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Characters / League of Legends: Champions

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A list of "Champions" from League of Legends, all of whom are playable in the game of origin and subsequently appear in other media for the franchise.

List of Champions

  • Champions Anote 
  • Champions B - Cnote 
  • Champions D - Fnote 
  • Champions G - Hnote 
  • Champions I - Jnote 
  • Champions Knote 
  • Champions L - Mnote 
  • Champions N - Onote 
  • Champions P - Rnote 
  • Champions Sa - Shnote 
  • Champions Si - Synote 
  • Champions T - Unote 
  • Champions V - Wnote 
  • Champions X - Znote 

There are a number of fundamental classes that the playable Champions of League of Legends fall under. Riot uses these to categorize and focus champions into groups, and those groups are split into more specific subgroups.

The six main classes and their subclasses are:

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    Slayers - Strike with speed and precision. 
  • Slayers: Champions that specialize in single-target high-burst damage. While they lack in durability, they have the ability to quickly position themselves across the map and kill priority targets before retreating just as fast, often requiring a high-risk high-reward playstyle that emphasizes positioning and timing. Usually offset their high damage with low utility or teamfight presence.
    • Assassins Examples: These are melee or otherwise short-ranged champions who have to get into the fray at risk of collapsing from the enemy's damage, but make up for it in ridiculous burst damage and defensive tools. Most commonly, the defensive tools take the form of rapid mobility, with the Assassin dashing, leaping, or blinking back and forth across the battlefield in the blink of an eye. Their damage and mobility is offset by their lack of defensive stats, often having low armor values and health pools.
    • Skirmishers Examples: Also known as "duelists" (or sometimes "melee carries"), these slayers lack high end burst, but make up for it with obscene sustained damage and situational defense tools such as projectile blocking barriers. In terms of mobility, a Skirmisher's options are not as far reaching or straightforward as a Diver, but can be used much more often in the right conditions, making them hard to hit and harder to disengage from. These factors make Skirmishers amazing in one on one fights, but they fall quickly to focus fire once their blocks are used up, can only focus on one target at a time, and can have trouble reaching the enemy back line in the first place.

    Fighters - Overwhelm them with power and strength. 
  • Fighters: Champions that fight in melee and are Jack of All Trades between damage, durability and utility. They don't deal as much damage as an assassin and they don't have as much resilience and utility as a tank, but they offer a mix of both, and are usually very valuable during an extended teamfight. Usually offset by their lack of a definite focus.
    • Juggernauts Examples: Juggernauts are titanic fighters who are meant to both dish out and soak up massive amounts of damage in exchange for their viable combat strategies generally being limited to "run at the enemy and kill them when you reach them". Strong, and among the largest characters physically, they're offset by their lack of mobility and outplay potential, requiring enemies to be within their radius. This leaves them susceptible to kiting, but if they reach you, death is imminent, especially since they tend to have abilities that hamper the enemies' ability to escape. Their overwhelming damage can be as quick and brutal as an Assassin's. They lack self-sufficiency to control teamfights like Vanguards do, requiring their teammates to start the fight for them, but can be surprisingly effective as split pushers by forcing an overwhelming response which can draw the enemy away from other parts of the map.
    • Divers Examples: Also known erroneously by fans as "bruisers" and known technically as "AD offtanks", divers are the typical balance between damage and tankiness, something of a midway between Juggernauts and Skirmishers. Divers are so named because, often, they have a single ability that allows them to "dive", or cover a large distance in a burst of mobility. This doesn't rival the fluid motions of an Assassin or rapid dances of a Skirmisher, but it's enough for them vault over a fight to vulnerable enemies behind. Once there, they just smack enemies until they die, taking advantage of their generous damage to wreak havoc on squishy enemies while simultaneously taking their attacks thanks to their generous HP pools and defensive abilities.

    Mages - Use magic to obliterate their defenses. 
  • Mages: Generally ranged champions that use spells as their main damage sources. They are usually defined by a combination of long-range, area-of-effect or high-utility spells to obliterate enemies in an instant, or falling back to use their crowd control and utility to keep the team alive and the enemy at bay. Usually offset by their higher reliance on abilities, and in turn mana and cooldowns.
    • Burst MagesExamples: These mages focus heavily on dealing heavy burst damage, using their abilities in tandem with one another to form highly destructive, near-unavoidable if successfully executed Combos. Their power can easily pick off many priority targets, often at the same time, but it's offset by short-ranged abilities, extensive cooldowns, and a lack of mobility.
    • Battle MagesExamples: Also known as "Warlocks", these mages focus more on dealing consistent damage in extended fights using their spells, fighting with their slow, but typically potent DoT effects or short-cooldown Spam Attacks, while staying alive using self-utility defensive spells such as shields or self-healing. Due to the nature of their spells, they have a less difficult time shifting between targets. These mages typically have either greater mobility, or greater durability than other mages. Of all Mages, they have the greatest potential to become "carries" when sufficiently fed, capable of wiping out entire teams with massive DPS comparable to a Marksman.
    • Artillery MagesExamples: These mages are typically back-liners who have higher range than others, with spells able to be used to harass enemies from afar, whittling and poking them down until they pop. They're usually offset by their extreme squishiness and lack of mobility, usually leaving them vulnerable to more-specialized close-ranged combatants. Artillery Mages stay far in the back, usually only dipping in at their spell's maximum possible ranges.

    Controllers - Aid friends by preventing foes from harming or moving. 
  • Controllers: Controllers are defensive casters that oversee the battlefield by protecting and opening up opportunities for their allies. Champions whose strength comes from lending their own personal power to allies, with typically the strongest utility of a team, whether by sustaining/buffing allies or harassing/controlling enemies. They're most commonly played as bot-lane supports, and while they lack in individual growth, they remain vital team players even by late game.
    • EnchantersExamples: These focus primarily on augmenting allies' performance to their absolute best, whether by healing them, shielding them, or providing utility stat buffs. While they might have some tools to stall enemies, they don't do too well combat-wise without an actual teammate for them to support, but they really shine through in full-on teamfights.
    • CatcherExamples: Sometimes all it takes to win a game is for one enemy threat to be removed, and the Catcher specializes in setting this up. Catchers are defined by their unique ability to 'Catch Out' opponents, using spells ranging from long range roots, pulling grabs, or other sources of long-duration crowd control to keep an enemy locked in place so that allies can capitalize. Not as ally-dependant as an Enchanter; most Catchers can survive on their own, either using their crowd control to escape or fighting back themselves, but they're at their most powerful when allies are nearby to take advantage of their catches. Entire games sometimes revolve over dodging just one hook, or one binding, because it can decide who wins.

    Tanks - Outlast their assault, and force them to break. 
  • Tanks: Beefy, resilient melee champions that prefer to lead the charge. They are usually the ones to initiate fights thanks to some combination of durability, mobility and usually a slew of crowd control abilities to lock down a target, or protect and "peel" for their allies. Usually offset by their low upfront damage potential, instead preferring to outlast enemies in fights.
    • VanguardsExamples: More offense-based tanks, often also known as "initiators", vanguards are more encouraged to lead their team by starting fights using explosive initiation (usually in the form of Dynamic Entry), mostly to catch enemies making positioning mistakes and punishing them heavily with crowd control and, if a sufficient damage-dealing ally is with them, death. These tanks, often, can bleed into Fighter territory, depending on the item build.
    • WardensExamples: More defense-based tanks, Wardens draw a line in the sand and prevent enemies from crossing. While they lack a Vanguard's raw initiation prowess, they make up for it with even more overwhelming crowd control, often being host to multiple slow, stun, and root effects. By sticking close to squishy allies, a Warden prevents a sneaky Assassin or daring Diver from destroying their vulnerable companion.

    Marksman - With arrow, bolt or bullet, strike at enemies from afar. 

    Specialist - Bringing something unique to the table. 
  • SpecialistExamples: Many champions are defined not purely by their damage or their durability, but by a special mechanic or playstyle that functions unlike anything else on the roster. These sort of champions are not merely different — some of their conventions might defy ordinary strategy, and thus allows them to succeed at things that other champions fail miserably at. A ranged character that wants to get close to foes? A character that tries to get enemies to chase him instead of to chase them? These champions need not be underestimated, for their out-of-the-box ways of playing often spell doom for unwary and unprepared enemies.
