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Fanfic / TOS Season Four

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Star Trek TOS Season Four is an ongoing series of Script Fic for Star Trek: The Original Series which was, in Real Life, cancelled midway in its Third season. The Fanfic series takes off from where the actual show stopped, creating adventures for the original Enterprise crew during the fourth year of their mission to "Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before." Written in episode format and in keeping with the style of original Star Trek episodes, the series (as of now) contains four scripts:

  • The Tresine Troubles - A seemingly simple mission. Transport some prisoners to a detention center, after a failed coup at Tresine Six. Things begin to go out of control almost the moment they beamed down...

  • Between The Walls - Outpost Zero, long considered to be part history, part space legend. The most mysterious of the Romulan outposts during the war, presumed destroyed…But apparently intact.Investigating a long abandoned Romulan Outpost is bound to be interesting, but soon it turns out that the outpost is not as abandoned as it seems...

  • Plague Ship - Answering a distress call from a research ship lost in a star desert, the Enterprise crew stumbles in on a deadly pathogen.The rescue mission doesn’t go according to plan. Trapped within a ship full of a crew who have lost their minds, the Enterprise team has to race against time to avert a disaster before they fall prey to the same madness.

  • The Lost World - Leaving a system of planets that have completely destroyed themselves in war, the Enterprise comes across what seems to be a colony world. But they are soon to realize all is not as it seems... And the perils of the war-torn, dying world becomes even more obvious when one of their own is captured.

Star Trek TOS Season Four contains examples of the following tropes

  • Alien Biology: Spock's Vulcan characteristics come in to save the day more than once, though in Plague Ship, he is not completely immune to the virus threatening the crew. Other species get involved in the equation as well, with varying consequences.

  • Badass Crew: Well, it is a Star Trek fanfic. The Enterprise crew are in fine form, with the main characters in the center stage, but the minor and unnamed characters are also given enough scenes to prove that there is a reason they are the best of the best the Federation has to offer.

  • Captain's Log: In keeping with the actual series, each transcript begins with a log being dictated by Captain Kirk, which gives an overview on where they are and what is going on at the moment - though situations can change very rapidly when you are in deep space.

  • Ho Yay: Again, in keeping with the spirit of the original show. In Plague Ship, a seriously ill Spock states that a Mind Meld with Kirk won't take as much effort as a normal one does, because their minds are perfectly compatible with each other, a remark that, despite the dire situation they are in at the moment, brings a smile to Kirk's face.

  • Script Fic: The entire series is composed of transcripts for an imaginary Season Four of the Original Series. Currently numbering three scripts and ongoing.

  • Send in the Search Team: At least two of the adventures begin in this fashion - and things promptly go south from there.

  • Stoic Woobie: The author really enjoys putting Spock through hell and back in every story.

  • Red Shirt: Several security officers, i.e., the official Red Shirts, are present, though mortality rate is pretty low. Most of them get to perform at least one Moment of Awesome.
