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Drinking Game / VeggieTales

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Even if the series is rated G, adults can watch this and play this messy drinking game. You'll be dead in an hour.

  • Take a drink whenever Bob and Larry welcome the viewers.
    • Take two drinks if Larry is not present or vice-versa.
    • Drain the glass if another character is a substitute host.
  • Likewise, take a drink everytime they end with "God made you special, and he loves you very much."
  • Everytime QWERTY sings the "What we have learned" song. Double between two shots if Bob is annoyed by it.
    • If something unusual happens during the song, take another drink.
  • Take a drink for every pop culture reference.
    • Down your bottle if it's something only the child audience's parents would get.
      • Get another bottle and immediately start drinking again if it's something only the child audience's grandparents would get.
  • Take a drink whenever Larry acts like an idiot.
  • Take a drink whenever Larry is mistaken for a pickle.
    • Take two drinks if whoever called him a pickle doesn't get corrected.
  • Take a moment to praise the Lord whenever God is mentioned.
  • If you're brave enough, swig through an entire Silly Song with Larry, or a song in general.
  • Down your whole drink if they go a whole story (not counting the countertop segments) without making any religious references. Depending on what era the episode is from, this may not be too hard, although it's NOT recommended for NBC airings.
  • Drink everytime Bob is portrayed as a Butt-Monkey.
