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Film / Dawn of the Mummy

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A 1981 Italian-American horror film written, produced, and directed by Frank Agrama that has a group of fashion models disturbing a mummy's tomb and reviving an ancient curse.

The movie stars Ahmed Rateb, Brenda King, Barry Sattels, George Peck, John Salvo, Ibrahim Kahn, Joan Levy, Ellen Faison, Ali Gohar, and Bahar Saied.

It was released on December 11, 1981.

Tropes for the movie.

  • The Dead Have Eyes: The mummy and its zombie followers have normal eyes upon awakening in the present day (of the eighties).
  • Distant Prologue: The movie takes place in the fourth millennium BCE as several raiders abduct people to be buried with Pharaoh Sefirama before the rest of it takes place in the 1980s.
  • Flesh-Eating Zombie : The mummy rising from the dead is soon followed by its buried undead slaves that act more like traditional flesh-eating zombies that were in vogue in the seventies and the eighties.
  • Mummy: The plot features a mummy whose tomb is disturbed by grave robbers and American fashion models. After the mummy rises to enact vengeance on its tomb's desecrators.
  • Tagline: "A monstrous, chilling terror stalking the living...".
