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Even Evil Has Standards / Recess

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  • Randall Weemes was a snitch who rats on his fellow students for Miss Finster, sometimes even doing something elaborate so he'd have an excuse to snitch (such as when he framed the entire school with a food fight that he instigated). However, the one group he isn't willing to snitch on are higher authority figures such as King Bob, which made him tell off the Ashleys' brothers when they did actually manage to do so after recruiting them. This is also implied in the movie, when, after one of Phillium Benedict's followers tried to pin the blame on Benedict for everything to get out of punishment, and stating that he himself was only following orders and desperately bargaining that he'll "turn state's evidence", Randall remarks in disgust "Jeez, what a squealer."
    • Another element to factor in is that Randall is disgusted the follower is offering to squeal on Benedict for the sake of getting out of punishment, whereas Randall snitches to Miss Finster to keep the playground under control. And is likewise disgusted because this guy is selling out his boss whereas Randall views Miss Finster as his Only Friend.
  • While certainly not evil, Hustler Kid makes all sorts of shady deals and is generally unsympathetic unless paid to be. In the episode "Hustler's Apprentice", however, he makes it clear that he will not sell forged hall passes or anything else that could land someone in serious trouble.
    • Although in a previous episode he had no qualms about selling forged Social Security cards...
  • Miss Finster isn't evil but can be harsh and downright cruel when punishing the students, yet even she thought separating TJ and his friends into separate schools was going too far.
  • Double-subverted with Lawson when Ms. Finster breaks her leg. While T.J. says that taking advantage of her is beneath all of them but Lawson, the bully admits that it's too low even for him.
