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Film / The Juror

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A 1996 American Legal Thriller directed by Brian Gibson that has the titular juror (Demi Moore) being threatened by an obsessive mob enforcer (Alec Baldwin) to force a mistrial with the safety of her son (Joseph Gordon-Levitt).

The movie also stars James Gandolfini, Lindsay Crouse, Anne Heche, Tony Lo Bianco, Michael Rispoli, Matthew Cowles, Matt Craven, Frank Adonis, Michael Constantine, Polly Adams, Jack Gilpin, and Chuck Cooper.

It was released on February 2, 1996.

Tropes for the film:

  • The Film of the Book: Based on George Dawes Green's 1995 novel of the same name.
  • If I Can't Have You…: The Teacher. At first Annie's stalker with a crush, he changes to this trope after she "betrays" him and tries to get him killed. He then becomes obsessed with killing her.
  • Jury and Witness Tampering: The Mob boss Louie Boffano tries to sway Annie Laird, a juror in his trial, through his enforcer pretending to be her suitor.
  • Stalker with a Crush: The Teacher is a textbook example of this. He bugs Annie's house so he can listen to her every move, copies and enlarges photos of her and kisses them, and sneaks a bouquet of flowers into her house without her knowledge. When it looks like she won't listen to his orders, he threatens to run her son over with his car, and sleeps with her best friend (promptly killing her afterwards).
  • Tagline: "There is no defense".
