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Fanfic / Loud Boy: Altered

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Loud Boy: Altered is a fanfiction/rewrite by Izztreme for the kids comic, Daniel Boom AKA Loud Boy. Loud Boy: Altered follows the story of Daniel, Rex, Sid, Violet, Jeannie S., and many others in their many exploits. Each of the main characters have superpowers based around supposed bad habits children often have, and fight their foes to the best of their ability, while also wrangling school, parents, drama, trauma, and friends.

Loud Boy: Altered contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass: In the original books, the main heroes rarely throw punches or get into serious fights, as per its child-friendly nature. In this fic, the main heroes are much tougher and stand their own in a serious fight.
    • Rex receives this the most. Considered the toughest of the group, being skilled at fighting, strategy, and how to hold his own in a fight, and is very intimidating when they need to be.
  • Adaptational Personality Change: All of the Freak Five received this:
    • Daniel is more shy, quiet, and reserved.
    • Jeannie S. is more curious, short-tempered, and prideful.
    • Rex is more mellow, cynical, and serious.
    • Violet is very much optimistic, peppy, and determined.
    • Sid fully embraces his hyperactivity, being much more energetic, comedic, and impulsive.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Daniel is more reclusive, anxious, and less brave than his original counterpart. He's usually not that proficient at fighting, and has moments of freezing up or, at worst, having panic attacks.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The fanfic has more story elements, plots, characters, and personalities than the original source material.
  • Afraid of Their Own Strength: Daniel is genuinely terrified of his loud voice, worrying about it hurting everyone in his wake, whether or not it's unintentional.
  • Alliterative Name: Rex Rodriguez
  • Apologises a Lot: Violet apologies quite often, even to people who don't need/deserve it
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Sid and Violet both have ADHD, meaning that they both have a hard time staying focused.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Rex is the middle child and very protective of both his siblings, mainly his little sister Maria. Rex is usually calm, in spite of the intimidating front he puts up, but if you try to fight/hurt his big brother, expect to see Rex standing behind him giving you his terrifying death glare. And god forbid you hurt his sister in any way whatsoever, because at that better start running.
    • They also extend their protectiveness towards their friends, especially towards Daniel. It’s best to not mess with their friends while they're around, and god forbid you even lay a scratch on Daniel….
  • Big Eater: Sid loves to eat anything that’s edible, with very few exceptions. He almost always has some snacks on him no matter what, and always has room in his stomach even after eating dozens of buckets of ice cream. Justified as he has a very high metabolism and is always hyperactive.
  • Brutal Honesty: Rex shows little to no hesitation when it comes to telling people the truth. Daniel also tends to be blankly honest, strangely being harsher than Rex.
  • Child Hater: Dr. Docter and the entire Kid-Rid organization. They aren’t called Kid-Rid without reason.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Violet is constantly eager to go into her hero persona and save people, even if it's completely unnecessary at the moment.
  • Cuddle Bug: Violet loves hugging people, glomping and squeezing them any chance she gets. However she knows when someone doesn't want a hug and backs off, showing her affection in other ways.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Daniel immediately devolves into mushyness upon seeing any type of bird.
  • The Cynic: Downplayed. While Rex isn't entirely cynical, they do see the world in a more negative light and tend to look at situations with a pessimistic attitude.
  • Darker and Edgier: It has a considerably darker tone and has more serious elements than the original.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Daniel has been tormented and harassed by the city of New Gridlock, forced to be very quiet about his mental troubles due to the fear of being a burden, a nuisance, or just plain annoying.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Daniel hands down, mostly directing it towards Sid due to his moronic actions. He also tends to snark at his enemies as well.
    • Rex also does this as well, mostly behind his first language, Spanish.
  • Death Glare: Rex is a master of this, and it’s able to terrify even the bravest kids.
  • Dork in a Sweater: Jeannie S. is highly intelligent and wears a yellow sweater.
  • Enthusiastic Newbie Teacher: Sabira is new to being a behavioral teacher and is very excited to have the Freak Five as her first assignment.
  • Genki Girl: Violet is very optimistic, cheerful, energetic, and easily excitable.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Violet, despite trying her best to keep her cool, can easily snap, which makes sense for her powers. She's working really hard on it, but it still tends to slip from her every now and then.
  • Hates Being Touched: Daniel really dislikes being touched in any matter whatsoever (with the only exception being people he truly trusts.) Justified as he has Autism and sensitive skin, and touching him too much or hugging him unexpectedly will send him into a flurry of stinging pain and gain a desire to pull himself out of the situation.
  • He Knows Too Much: Stanley is on the run from Kid-Rid because he knew too much about their true intentions.
  • The Klutz: Sabira has a bad habit of bumping into things, tripping over herself, and dropping things. It happens so often that she jokes about it being a curse, mostly to shave off her embarrassment.
  • Lemony Narrator: There’s two of them, the narrator and the author himself. They often appear at the beginning of the episode and at the end, bickering with each other and snarking at one another, and the narrator often questions the author's rewriting decisions, while the author messes with the narrator in various ways.
  • Literal-Minded: Daniel and Violet tend to have trouble interpreting metaphors and rhetorical questions.
  • Meaningful Name: All five kids have names that relate to their main power:
    • Daniel Boom note , Jeannie S. Boom note , Rex Rodriguez note , Violet Fitz note , and Sid Down note 
  • The Mentor: Sabira acts like this towards the Freak Five, trying to teach them good morals, help them with their problems, and just trying to be a good motherly figure to the kids.
  • Motor Mouth: One of Jeannie S.'s main abilities is talking faster than anybody else, often not knowing that she’s doing it until she's told to slow down.
    • Violet also has this tendency of speaking fast, especially when she gets excited
  • Nervous Wreck: Daniel is often anxious, worrying about everything, and is easy to set off into a panic attack. Justified as he has Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and also he's struggling with the responsibility and stress of being a superhero, so who can blame him?
  • No Indoor Voice: If it isn’t already clear enough, Daniel doesn't have any control over the volume of his voice, much to his own dismay.
  • Super-Scream: As a result of not having control over the volume over his voice, he's able to make a very powerful scream.
  • Super-Strength: Rex was made to be super strong by the tampered Behavio-Ray and he makes great use of it
