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frog in a well is a Crossover between Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia written by unolvrs.

After the dealing and defeating the Cursed Wombs, Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara gets mysteriously transported into the My Hero Academia universe.

Can also be read here, though that version is not up to date.

frog in a well provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shinso seems to have an early introduction meeting Fushiguro and Kugisaki before they even went to UA when they caught him on the street after being ruthlessly bullied for his quirk. After Fushiguro expressed concern for his wellbeing, he patched him up, gave him some comforting words, and sent him on his way.
  • Ambiguous Situation: One of the main questions in the story is no one knows where Yuuji is currently. Despite the author dropping hints, the only thing we know for certain right now is that he's still alive. Halfway through the fic it's revealed that he's captured by the Shie Hassaikai, and after Hosu he is instead captured by the League of Villains.
  • Berserk Button: Much to Megumi and Nobara's annoyance, lately everyone they come across has assumed they're in some kind of relationship due to how close they appear to be with each other. That wouldn't be so bad if only for the fact no matter how many times they say they're only just friends hardly anyone believes them. It's gotten to the point where Word of God claims the misunderstanding will probably never be resolved completely.
  • Big Damn Reunion:
    • Gojo appears at the training camp just in time to save Nobara. All she can do is hug him as tight as she can and cry her heart out at finally seeing someone familiar.
    • Megumi, Nobara and Yuuji finally get their reunion during the Kamino raid. Nobara punches Yuuji for making them worry and then the three of them hug it out in front of the cameras, crying all the while.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Chapter titles are written in Japanese.
  • Black-and-White Morality: Much to Fushiguro and Kugisaki's frustration and disgust, the MHA world seems to live and breathe this mentality. Everyone there is so easy to turn on people as soon as they make one wrong move and are so quick to slot people into "good and evil" categories.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: Both Megumi and Nobara have been butting heads over this issue but neither are wrong about how to deal with Class 1-A. She insists because it isn't even their own world, they shouldn't bother getting involved. After all, the more they get close to the people in that world the harder it will be to leave. Megumi, on the other hand, believes they should get involved and help them defend themselves. To him they're no more then civilians with powers that are being targeted by dangerous people. While he understands he can't save everyone, regardless of them being in a different world, they should still strive to save people.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Apparently, there are some people who believe that quirks have been around for thousands of years but they've only been discovered in the past two hundred years give or take. An example of this is some Quirk Historian once theorized that Oda Nobunaga had a Charisma Quirk.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Megumi decides to take a member of the League of Villains hostage after he and Katsuki are captured by them, but because he can't see when he's melded with and teleporting through his own shadow, he takes one at random. Said member is Spinner, the only mutant of the group, when Megumi already has a reputation of Fantastic Racism towards mutants. Megumi even lampshades this.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Gojo decides to check how rusty Yuuji is and makes him take down All For One on his own. Yuuji takes 37 seconds to beat him. And then Gojo calls him rusty anyway because that was too long and he even let himself get captured once.
  • Demoted to Extra: Despite Yuuji being one of the main characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, he takes a major backseat in this fic and gives the reins to Megumi and Nobara. This is because part of the plot is the main duo being separated from Itadori and trying to find him all the while dealing with the situation of being Trapped in Another World.
  • Easily Forgiven: The only reason Sugiyama decided to forgive Megumi and Kugisaki after trying to steal from his store was because they reminded him of his grandchildren. He even covered for them after they attempted to do the same thing at different stores and in a desperate last ditch attempt not to let history repeat itself again, he offered them part-time jobs at his shop and even allowed them to sleep in the back of the store after learning they didn't have a place to stay.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: After the Kamino Raid, the media start calling Yuuji "Kamikabi", combining the characters for kamikazi because he rushed into the fight between All For One and All Might head on, and Kirby because he's pink. Everyone thinks it's hilarious but it's also really bad press.
  • Fantastic Racism:
    • Justified in Fushiguro and Kugisaki's cases precisely because the mutant-type quirks look so much like curses from where they come from that it puts them on edge. They've struggled with being called "judgemental assholes" because of this habit of always jumping in fright and almost attempting to fight the odd looking people. I mean they have been trained from children to fight these creatures but it should be noted Nobara is handling the adjustment a lot better then he is since she's a natural at adapting to the environment she's in.
    • As Kugisaki notes, no matter where they go people will always hate what is different from them as she concludes after meeting Shinso who was currently getting bullied and discriminated against for his quirk.
  • Fish out of Water: Megumi and Nobara has a lot of trouble dealing with the huge culture differences in the MHA dimension at first. For instance they have serious issues understanding the difference between Pro-heroes and police officers, petty criminals and villains, and finds the world's constant use of the terms heroes and villains to be rather odd and off-putting. They also find it strange how publicized the heroes' Quirks are and how normal it is for people in the MHA world to ask about a person's Quirk on first meeting, when as Jujutsu Sorcerers they're used to keeping their abilities a secret.
  • Flashback Nightmare: Kugisaki suffers through one of these at the beginning which showed us exactly what happened the moment the three of them got sent to another world.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Yuuji is slowly losing his mind while captured by the Shie Hassaikai. He is locked in a room where there are no windows or any real indication of the passage of time, his only contact are his guards who constantly try to drug him and occassionally Eri, who he suspects is being hurt, and the only constant presence around him is Sukuna who does his damnest to break him by talking and urges him to give into the violence. His memory grows fuzzier and fuzzier over time, and he's in a really bad mental state by the time he manages to escape.
  • Government Conspiracy: It is an open secret among many pros that there's something terribly wrong with the way the HSPC promotes and trains heroes, and a few other people like Izuku are very suspicious of them. However what puts the nail in the coffin is that the Commision reveals that there was an active dimensional portal for MONTHS and they never told Megumi and Nobara, they knew that Yuuji had been kidnapped by the Shie Hassaikai and did nothing, and then they kidnap Eri again.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Mostly Downplayed and Played for Laughs with Kugisaki's frustration towards Shiketsu. She's mentioned before a few times of her annoyance at how generic UA's school uniforms are. Especially, after she's seen the Shiketsu ones which reminded her so much of her old Jujutsu uniform.
    Kugisaki: Have you seen Shiketsu's uniform? Very intimidating. I love it.
    Fushiguro: This isn't that different from ours.
    Kugisaki: That's why I like it, obviously. UA's is... too plain. Looks like your middle school's, Shiritsu-san.
  • The Homeward Journey: The three have to jump through quite a few hoops in order to get back home. Special mention goes to Megumi and Nobara, who have to attend UA without anyone discovering they’re from an alternate universe, find a missing Yuuji, exorcise curses, and find a way home.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Nobara justifies this to herself and refuses to feel bad for robbing convenience stores after hearing a young middle school girl was fired after they pulled off a successful heist the night she was working. They needed to find a way to survive in a world where they didn’t exist after all.
  • Imagine Spot: Played for Laughs after Kugisaki imagines Gojo promoting merchandise to the public as much the Pro-heroes do.
    Kugisaki: [shudders in disgust] Imagine Gojou-sensei advertising brands too: Number One Sorcerer, Number One Underwear.
  • I Will Find You: The main reason Fushiguro and Kugisaki even bothered attending UA is so they can force their faces on the big screen so Yuuji would know where to find them instead of looking for one person in a whole world of people. In any case, they're completely bound and determined to find him and they even stated that if Yuuji didn't find them within the year, they were completely willing to become villains- if harmless ones- in order to achieve their goal.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Literally everyone assumes Megumi and Nobara are a couple much to their growing irritation whether it's their classmates, Hawks, the media, or even the teachers. This is all thanks to everyone noticing how they isolated themselves from their classmates keeping only to each other, their decision to become a hero duo together despite the clear lack of popularity for it, and the fact that they're rooming together.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Yuuji is left horrified and traumatized over how he killed Setsuno and Rappa when escaping the Shie Hassaikai with Eri, especially since he didn't even mean to kill them, he just forgot to take into account how much power he should use on humans as opposed to Curses. It doesn't help that Sukuna keeps taunting him over this in his efforts to break Yuuji.
  • Nominal Hero: Unlike the other hero students at UA, Megumi and Nobara's only reason for attending the school currently is to win the sports festival so they can send a message live all across the world which will hopefully lead Yuuji to them. They stated themselves the first chance they get after they find Itadori, they're quitting UA, finding a way home, and never looking back. Nobara goes as far as to say she doesn't care in the slightest what happens to this world. Megumi however, cares a bit more about people but knows that he can't save everyone.
  • Oh, Crap!: Fushiguro has this reaction after they realize everyone in this world can see curse energy and therefore his shikigami. That puts a huge hindrance on their original plan of using his shikigami to rob stores without anyone noticing which was how they originally ended up caught by Sugiyama.
  • Plagued by Nightmares: Exploited by Nobara after Sugiyama's wife tries to separate them into different bedrooms. She claims she has constant night terrors and Megumi is the only one who can properly help her though them since their other friend disappeared- something he noted was a total lie right away. In actuality, she does feel more comfortable with him there which is the only reason she made up the farce in the first place.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Yuuji yells at Izuku that he's friends with Fushiguro and Kugisaki, but he's in the middle of a villain attack, covered in blood and with a scared little girl in tow, so Izuku mistakes him for a villain and doesn't help him. Yuuji gets kidnapped by the League of Villains immedietely afterwards, and Izuku spends the rest of the fic beating himself up for not listening to Yuuji and letting him reunite with his friends.
  • Power Incontinence: Nobara can control her Cursed energy just fine when she's going all out and aiming to kill but due to the MHA world's Black-and-White Morality, they have to be extremely careful making sure they don't kill anyone they're fighting. This is why she has to retrain herself and try to control her strength if she ever wants to stop using her squeaky hammer in a fight.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Fushiguro definitely falls under this category after everything they've gone through since getting dropped off in the new dimension. He isn't afraid to get their hands dirty in order to accomplish what they want whether that includes robbing stores or doing whatever it takes to find Itadori. That being said, Fushiguro genuinely wants to help people when he can even if it's against Kugisaki's wishes not to get involved with them.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Nitta definitely deserves to be called one of these after everything she endures during the course of the story. She's overworked while undercover in the Hero Commission in order to find the trio all while trying to get use to the new world she was dropped in, she becomes the sole guardian of Fushiguro and Kugisaki, and she's very clearly presented as a emotional rock for the kids.
    Nitta: Fushiguro-kun and Kugisaki-chan are both getting overworked in their own way, you know. The two of you go to school, put up personalities, and after that, you have to exorcise Curses- you need to get rest as much as you can especially with the Sports Festival coming up. Leave it to the adults for now, okay? You've worked way too hard for the past few months.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Defied by Nobara during her grand opening speech at the Sports Festival. Megumi originally helped her come up with a speech explaining some of the problems with the hero society as a whole but she opted out last minute due to not caring at all about them or the world's issues. Instead, she dedicated the extra time to sending a secret message to Yuuji telling them where they are.
  • Relatively Flimsy Excuse: After the sports festival, Megumi and Nobara start lying that they're cousins to try and quell the rumours about them dating. It mostly works, but only within UA itself.
  • Running Gag:
    • A popular joke in this is no matter how much time passes, the Jujutsu sorcerers can't seem to comprehend the value of wearing and fighting in spandex and why no one seems to find it weird.
    • Ever since they the two arrived in the MHA world, it's become very common misconception to assume Fushiguro and Kugisaki are a couple, something that's been slowly grating on their patience the more people come to that conclusion. Even when they deny it, more likely then not they still wouldn't believe them.
  • Safety in Indifference: Justified in Nobara's case due to be Trapped in Another World and knowing that her getting attached to people will only hurt everyone in the long run since they still plan on heading back to their own dimension. That's why she's been butting heads with Megumi recently. She can't seem to understand why he's so determined help Class 1-A and protect them even when it's not their responsibility.
  • Shout-Out: Yuuji ends up at the receiving end of a bunch of them. From Shigaraki asking him if he's a dovahkiin to Bakugou calling him Majin Buu to the media comparing him to Kirby, poor guy just can't catch a break.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Fushiguro’s white wolf Shikigami ended up surviving the battle with Finger Bearer Curse due to Word of God needing him for plot purposes.
  • Trapped in Another World: Megumi, Nobara, and Yuuji being mysteriously transported to the MHA universe is the whole core of the plot. They have to find Yuuji and a way back if they don't want to be stuck there forever.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 43 has Gojou appearing at the training camp to save his students from curses the League of Villains was able to get their hands on.
  • Worldbuilding: Apparently, being a Undergound hero isn't an official job title. To the public Undergound Pro-heroism and "normal" Pro-heroism is the same thing on paper, it was just a word people coined in to help differentiate the two. It's relatively known that Undergound heroes don't want to be in the spotlight as much and as such they're more popular with the government and a portion of the civilians since they don't inflict nearly as much property damage as the other "Spotlight" heroes.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: It's been made clear after a sneak peek to see how the Jujutsu sorcerers are dealing with the trio's disappearance that only a week has passed by in their world. However, we know it's already been months since they set foot in the MHA dimension.
  • You Remind Me of X: The reason Sugiyama, the old man, decided to let the Megumi and Nobara off the hook so easily after attempting to steal from his store is because they reminded him of his grandchildren who were recruited to become villains. So, when he saw two teenagers who were heading down the same path, he easily forgave them and even gave them jobs and let them sleep in the back of the store in an attempt to change their ways.
  • Your Normal Is Our Taboo: Downplayed. Quirk marriages are largely looked down upon in Hero society and raising children up to become is heroes from such a young age is considered scandalous at the very least but in the Jujutsu world doing acts like that are normal for them. Just look at the Zen'in family if you want an example, even Nobara was raised from birth by her grandmother to be a Jujutsu sorcerer as soon as it was made clear she had the potential for it.
  • You Wake Up on a Beach: Fushiguro wakes up on the beach after Kugisaki dragged him to shore after being transported and dropped in the ocean. He was lucky she was there to pull him out otherwise he would have drowned because of his nasty head injury he attained from the special grade curse.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: Fushiguro and Kugisaki's original intent was only attending UA for one year and if they couldn't find Itadori within that time frame then they'd resort to being harmless villains which would mark them as fugitives and sully their reputation permanently. That plan never came to fruition though thanks to the Hero Commission's intervention. They cut a deal with them where if they'd work for them, they would help find their missing friend and back up their fake backstories.
