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Drinking Game / CLANNAD

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That's a drinking game for the Anime CLANNAD:

  • Take a sip for every of Tomoya's pranks.
  • Take a sip when Nagisa talks about odango.
  • Take a sip when Akio holds a baseball bat.
  • Take a sip when Kyous Big Sister Instinct kicks in.
  • Take a sip when Ryou tells someone's fortune.
  • Take a sip when Bookworm Kotomi reads.
    • Take a sip when she asks if someone's a bully.
    • Take a sip when she introduces herself.
  • Take a sip when Butt-Monkey Youhei is beaten by Tomoyo.
    • Take two if it's not Tomoyo who beats him.
  • Take a sip when Fuuko gives someone a starfish sculpture.
    • Take a sip when she goes into a trance-like state.
    • Take a sip when someone can't see her.
  • Take a sip when Misae has problems with the rugby team.
  • Take a sip when Akio speaks about his wife's bread.
