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Fridge / Austin Powers

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Fridge Brilliance

  • It would seem weird that Dr. Evil would somehow know that Prince Charles would be married despite him not being aware of the divorce between him and Diana - except that Charles was first in line to the throne back in 1967, so him being married was an expectation from literally everyone.
  • The intro of Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, which makes Vanessa a fembot, is a satire on disposable Bond girls.
  • Goldmember, we see Nigel Powers telling Mini-Me that his junk looks like a baby's arm holding an apple. Later in the movie what does Austin and Mini-Me's shadows do behind the curtain?
  • "Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!" It wasn't just for superficial reasons that Austin would find her unsexy! He was a product of the Swinging Sixties which faced a large backlash from Thatcherism in the 80s. Thatcher stands for everything that Austin's generation was separating themselves from.
  • Austin was a swinger because he could not be with his coworker, the married and now aged Mrs. Kensington.
  • Mini-Me is "a tripod." Mini-me is an exact clone of Dr. Evil, who is Austin's twin brother. Logically, that means that that also applies to Austin himself. Explains all of Austin's Mojo, doesn't it?
    • "Exact clone" is a bit of an exaggeration, he's supposed to be a failed clone, that's why he's so small in size and apparently incapable of talking. It's far easier to believe that such part of the body was the only one that retained its normal size. That being said, if that were the case, given the audible "thump" heard when he pulls his pants down in the third film, even for a human of normal size that would be an impressive "Mini-Me".
  • Nigel Powers befriending Mini-Me wasn't just a ploy to get someone to help him escape. Nigel knew that Dr. Evil, Mini-Me's creator and "father," was his son, making Mini-Me his grandson!
  • When Scott suggests using the Time Machine to kill Austin while he's sitting on the toilet, Dr. Evil shoots down that idea. It seems like a typical moment between them. However, it's because he already tried that before when Patty O'Brien tried to kill Austin while he was on the toilet.
  • Dr. Evil's plan to steal Austin's Mojo is smarter than it seems at first. By not killing Austin in the past at some point like Scott suggests and instead trying to make Austin much less effective as an International Man of Mystery, Dr. Evil would make it easier to kill Austin and/or pull off his schemes in the present and thus avoid a paradox. The only issue with Dr. Evil's plan is he's wrong as to just how to go about doing so.
  • Dr. Evil tells Scott that he's "the Diet Coke of evil: just one calorie, not evil enough." Diet Coke has actually had zero calories for quite some time, but since Dr. Evil comes from the past, he doesn't know this.
  • Steven Spielberg filming an in-universe Austin Powers movie makes sense if you know that he originally wanted to film a James Bond movie before he was picked to direct ''Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • In a sad moment of International Man Of Mystery, Austin is seen writing down the names of 60s celebrities who had tragic deaths since he was frozen. This includes the myth that Cass Eliott died from choking on a ham sandwich. However, piled up on the couch is a bunch of old newspapers, presumably where he got all this information - Cass was found to have died of a heart attack, but a doctor speculated that she died choking on a ham sandwich and it was widely reported. If he read an article from when she'd just died, it may well have contained that misinformation.
    • Related: the heading of his list is "people I know" - it could just mean the celebrities he's heard of, but he also could have known them personally, since he was something of a celebrity in his time and regularly attended exclusive parties where rock stars and other celebrities would be present. If so, it's a little bit extra tragic that he's learning about the deaths of people he partied with, maybe even personal friends, via old newspapers.
  • Austin is really keen on using the namesake feature of pump-up sneakers, and that might have something to do with those Swedish-made penis enlargement pumps he likes so much.
  • In Goldmember, Austin and Mini-Me have to share a uniform- cut to Austin standing on top of Mini-Me's shoulders. It's an absurd enough physical gag to get by on Rule of Funny but there is sort of logic to it: Austin might be much taller, but Mini-Me is apparently strong enough to carry him without much effort. More importantly, Mini-Me is mute, so he wouldn't be able to talk his way out of a situation if anyone found him suspicious. Additionally, everyone would recognise Mini-Me's face.
  • Early on in the second movie, a shocked Austin tells Basil Exposition that his new bride Vanessa was actually a Fembot sent by Dr. Evil on a kamikazee mission. Basil is totally unfazed, stating "Yes, we knew all along, sadly." And then there's the bit at the beginning of the third movie, when Basil needlessly points out to Austin that his father Nigel was kidnapped after Austin's knighting ceremony, dispelling Austin's hopeful assumption that the kidnapping is why his father didn't make it. Was Basil's dickish behavior in these two instances revenge for Austin punching out and insulting Basil's mother in the first film?
  • Towards the end of the first film, Dr. Evil becomes exasperated with Scott Evil's slacker behavior and general disinterest in the family business, and makes a motion to drop his son into the fire pit. Frau Farbissina stops him with a riding crop swat to the hand. Naturally she did this, as she is Scott's mother, and not just the person who spearheaded his "creation".
  • Scott Evil ultimately getting into the "family business" is foreshadowed as early as the first movie. Scott throughout all three movies doesn't object to his father's world conquering attempts, he is only exasperated by Dr. Evil's incompetence and childish behavior in going about it. A normal sane individual would be shocked and horrified by what Dr. Evil does no matter how ineffective he is about it. Scott on the other hand is constantly suggesting ways Dr. Evil could actually succeed many of which involve quick murder in such a causal manner you'd expect to hear it from a serial killer. Scott was already evil, he just took until the third movie to really buy into the whole Evil Genius bit.
  • Austin gets a taste of his own medicine in the second film, when Felicity sleeps with Fat Bastard and Austin gets upset about it. He only gets over it when she explains that she did what he would have done in the same situation. In fact, it’s exactly what he did do in the first film when he slept with Alotta Fagina to gain information and then brushed off Vanessa’s objections to his behavior.
  • Nigel Powers' distaste for the Dutch despite claiming himself to dislike "people who are intolerant of others cultures" might come off as a bit of Hypocritical Humor at the expense of Goldmember, but think carefully; Nigel Powers lived through The '60s, The '70s, and The '80s before being kidnapped and taken back in time by Goldmember, and think back to what was going on in South Africa at the time and who was responsible for that.

Fridge Horror

  • Dr. Evil managed to get the President from 1969 to give him a $100 billion ransom. Earlier the president said that amount of money doesn't even exist. Exactly what did he have to do to get that amount?
    • It wasn't easy.
    • This is the government we're talking about. They could just print a billion $100 bills. Or they could bring the $1,000 or $10,000 bills back into circulation if that takes too long. Of course, printing more money than is currently in circulation will cause massive inflation and make the money worthless, but Dr. Evil would be stupid enough to try.
  • Austin's flashback in Goldmember to winning an award Dr. Evil was also nominated for shows that his father didn't show up for that. It's actually worse than that. Since Dr. Evil is Austin's long lost twin brother, their father didn't show up for either of his sons.
  • The Vanessa who marries Austin is of course revealed to be a Fembot in the first sequel. But when and how did the bad guys pull this off? Perhaps in one of the instances (that we're privy to) that the real Vanessa is out of Austin's presence for an extended period (when Austin shags Alotta Fagina, when Vanessa escapes the evil lair and returns with troops), Dr. Evil's people grabbed her and made the switch; Vanessa was drunk off her ass in the first instance, so that would have been ideal. So what happened to the real Vanessa? Either they killed her outright, or simply imprisoned her in Dr. Evil's lair. If the second scenario is the case, then that would mean Vanessa (the real one) was in a cell when the lair blew up, unable to escape and with no hope of rescue because neither Austin nor any of the other good guys knew she was even there...
  • In Goldmember, Dr. Evil is revealed to be Austin's long lost brother whom their father thought was killed in an assassination attempt. Dr. Evil goes from skeptical about this revelation and then tearfully accepts it in the space of a second. This is may seem like it's just a joke, but remember how Dr. Evil described his father in the first movie?. Perhaps the reason Dr. Evil was so quick to accept Nigel Powers as his dad was because he wanted any father other than the one he had growing up.
    • Worse, it's clear that Dr. Evil's crappy parenting is a result of him having a terrible role model for a father when he was a kid. And judging by Scott fully embracing the dark side in the final scene of the third movie, it may be too late for them to reconcile.
