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Drinking Game / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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You're still alive after 4 phases, and you survived drinking through The Multiverse? Maybe you DO have Steve Rogers’ superhuman metabolism... now drink through 136 episodes of AOS, Marvel Television's Flagship Series.

Check out some Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D food.

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    Season One 

    Season Two 

    Season Three 

    Season Four 

  • Every time Robbie Reyes transforms into Ghost Rider, take a drink. Take two when Mack briefly does the same in "Deals With Our Devils". Down the glass when Coulson does it in "World's End".
  • Every time Ghost Rider kills someone, take a drink.
  • Every time Daisy acts like a total Death Seeker, take a drink.
  • Every time the Sokovia Accords are mentioned, take a drink.
  • Every time a Watchdogs logo shows up, take a drink.
  • Every time Director Mace talks about trust, take a drink. Take two if someone interrupts him.
  • Every time Robbie says that he made a Deal with the Devil, take a drink. Down your drink when we finally meet said devil in "The Good Samaritan".
  • Every time Agent May gets badly injured, gets incapacitated or generally has a bad day, take a drink. Take two whenever there's any dramatic reveals related to her LMD duplicate.
  • Every time someone reads from the Darkhold, take a drink.
  • Every time someone learns that Aida is an android, take a drink.
  • Every time Mack or Yo-Yo reference a film where robots attack, take a drink. (Warning: "Broken Promises" will leave you hammered just in time for The Reveal.)
  • Every time a scene teases Coulson and May, take a drink. Down your drink when Coulson and LMD May kiss in "Hot Potatoe Soup".
  • Every time Shockley uses his taser, take a drink.
    • Nintendo Hard: Once he undergoes Terrigenesis, whenever he explodes, take a drink.
  • Whenever any character is revealed to be an LMD duplicate, take a drink. (Warning: "The Man Behind the Shield" and "Self Control" may result in swift incapacitation.)
  • Every time someone enters or exits the Framework, take a drink. Take two if someone who didn't know they were in the Framework discovers that they are. Down your drink when you see the Framework's "perfect world" in "Self Control. You don't want to be sober for that scene.
  • Throughout the Framework:
    • Every time Coulson mentions the brainwashing soap, take a drink.
    • Every time the phrase "the other world" is mentioned, take a drink.
    • Every time Simmons or Daisy tells someone that the Framework isn't real, take a drink.
    • Every time "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight trope is attempted, take a drink. Take two when the attempt fails.
    • Every time the show takes a dig at real-world politics, take a drink.
    • Every time there's a nod to past seasons, take a drink.
  • For returning to the real world:

    Season Five 

  • Every time a "roach" or a Remorath kills someone, take a drink.
  • Every time someone gets sucked into space to their doom or subjected to an Explosive Decompression, take a drink.
  • Every time Coulson insists on heading to the surface, take a drink.
  • Every time the Kree overlords of The Lighthouse Kick the Dog onscreen, take a drink.
  • Every time someone refers to Daisy as "the Destroyer of Worlds", take a drink.
  • Every time Enoch says something is "unknown", take a drink.
  • Every time the Odium appears, take a drink. Take another if someone actually drinks it. And down your drink when they subsequently die.
  • Every time Deke has a The World Is Just Awesome moment, take a drink. It doesn't need to be a Zima.
  • Every time Gravitonium appears, or someone touches it or gets infused with it, take a drink. Take another each time they complain about or comment on the consciousnesses within the Gravitonium arguing.
  • Every time Fitz acts like (or hallucinates) his alter ego "The Doctor" from the Framework, take a drink.
  • Every time Daisy goes for a Refusal of the Call or chooses not to act, generally due to fear of becoming the "Destroyer of Worlds", take a drink. Take two if she subverts this because Coulson is dying.
  • Every time Talbot uses his gravity powers, take a drink.
  • Every time Coulson tries to talk with May about her Love Confession, take a drink. Take two when he pulls her into a "Shut Up" Kiss.
  • Every time Simmons, Fitz, or Yo-Yo say they are invincible because the current time-line guarantees their survival up to a certain point, take a drink for each one of them.
    • When Simmons does her water-or-poison roulette demonstration, take a shot with her.

    Season Six 
  • Every time someone mistakes Sarge for Coulson, take a drink.
  • Every time Snowflake sets off warning bells, take a drink.
  • Every time Jaco breathes in some of his planet's atmosphere, take a drink. Take two every time he breathes fire.
  • Every time Pax starts to panic, take a drink.
  • Every time a Shrike possesses a host, take a drink. Take two if they start a Human Architecture Horror on said host. That isn't part of the game, it's to manage the fear.
  • Every time Benson takes a drink, follow suit and take a drink.
  • Every time Atarah does something that qualifies as Stupid Evil, take a drink. Have your affairs in order.
  • Every time Fitz takes a shot at his alternate self, take a drink. Take two if someone points out how weird it is.
  • Every time Izel is heard singing, take a drink. Take two if a Shrike is born from it.
  • Every time someone eats a puff, take a drink. Take two if they have a hallucination.

    Season Seven 
  • Every time a member of the team experiences blatant sexism or racism, take a drink.
  • Every time the team moves forward in time, take a drink. Take two if someone is left behind and has to take The Slow Path.
  • Every time LMD-Coulson angsts about his status as an android, take a drink. Take another every time he's "killed."
  • Every time a character in the past dies before they're supposed to, take a drink.
  • Every time someone discusses making "ripples, not waves," take a drink.
  • Every time there's a Ship Tease between Daisy and Sousa, take a drink.
  • Every time Simmons can't remember something she should, take a drink.
  • Every time May explicitly feels someone's emotions, take a drink. Take two if someone's lack of emotions reveals them as a Chronicom.
