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Drinking Game / Ace Attorney

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This game is for alcoholic drinks, Godot.note 
You don't have to follow all these rules. Seriously. You might pass out too quickly if you do.
  • Take a shot for each Psyche-Lock that appears.
    • Chug down a bottle of whiskey every time the Black Psyche-Locks appear.
  • Take x shots every time someone says "x years ago".
    • Take two more shots if they don't/refuse to explain what happened x years ago.
  • Take a shot every time Phoenix or Edgeworth sighs/says each other's names.
    • Down your drink when the "unnecessary feelings" line is achieved.
  • Take a shot every time the current player character and their assistant argue over (step)ladders.
  • Take a shot every time a character mis-addresses any of the defense attorneys (such as Godot calling Phoenix "Trite" or Inga Karkhuul Khura'in calling him "Light").
  • Localized versions only: Take a shot every time you encounter a location that's obviously full of Japanese culture.
  • Take a shot every time grape juice is mentioned where wine could also be used.
  • Take a shot for each scrolling text box a character fills while screaming or ranting.
    • Chug for as long as it takes if Oldbag is doing it.
    • Take an extra shot for each text box that you couldn't read in time.
  • In the 3DS games, chug through the entirety of any cutscene that uses 2D animation. Including the ones that you re-watch in the Court Record.
  • Presenting evidence:
    • Take a shot every time you present your badge, and the character has unique dialogue for it.
      • Take three more shots if it actually progresses the case.
    • Take a shot every time you present something in an investigation phase and the character you're talking to does their generic "sorry, can't help you with that" dialogue.
      • Take another shot if the response is the same for everything you present.
    • Take a shot every time a piece of evidence that doesn't appear to be related to the case thus far or seems to have lost its relevance but is still in your Court Record ends up advancing the plot. In the latter case, take another if it survived a mass removal of irrelevant items.
  • Motifs:
    • Take a shot every time one of the "Search ~ Core" themes plays.
      • Take an especially big shot if it's accompanied by a major reveal.
    • Take a shot every time a "Reminiscence" theme plays.
    • Take a shot every time the current protagonist's "Objection" theme is played.
    • Take a TINY sip every time a "Suspense" theme plays.
    • Toast every time the game's "Pursuit" theme plays.
  • Actual cause of death drinking game (includes cases like the DL-6):note 
    • Take one shot for every time the victim's cause of death was through stabbing/impalement (the single-most common way to die with 18 cases)note 
    • Two for any form of blunt force trauma, including falling (17 cases)note 
    • Four for a shooting (10 cases)note 
    • Six for asphyxiation and poisoning (2 cases each)note 
    • A full TEN for the only other methods used so far: electrocution and crushing (which isn't quite the same as blunt force trauma).note 
    • Add half a shot if you encounter a character who survived one of the above.

  • Phoenix Wright
    • Take a shot every time he endangers someone (including himself) by presenting or saying too much to a supposedly dangerous person.
    • Take a shot every time he makes an obvious bluff in court.
    • Take a shot every time he considers turning the case upside-down.
    • In the 3DS games only, take a shot every time he puts his head down over his desk.
  • Apollo Justice
    • Take a shot every time he says the word "fine".
    • Take a shot every time someone brings up his loud voice.
    • Take a shot every time someone brings up his hair.
  • Athena Cykes
    • Take a shot every time she uses her Gratuitous Foreign Language.
    • Take a shot every time she expresses disgust at "the ends justify the means".
    • Take a shot every time Widget blurts out her feelings.
  • Ryunosuke Naruhodo
    • Take a shot every time he slaps his face.
    • Take a shot every time he raises his hand.
  • Take a shot every time the current prosecutor orders the Judge around, or physically abuses the Judge, the current witness, or the current attorney.
  • Miles Edgeworth
    • Take a shot every time he struggles to get the witness to speak their name and occupation.
    • Take a shot every time he objects and shakes his finger at Phoenix.
      • Take two shots if he does his smug, head-shaking animation.
      • Take three shots if he bows.
  • Manfred von Karma
    • Take a shot every time he says "Objection!" ... unless you value your liver, of course.
    • Take a shot every time he says something distasteful about defense attorneys.
    • Take a shot every time he says "Edgeworth".
    • Chug down for as long as he keeps bashing his head into the wall. (Manfred's Final Breakdown)
  • Franziska von Karma:
    • Take a shot for each instance of "fool" that she utters.
      • Down your drink if she uses the word at least five times in the same sentence.
    • Take a shot every time she whips someone.
      • Take another shot if the attack fails.
      • Down your drink if the victim collapses.
  • Godot:
    • Take a shot (of alcohol) every time he drinks a cup of coffee.
    • Spit your drink out every time he does a Spit Take.
      • Down your drink and refill it first if he has to summon a cup to do so.
    • Take a shot for every bizarre coffee-based analogy Godot comes up with.
      • Take another shot if it causes Phoenix to go into his sweating animation.
    • Chug every time he does so.
    • Take three shots whenever he throws his mug at Phoenix.
    • Down your drink when they have a cup of coffee together. (Case 3-5)
  • Klavier Gavin:
  • Simon Blackquill:
    • Take a shot for every finger slash he pulls out.
    • Also take a shot for every samurai or sword metaphor he comes up with.
    • Take a shot if he tries to silence you or the witness as well.
    • Whenever Taka attacks you or the witness, also take a shot.
    • Take an additional shot if he does either of the above two to the phantom. (Case 5-5)
    • When Simon manages to break off from his cuffs, double your shots for the first four bullet points in this section until the end of the trial. Does not apply to Case 5-5.
    • Once he recalls the image of bloody, smiling little Athena in case 5-5, down your drink and hope that it gets erased from your memory.
    • Take a shot every time he belittles Athena.
    • Toast when Simon becomes Defense Co-Council in Case 6-4.
      • Toast again when he does anything in the first four bullet points to Nahyuta in that case.
  • Nahyuta Sahdmadhi:
    • Take a shot every time he says, "Let it go, and move on."
    • Take a shot if he tells the current attorney that they're going to burn in hell or suffer some other sort of divine punishment.
    • Take a shot whenever he describes a reincarnated state of the current attorney.
    • Take a shot whenever he recites his Khura'inese chanting.
    • Down your drink if he throws his beads at the current attorney.
  • The 2nd Prosecutor of the 2nd Case of 6-5 (Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in):
    • Take a shot every time she slams her law book on the bench.
    • Take a shot every time she says, "Such insolence!"
    • Take two shots every time she changes the law.
    • Down your drink when she declares Dhurke guilty herself.
  • Barok van Zieks
    • Take a shot whenever he smashes or throws a glass of red wine in court.
    • Take a shot every time he slams the desk with his leg.
    • Take a shot if he apologizes for something.
    • Take a shot whenever his racism for the Japanese is showing.
  • Kazuma Asogi
    • Take a shot whenever his Revenge Before Reason mentality in the final case is showing.
    • Take a shot whenever he mentions something about Karuma.
    • Take a shot whenever somebody voices their belief that the Masked Apprentice is actually Asogi before it gets confirmed.

Assistants and Detectives
  • Take a shot every time your assistantnote  responds to your inner monologue.
  • Maya Fey:
    • Take a shot every time she is arrested for murder.
    • Take a shot every time she gets kidnapped. (e.g. in 2-4)
    • Take a shot every time she balls her hands into fists and makes a face.
    • Take a shot every time she wants a burger.
    • Take a shot every time she channels Mia.
  • Pearl Fey:
    • Take a shot every time she mispronounces a word.
    • Take a shot every time she encourages the pairing of Mr. Nick and Maya.
    • Take a shot every time she tries to hide something from the current attorney.
    • Take three shots every time she channels Mia.
  • Trucy Wright:
    • Take enough shots to forget the scene every time she takes out her magic panties.
    • Take a shot every time she whips out Mr. Hat.
  • Susato Mikotoba:
    • Take a shot for every Susato takedown.
      • Finish your drink during the the Ryutaro takedown
    • Take a shot every time she showcases her Fangirl-ism towards Sholmes.
    • Take a shot every time she pulls out her book.
  • Iris Wilson:
    • Take a shot for every time she refers to someone through a nickname.
    • Take a shot for when she mentions something about making tea.
  • Take a shot every time the current attorney manages to trick the current detective into divulging information.
  • Take a shot every time the current prosecutor cuts the current detective's salary.
  • Gina Lestrade:
    • Take a shot every time she pickpockets someone.
    • Take a shot every time she looks away from the current speaker.
    • Take three shots every time she lets her guard down and breaks down emotionally.
  • Dick Gumshoe:
    • Take a TINY sip every time he says "pal".
    • Take a shot every time you present your Magatama to Gumshoe, and he attempts to eat it.
    • Take a shot every time you present your Attorney's Badge, and he brags about his police badge in response.
  • Ema Skye:
    • Take a shot every time she mentions science.
    • Take a shot every time she starts eating Snackoos.
    • Take a shot every time she fangirls about Phoenix or Edgeworth.
      • Take another shot if she's criticizing Apollo at the same time.
    • Take a sympathy shot whenever either she or Nahyuta references her having to endure one of his lectures.
  • Bobby Fulbright:
    • Take a shot every time he says the word "justice" or something like it. Warning: his introduction in case 5-2 alone could kill you otherwise, so you may need to sip at that point.
    • Take a shot every time he gets ordered around by Blackquill.
  • Herlock Sholmes:
    • Take a shot every time you correct the Great Detective for every "deduction" he does wrong.
    • Take a shot for wherever he forgets about something or someone.
    • Take two shots for every time he falls down or passes out.
  • Tobias Gregson:
    • Take a shot every time he takes a bite of his fish and chips.
    • Take a shot for every time he tries to appeal to Iris.

Trials and Ace Attorney Investigations
  • Take a shot if the protagonist is involved with the initial investigation.
    • Take two more shots if the protagonist is one of the first to discover the crime.
  • Take a shot if you're tricked into presenting evidence.
  • Take two shots if your Life Meter empties out.
    • Chug until you pass out if this triggers a Non-Standard Game Over.
    • Take a shot every time you savescum.
    • Drink a full glass if the prosecutor or judge hits you with a 100% penalty.
    • Down your drink if you give up and have to use a walkthrough to continue.
  • Down your drink if the case ends without declaring a not guilty verdict.

  • SIP each time the courtroom goes in an uproar, the gavel is slammed, and the Judge calls for order (all three must be done to count).
    • Alternatively, the amount of sips should be equal to the amount of times the Judge says "Order!".
    • Finish the shot if the Judge can't bring silence the gallery on his own (i.e., someone else does). Take another if the uproar results in putting the trial on hold/recess.
  • Take a shot every time the Judge asks "What do you mean?"
  • Take a shot every time something outdated, like a black-and-white photo or button cell phone, is presented in court.
  • Take a shot every time the player character says words to the effect of "This is it."/"This is my last chance."/"If I can't do this now, it's all over." Do the same for phrases like "Is this really all I can do?"/"Is it really over?"/"Is s/he going to get away with this?" (Or take two small sips for your health.)
  • Toast when you get to the "Revisualization" phase of the 3DS games' cases, and take a victory sip when you complete it.
  • Testimony:
    • Take a shot if you get penalized for pressing a statement.
    • Take two shots if the witness gives testimony that does not contribute to the case at all.
    • Take a shot every time you present evidence in a testimony and the music continues to play.
      • Down your drink if the music stops but the evidence is still wrong.
  • Reactions:
    • Take a shot every time a witness yells in response to the protagonist pointing out a contradiction.
      • If the character is the apparent villain of the case and he screams in anger at being revealed.
      • Down your drink when the witness has a breakdown.
    • Take a shot for every Big "NO!" in the game.
      • Down your drink if the witness faints right afterwards.
    • Take a shot every time the current attorney does their sweaty face. (Overdose Warning)
    • Take a shot every time the opposing lawyer does their "damage" animation. (e.g. "Zombie" Edgeworth)
    • Take a shot every time the courtroom reacts to something with complete silence.
    • Down an entire bottle every time the current player character goes into their Heroic BSoD pose.
  • Speech bubbles:
    • Take a shot whenever one character's speech bubble is cut off by someone else's.
      • Take another drink if no dialogue was spoken between the two.
    • Take a drink every time the trial is interrupted by someone making a speech bubble with no voice clip.
      • Take a second drink if that person is known to the Court to be an attorney, as opposed to a witness/suspect or unlicensed co-council.
    • Take two drinks whenever someone makes a speech bubble with another person's voice.
    • Take a drink whenever someone makes a speech bubble and the camera cuts to everyone else's reactions before revealing the person who said it.
      • Take two drinks if it was voiced, so it's no surprise to you who it is.
    • In the 3DS games, take a drink every time an "Objection!" bubble comes up and the letters appear at a time in rapid succession.
    • Take a drink whenever an attorney raises an Objection to something that can actually be objected to in a court of law (e.g. the prosecution badgering your co-council).
      • Take a second drink if this causes the Judge to ask you to submit evidence.
    • For experienced players only: Ignore the above and just simply take a really, REALLY small sip each time you see a speech bubble. Please let us know if you survive the ordeal!

Specific cases
  • Take a drink every time Larry Butz does something that's detrimental to his innocence and/or alibi.
  • Take a drink every time Edgeworth and Oldbag are in the same room.
  • Take a drink every time ballistic markings are explained.
  • Take a drink every time the DL-6 Incident is mentioned.
    • Drink enough to stop crying every time Gregory Edgeworth is mentioned in that regard.
    • In 1-4, substitute this by downing your drink every time you have to rewatch the DL-6 cutscene. It shows up a lot.
    • If desired, include past cases like SL-9, and UR-1. Take two every time Phoenix's final case is brought up.
  • Whenever Phoenix gets the animals to testify, take a drink for every letter in its name.
  • Take three shots if the current case does NOT begin as a murder trial.
  • Take a drink every time the Judge's brother says something stereotypically Canadian, such as "eh?" or something about hockey.
  • Drink every time someone in Ace Attorney Investigations starts a line with "Oh?" or something similar.
    • Also take a drink for every time the word "truth" shows up in any of those games. Be careful as you might legitimately die from this one.
  • Take a drink every time someone defends their actions by invoking the "end justifies the means" excuse.
  • Take a drink every time Datz Are'bal runs away from the scene.
  • In Apollo Justice, take a drink every time there's a flashback to a moment who was last shown less than five minutes ago.
    • Take another drink if said moment is LeTouse's death in Case 4-3.
  • In case 2-3, chug down an entire pitcher if you cause Your Honor to double-penalize you.
  • In case 2-4, take a drink of brandy every time Matt Engarde whips out a brandy snifter.
  • In case 3-1, take a drink every time Grossberg talks about his hemorrhoids. That is, if you feel like drinking. Alternatively, drink until you forget about his hemorrhoids.
  • In case 3-1, chug for as long as Payne's hair is flying off his scalp.
  • During the case 4-4 flashback trial, take a shot when it comes time to present the forged evidence. If you try to present incorrect evidence in hopes of suiciding the defense, keep drinking until you accept what is about to happen. Drown your sorrows when Phoenix is disbarred.
  • In case I-5, take a small sip every time Quercus Alba shouts "Objection!" or counters one of your points. Emphasis on "small".
  • In case I-5, take a drink during the final encounter, adding another each time a speech bubble appears, with the characters all responding to it.
  • In case 5-DLC, take a drink every time Rimes does his rapping gig. Take two drinks every time he does it after his "transformation".
  • In case 6-5, take two drinks every time Dhurke shouts "Objection!".
    • Take one drink each time someone says Dhurke's catchphrase "A Dragon Never Yields!"
  • In case 6-DLC, take a drink whenever Ellen Wyatt cries into her pan.
  • Take a shot whenever Mael Stronghart mentions the time.
    • Take an extra shot whenever he mentions being far beyond schedule.
