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Fanfic / Double Team Trouble

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In a World… When Dimensions Collide and all hell breaks loose, the Core Timeline has seen a whole damn lot. Multiple Alternate versions of a single person run around, meet, sometimes gel, sometimes not. The streets call this a "plague" for a reason.

But over on Chicago, Mari "Captain America" Makinami has a new assignment: she has to review one of the Extraordinary Avengers divisions that have been recently deployed, over on Minnesota.

A division that has an Alternate of herself as a member. An Alternate so similar, and yet so different...

The streets call this a "plague" for a reason.

Double Team Trouble is a short story that occurs in the Coreline Shared Universe.

Currently under construction. Please add tropes as you see them!

This story has the following Tropes:

  • Alternate Self: Two members of the Minnesota Extraordinary Avengers are an Alternate of Mari Makinami with the powers of Captain America (callsign "Bulwark") and an Alterante of Mana Kirishima that is Iron Maiden. This latter one causes a bit of shock on first impression because of the fubar that caused the Chicago Avengers' Iron Maiden to leave the Avengers in Avengers Reassembled.
  • Continuation Fic: This story follows up on the events of "The Captain and the Prince".
  • Everyone Can See It: Zuko calls Mari out on calling Prince Adam her "contact" on Eternia, saying that they all knew who she's talking about. Mari tells him that its none of his business.
  • Superhuman Transfusion: When the alt of All Might and Izuku Emerged onto the Line, Mari's "Uncle Steve" found them, wounded, and gave them a transfusion of his blood. The Super Serum in his blood then bonded with One For All, allowing All Might to regain his lost strength.
  • The Inspector Is Coming: With "the inspector" in question being the protagonist — that being Captain Makinami, who is testing the Minnesota EA.
