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Characters / Young Apprentice 2

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  • Awesome, but Impractical: The pocket watch that she bought for the "buy ten items" task, which was made out of solid gold. Granted, it was implied that she misread the specifications, which were actually just for a pocket watch of any description, but Lord Sugar was still left speechless when she revealed that she'd paid £140 for it (compared to the £25 that the other team paid for their non-gold watch).
  • Didn't Think This Through: Central London has one of the highest concentrations of retail outlets in the entire world, but she inexplicably decided to go to the district of Croydon, on the very outskirts of the city. She probably thought that she'd be able to get stuff there cheaper than in the city centre, but not only are the price differences fairly minimal, the travel time ate up most of the time they needed to actually negotiate for the items on the list.
  • Flawless Victory: Maybe not so much in terms of the overall season — she sold nothing in the fourth task, and then two weeks later was responsible for the Croydon and pocket watch fiascos — but she completely blew James away in the final task, scoring probably the most comprehensive win in a UK Apprentice finale.
  • What Were You Thinking?: Got this reaction from a disbelieving Lord Sugar for buying the gold pocket watch. After she got back from the boardroom, James — who had purchased a normal pocket watch for less than a fifth of that price for the other team — gave her the same reaction.


  • Didn't Think This Through: Literally; he hadn't given the slightest thought to what he'd actually do with the prize were he to get it. Contrasted with Zara's extremely thorough plan on how she intended to use it, he was lucky not to be fired instead of just not being named the winner.
  • Only Sane Man: He was the only male candidate from either of the first two seasons to win as a project manager, and one of only two male candidates from this year (the other being Harry H.) who looked like a serious contender.


  • It's All About Me: Chose to sell pie makers in the fourth task purely because she personally liked them, and refused to listen to the opinions of the rest of the team. She would likely have been fired for this, if not for Lewis having proved so consistently poor.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: The only Apprentice candidate thus far to be fired after being on the winning team, due to the format that year requiring them to go from six to two candidates in the space of an episode, without an interview round. She might even rival Harry M. in the unlucky stakes, as she only lost once (albeit that occasion was her first turn as project manager)

Harry H.

  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: He lost both his turns as project manager, but proved a very adept team player in all the other tasks.
  • One-Steve Limit: The only time on the UK incarnation so far where two candidates have had to resort to using their surnames to differentiate from each other.

Harry M.

  • Butt-Monkey: To mind-blowing levels; he lasted until the penultimate week, and was on the losing team in every single task.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: His idea to try selling some expensive bird box cameras as a bulk sale in the fourth task not only proved successful, but single-handedly accounted for half of the team's revenue.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: While he certainly wasn't the biggest Jerkass from this particular series, his often brash and arrogant attitude really rubbed the other candidates up the wrong way.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: The nearest he came to success was being on Zara's team during the final.
  • It's All About Me: When he was Project Manager on the Deodorant task, Gbemi accused his leadership of being this. She later brought it up again in the boardroom telling him "It's not just all about you, Harry M.! It's about other people in the team as well."


  • Genre Blind: Made the classic mistake of "buy all the items whatever the cost" in the sixth task, and turned it up a notch by not even negotiating discounts on several of the items. Lord Sugar noted that between her buying a pair of women's shoes at such a high price and then not getting a discount, she would actually have done better by just not buying the shoes.
  • Revenge Before Reason: She nearly committed a fatal error in Week 6 by indicating that she wanted to change her boardroom decision from Zara and Hayley to Zara and Harry M., purely because she was friends with Hayley and wasn't overly fond of Harry. In a rarity however, Lord Sugar held her to her original decision and sent Harry back to the house. Considering that Hayley actually did get fired that week, Lizzie would likely have been fired had Sugar allowed her to change her boardroom choices.


  • Bystander Syndrome: Led her team to a very solid win in the first task, but after that she slipped into the background and stayed there for the rest of the series.


  • Jerkass: Granted, compared to the vast majority of candidates from the main Apprentice series she was practically a saint, but she did stand out as being more aggressive and negative than most of the other candidates from this particular series.


  • Butt-Monkey: Like Harry M., he was on the losing team in every single task that he was present for. Unlike Harry, however, he was at least partly at fault for the losses on every occasion, with unimpressive sales figures in the first and third tasks, blowing the team's sales pitches in the second task and not handing them over until it was too late to save the task, and then messing up the pitch for the best-selling product (and again, selling virtually nothing himself) in his fourth and final task.
  • Never My Fault: Averted. While he never seemed to deflect the blame on his losses, he did own up to his mistake in Week 2 and admitted that Lord Sugar would have justified firing him; only his spirit ensured his survival that week.


  • Blatant Lies: For some odd reason she tried to claim that Gbemi was actually responsible for the sale of a £150 plant, even though it had actually been Harry M. who sold it, with minimal involvement from Gbemi. That being said, Hannah wasn't actually present at the sale, leaving open the possibility that she herself was misled by Gbemi.
  • Genre Blind: She was evidently too young to understand that making boardroom decisions based purely on who you do or don't like is about the fastest way to get yourself fired, short of either losing money or actively insulting Lord Sugar.
  • Tragic Mistake: She actually didn't do too bad of a job leading her team, but bringing Harry M. and Zara back instead of Lewis and Gbemi was probably the worst thing she could have done under the circumstances, and it resulted directly in her being fired.


  • The Generic Guy: What Lord Sugar accused him of being. In fairness he did sell a pretty decent amount of ice cream in the first task, but other than that he didn't stand out much.


  • Blatant Lies: Claimed that he sold £150 of ice cream, and came up with the team's pirate theme, when in fact he sold barely a third of what he claimed, while the pirate theme was actually James's idea.
  • Black Dude Dies First: Was the only black male candidate of this series...and was the first candidate to get fired.
