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Fridge / Marvel Universe vs. the Punisher

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  • Of all three series produces, only the Wolverine series ended on any measure of a good ending. He's still alive, humanity is recovering in Antarctica, more survivors, etc. Why this is is pretty simple: Logan is the only narrator who is a full on metahuman. Unlike pretty much every other story involving a zombie esc plague, he's not an average joe and thus his story doesn't have the nihilism a average joe in the apocalypse story tends to have. He is a super hero, and superheroes save the world and the day in the end.
  • Why didn't the cannibals tear apart Reed like they did Hank Pym? Simple: while it was noted that Hawkeye had elements of his ultimate self in a mostly 616 like earth, it was never specifically shown that no one else had this. One thing to note about Ultimate Reed is that his biology is very different from a regular human's, with his body being more comparable to an octopus or a velvetworm; he has no bones, joints, or even real organs beyond a collection of bacteria that perform metabolic functions for him. He is, thus, not something the cannibals want to eat. This could also explain his lack of infection if his biology is so radically off from a humans.
  • A reason for Logan often being seen with the super scientists during his series beyond 'because Wolverine'? While it isn't often emphasized, he is pretty smart. Not super smart, but hardly utterly lost either. Same case as Ben Grimn, who was also in the room with him.
