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Fanfic / Arthur Lost Episode

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Arthur Lost Episode is a creepypasta about a lost episode of Arthur.

The story can be found here:

This creepypasta contains examples of:

  • Art Shift:
    • Arthur sees a picture of a realistic aardvark (his grandfather), and later shows pictures of other realistic animals to the others.
    • The ants are described as "drawn in high artistic vigor".
  • Blind Without 'Em: See The Glasses Come Off below.
  • Bloodier and Gorier/Bloody Hilarious: Being a creepypasta, it has more deaths and violence than the show it was based on. Examples include:
    • Buster revealing he cut off his leg and cauterized the bloody wound.
    • Arthur learning his parents cut off his snout and apparently replaced it with a new one.
    • Buster turning over his palm, revealing horrific sores and cuts.
    • The demon chewing on the bone marrow of Buster's rotting corpse, which was being eaten by rats.
    • Arthur killing D.W. by throwing a book at her.
    • Arthur's neck getting cut and bleeding after he smashes his father’s liquor cabinet, with a virus attached on the wound.
    • Arthur telling George his hooves were cut off.
    • The other characters either burning to death from the heat or getting Eaten Alive by an army of ants that crawled in Arthur's house.
    • Arthur stitching a random elephant trunk to his face, while he's bleeding and screaming.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Buster speaks directly to the audience in the start of the episode.
    I fuck you not, [Buster] looked directly into the camera, smiled, and said "the animators."
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Even though the demon turned the thermostat in Arthur’s house up to 126 degrees, which is a really high temperature, Arthur doesn't suffer at all. When the rest of the main cast come in, many of them are described to be visibly sweating and burning to death due to the temperature, but Arthur, who was already there, isn't described to have any problems. In fact, it's only after he stitches an elephant trunk to his face and sits on a swing made from the other characters' bones that he suffocates from the heat.
  • Demonization: The narrator describes Cinar (or, as they say it, "Sinnar") as a cabal of satanistic lunatics that insert subliminal mind programming messages in Arthur.
  • Dirty Communist: Some of Arthur's lines imply this:
    Arthur: This is all because of capitalism! The capitalist porks with their pork money and pork lies! Currency is the controlling agent in the biomachine head, they want us fighting over the scraps as we feed the virus! But viruses aren’t alive!
  • Eaten Alive: The ants eat most of the main characters, stripping them to the bone.
  • Eyeless Face: The narrator describes Buster's discarded face having hollow eyes.
  • Full-Body Disguise/Latex Perfection: Buster turns out to be a demon in disguise, and is in fact described as removing his mask.
  • The Glasses Come Off: Deconstructed. After Arthur kills D.W., he rips off his glasses. He ends up stumbling down the stairs and knocking into a bookshelf as a result.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Arthur discovers that he's an aardvark that was taken away from his natural habitat, had his face mutilated and was deprived of ants and ant products, prompting him to fly into an Unstoppable Rage.
  • Heroic BSoD: Arthur doesn't take learning about his identity well, eating a blunt he was smoking and speaking about how his life was a lie, before he dives head-first in an Unstoppable Rage.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Binky tries to kill Arthur with a tea set knife, but a while later, he gets stabbed by Arthur with it instead.
  • invokedI Am Not Shazam: At one point, the narrator refers to Arthur as "Arthur Aardvark". What makes this weirder is that most of the other characters are at least once referred to by their normal full names.
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot: The reason Buster cut off his leg and cauterized the bloody wound is to bring 7 years of bad luck to the animators.
  • Make Sure He's Dead: After Arthur suffocates from the heat, a SWAT Team member shoots him in the head twice.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: While describing a picture of a realistic aardvark Arthur saw, the narrator says it has a thick, long snout it uses to scout for ants in the equatorial South American plateaus. Real aardvarks are native to Africa.
  • National Stereotypes: The narrator says they know things about PBS that “the average Steak and football loving American covered in dorito crumbs” would not know about Arthur.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Buster turns out to be one.
  • Picky People Eater: The demon, for some reason, only eats the bone marrow in Buster's corpse, with rats eating the rest instead.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": The narrator refers to Arthur as "the Arthur" twice.
  • Stock Animal Diet:
    • While the demon chews a dead Buster's bone marrow, the narrator talks about "rodents feasting on his rabbit flesh".
    • Zigzagged in Arthur's case: While the issue that he doesn't eat ants is acknowledged both by the narrator and Buster, when a full army appears, he doesn't eat any (although it might have happened and just not been described).
  • Stripped to the Bone: The ants do this to most of the main characters. Weirdly, their skeletons form a house later on.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Arthur does this when he learns his true identity:
    Arthur: I went to school, I went to church, I played the tag team foot ball, I learned about sharing and caring and playing, but... CLOTHING!
  • The Swarm: An army of ants comes up and devours almost all the main characters alive.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Arthur has one when he learns about his true identity, screaming and raving about his situation and capitalism, rampaging through his house, and even killing his sister D.W. at one point.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After the ants eat most of the main characters, they're not mentioned again.
  • Would Hit a Girl/Would Hurt a Child: Arthur picks up a book of the bookshelf and throws it at his sister D.W., who falls backward with an apparent concussion and swallows her tongue, during his rampage.
