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Drinking Game / Attack on Titan

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  • Take a drink every time Eren mentions his desire to eradicate the Titans.
    • Take another if someone puts down his dream.
  • Take a drink whenever a named character gets killed.
    • Two if the death is actually given time to be dramatic.
    • Three if "Vogel im Käfig" plays during said death.
    • Four if you liked the character.
  • Take a drink every time someone fails to kill a Titan.
    • Two if they survive.
    • Three if they're still in fighting condition.
    • If they die with a lot of blood, take two drinks anyway.
  • Take a drink every time a character yells.
    • Two if they're crying while they do it.
    • Three if they die soon after.
    • Four if it's Eren.
  • Take a drink every time Mikasa has to save Eren.
  • Take two drinks every time Eren has to save Mikasa.
  • Take a drink every time Mikasa says "Eren."
    • Two if he's not even around to hear it.
  • Take a drink every time someone performs a Spin Attack.
    • Take two if it's Levi.
  • Take a drink every time Titan Eren injures himself.
  • Take a drink every time Armin monologues or makes a speech.
    • Take two if he's expressing a complete lack of self-confidence.
  • Take a drink every time Eren does something stupid and gets yelled at for it.
  • Take a drink every time a new Ackerman shows up.
  • Take a drink every time Levi's expression isn't the bored/ disinterested look he carries around with him 98% of the time.
  • Take a drink every time Levi's expression IS the bored/ disinterested look he carries around with him 98% of the time.
  • If Bertolt actually speaks, chug.
  • Take a drink every time Annie lectures someone about the world.
    • Two if she actually shows emotion.
  • Take a drink every time a character is revealed to be a Titan Shifter.
  • Take a drink every time the phrase, "died in vain" is spoken.
  • Take a drink every time a character spends half a minute reflecting/arguing with themself before they finally take action.
  • If someone starts crying, chug.
  • Take a long drink if you see blood.
  • Take a drink every time Reiner receives a horrifying injury.
  • Take a drink every time Eren and Jean get into an argument.
    • Two if it gets violent.
    • Three if Mikasa has to bail Eren out of it.
  • Tank a drink every time someone uses the word "humanity".
  • Take a drink every time someone asks to marry Christa.
    • Take two if it's said by Ymir.
  • Take a drink if someone loses a limb.
    • Chug the whole thing if they get bitten in half.
  • Take a drink every time Mikasa adjusts, touches, or refers to her scarf.
    • Chug if she isn't wearing it.
  • Take a drink every time Eren says some variation of "moving forward".
  • Take a drink every time someone says "devote/dedicate your hearts".

Season 4-Specific

  • Take a long drink for every scene where pure Titans appear.
  • Take a drink every time someone is hateful towards Eldians.
    • Take two if the speaker is not themselves Eldian.
  • Take a drink every time one of the Scouts declare they still trust Eren.
  • Take a drink whenever a non-Jaegerist attempts to justify the Rumbling.
  • In the final battle, take a drink for every past Titan shifter for whom you aren’t sure which power they had.

Multiplayer mode!

  • Watch with someone who hasn't seen it. Take a drink every time they swear in surprise.
  • If you are a SNK fan and someone refers to this series as SnK, take a small drink. Take two if they're using the #snk tag on social media.
