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Characters / The Lightning Struck Heart

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Sam Haversford

"No one seemed concerned that I was plotting their deaths out loud."
  • The Ace: Possibly the most powerful wizard in history.
  • Action Hero: Gets into plenty of scuffles.
  • A Friend in Need: Helps Ryan save Justin even though he has no reason to want to. Well, except for the fact that he's an...
  • All-Loving Hero: Except you, Tina.
  • Arch-Enemy: Seriously, Tina, fuck you.
  • Break the Cutie: Nearly happens to him towards the end.
  • Broken Ace: Underneath his peppy exterior, Sam is incredibly conflicted about being unable to control his powers or protect anyone.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: To Ryan, although it's more along the lines of "will not spit it out" due to Ryan's engagement.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Introducing the great Wizard Spaghetti Face.
  • Celibate Hero: He's waiting for the right guy. Loses this at the end with Ryan.
  • Court Mage: In training to become this once Justin is king.

Ryan Foxheart/Nox

"I promise, because when I look upon these stars, there is nothing I wish for more than you."

  • Deadpan Snarker: Well, what else would you expect from the God of Sass?
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Sam often has to remind Ryan that as a knight, he's supposed to be a role model to children everywhere, so he often changes his swearing to a version of this. Perhaps his most used phrase is "Holy Mothercracker!"
  • Hidden Depths: At first he comes off as a flawless blonde-haired dreamboat stud, but his goofy, dorky side becomes evident quickly as Sam and the readers get to know him better.
  • Fetish: Magic. Specifically when Sam does magic.
  • Knightin Shining Armor: Plays this role to the hilt, and Sam loves him for it.


"Unicorns are fickle creatures. I don’t need a reason to change my mind. It’s been done and you should just accept it and be thankful I no longer plot to murder you in your sleep."


"If he hurt you, I smash him."
  • Gentle Giant: By far the sweetest of his friends.
  • Hulk Speak: Generally uses very simple sentence structure. It does make the occasional sassy zing from him all the more surprising though.
  • The Big Guy: Comes with being a half giant.

Morgan of Shadows

"Don't steal from old ladies who make ugly mittens and pants for the obese and I might consider not exploding your nipples."
  • The Ace: Heh, heh, geddit? Also is an extremely powerful mage in service to the King.

Prince Justin

"At least this day didn't end in a total crapshoot. Killing something will probably make me feel better."

The King

"I promise, because when I look upon these stars, there is nothing I wish for more than you."


  • Beta Couple: With Gary.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eh, close enough.
  • Large Ham: Kevin is usually in one of two modes most of the time. He's either talking about how great he is...
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: ...or he's hitting on some other male member of the cast. Humans, unicorns, fairies. He's not picky, and he's apparently always horny. Very often nonsensically.
  • Parental Substitute: A really weird and random example. He considers himself to be this to Sam, who wholeheartedly disagrees. He even goes so far as to play catch with him and ask him about his grades and school projects both he and Sam knows Sam isn't doing and will never do.
  • Pervert Dad: See above. Even after he decides he is a step-father to Sam, he still constantly hits on him in nearly every scene they share. It gets very confusing.
