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Characters / Jurassic Impact

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The list of curious post-Impact mammals and reptiles (not to mention countless invertebrates) are quite expansive and fascinating. We will be going in order of timeline, from the Post-Impact days to the current time (which is the Coniacian-Santonian so far).

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Latest Jurassic - Earliest Cretaceous

    Allosaurus jimmadseni
From the ashes of the Jurassic, a new age emerges.
In this timeline, Allosaurus takes the place of Tyrannosaurus as a dominant predator that experiences (and is killed off by) the Chicxulub meteorite.

10 million years post-impact

    Atroxodon muscularis

  • Fantastic Fauna Counterpart: Strangely enough, to komodo dragons. Like them, they are solitary and use a bite and retreat strategy when hunting.
    Atroxodon gracilis

  • Evil Egg Eater: Not evil, as it is an animal, but one tries to feast on dinosaur eggs.
Father and chicks

  • Mix-and-Match Critter: It looks like what you get if someone stuck feathers to a prosauropod and gave it a beak and saber teeth.
