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Continuity Snarl / Onslaught Reborn

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You would think that, writing a 4-issues limited series set in a 12-issues limited series created by himself, Rob Liefeld surely wouldn't make many mistakes, right? Think again...

  • It is right that Reed and Sue were not married and had no sons... yet. Sue mentioned before the arrival of Galactus that she was finally pregnant. By this time, there should be already a local Franklin, even if just a baby. They also mentioned about possibly getting married.
  • Even if there is no Franklin, Sue (who was unable to get pregnant at the time) had a traumatic dream about him. She should have recognized him, at least as the kid from her dreams.
  • The "Conan" Thor is dead, he died fighting against the giant Loki.
  • Hellcat is dead, she exchanged her body with that of the Scarlet Witch, and was lost in limbo when Agatha Harkness restored Wanda to her own body.
  • Loki and the Enchantress are in Asgard. The very first scene of the Heroes Reborn line was Loki finding out that there was no Asgard in that reality.
  • Thor does not have a Donald Blake split personality here. In fact, Blake has appeared, and is a completely unrelated character. Why does Thor suddenly turn into Blake?
  • Wolverine is as new to the Heroes Reborn reality as Onslaught. How could Captain America know about him?
  • We did see Hawkeye without mask once, and he was not Wolverine. He was Clint Barton, to nobody's surprise.
  • When did Wolverine get Improbable Aiming Skills, as to work as Hawkeye? And why bother with the "secret identity" at all?
  • The Scarlet Witch did not really betray the Avengers and join the Masters of Evil. She was just a mole, and had already left them.
  • And speaking of the Masters of Evil, Ultron and the Executioner had been destroyed by Loki.
  • While fighting Ultron, Vision said "I may be many things, Ultron, but I will never be your son!". That is correct, more correct than in the main universe: here, it was Pym who created both the Vision and Ultron. In fact, he created the Vision first. All those daddy issues between Ultron and Vision are completely out of place.
  • Who says that there can't be mutants on that world? Franklin did not think about them when he created it, but nothing prevents their existence. In fact, even before this series, the 2000 events that revisited the world had Wolverine himself as part of the backstory of Miss Thing in the Remnants one-shot — which adds yet another snarl as Miss Thing had killed him.
