ever done in its history. Japan is already known for having one of the lowest immigration rates in the developed world and for its xenophobia. Even though the government is pusing for the immigration and integration plan to work, it would be an uphill battle to get the wider public to adjust living with Extra species.

    • Another thing to remember is that citizenship in Japan is based on "Jus sanguinis" (right of blood). A baby born of a Japanese male and a foreign monster girl female within Japan would be a international story and would most likely spark debate on the Immigration process of Japan in general.

  • Speculation: Why did Centorea have A-Cup Angst when meeting Cathyl in chapter 33? Well...judging from the fact Centorea is embarrassed by the size of her bust, it's likely she is notably busty by centaur standards, apart from dairy-breed centaurs. In this case she would have grown up as The Boob Girl. Spending time among human women, who mostly have far less spectacular proportions, would have emphasized her awareness of being The Boob Girl. Then in chapter 33 is Cathyl, who handily outclasses even Centorea and is comfortable wearing a bikini top skimpy enough to provide much fanservice. After being primed to consider herself The Boob Girl, suddenly Centorea emphatically was not. Maybe her concern wasn't so much insecurity as disorientation as she lost a component of her self-image, even if it was an embarrassing component.

  • In a related matter, in chapter 71 Centorea and Rachnera have a shared Imagine Spot of the minotaurs on the Black Lily Ranch. It appears that even Rachnera's aggressive confidence suffered from knowing about the sheer carnal attractiveness the minotaurs made available to her Honey.
