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Characters / Cobalt Core

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This is a list of characters from Cobalt Core. This page is under construction.

Due to the broken memories of the main characters of the game, beware of spoilers.

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The Crew



The ship's science officer. His deck revolves around shielding and shield manipulation.

  • Absent-Minded Professor: While he's quite smart, he's also very careless. At one point he decided to check a thumb drive for viruses by plugging it in.
  • Endearingly Dorky: He has a passion for science and can be seen playing a tabletop roleplaying game (actually just Chess) with the other crewmates.
  • For Science!: His M.O. After defeating the first boss, he may take a sample of the crystal with him to experiment on, and states this trope verbatim when asked why. Peri is aware of this, which is why she hired Isaac in an effort to make sure he didn't try any non-mission critical experiments.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: His cards focus on shielding, and with the right artifacts, you can build up a steady amount of it to guard against most attacks. He's also a huge fan of armoring sections of your ship, and expresses a desire to invest in an armor manufacturing company once he gets the chance.
  • Time Loop Fatigue: Downplayed; while he's typically quite cheerful, he also displays a cynical streak that tends to surface whenever a run isn't going well, acting resigned at the prospect of yet another death.
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: Uses a subtle variant; while his iris remains the same size, you can see his pupil contract when he's shocked or worried.



The ship's pilot. Her deck revolves around flexible movement and card draw.

  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She's easily the most scatterbrained of the crew, yet as you go through some of her and Drake's memories, it becomes clear that there's more to her than meets the eye. Her first memory outright states that she replaced the previous courier because he got spooked by pirates, and that she's capable of fending for herself. The reason she's so scatterbrained is because she happened to be at ground zero when the Cobalt's core exploded and her memories shattered worse than anyone's. It's heavily implied that she's a retired pirate.
  • Drink-Based Characterization: Loves boba tea so much that she modified her ship's cockpit to ensure she wouldn't run out of cupholders. Also fond of coffee, mentioning at one point that she starts each loop by getting some before treating herself to some "nice, refreshing boba".
  • Fragile Speedster: A very large portion of her cards give you evade and/or directly move the ship, and focusing on her cards can allow you to dodge almost all attacks. But she has virtually no ability to apply shields to the ship, and eventually you'll encounter homing missiles or a ship that's too wide to dodge all the lasers.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Occasionally suggests that the group would be best served by cutting out of fights entirely, especially when they're already using lots of evade to break away from their opponent. Not that she's opposed to solving problems with, say, a hand cannon...
  • Loose Lips: Turns out the reason Drake found out about the Cobalt was because Riggs wouldn't shut up about it.
  • Mr. Exposition: Will happily fill this role, such as when asked about FTL.
  • Must Have Caffeine: As outlined above, she drinks a lot of caffeine-heavy beverages. Invoked by one of her Artifacts, a cup of boba tea fittingly titled "Caffeine Rush".
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Her cards have a heavy focus on movement, and it's possible to stack up enough to avoid attacks entirely.
  • Spanner in the Works: She went along with Drake's scheme to get a fragment of the Cobalt's core. In fact, doing so is what caused the time loop, though Max and Dizzy uploading CAT into the Cobalt's core may have contributed to it.
  • Sweet Tooth: When visiting Grandma's Bakery and Weapons Market, she may declare that she wants cookie dough.



The ship's weapons officer. Her deck revolves around attacks and instant movement.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: As you might expect from the ship's weapon officer, her cards are primarily focused on damage and doing more damage. Even some of her instant movement cards, such as Lunge, still do damage.
  • The Comically Serious: Compared to Dizzy, who is very laid back, she's much more professional and serious. Her second memory has her giving a self-depreciating speech after dropping her chocolate cake. She is a small child when she says this.
  • Declaration of Protection: It takes her about two minutes to reach this point with Books.
    Peri: Why don't you get timesickness like the rest of us?
    Books: I drink eight glasses of Hydration Potion a day!
    Peri: I see.
    Books: The only ingredient is water!
    Peri: If anyone ever hurts you then I will kill them with my bare hands.
    Books: Cool!
  • A Father to His Men: Played With; while Peri can be brutally honest and doesn't hide from her crewmates how their employers care more about the project's safety than their own, she also clearly cares about them all.
  • The Leader: While the crew doesn't have a leader per se, as they were contracted to fix the Cobalt, Peri acts as one.
  • More Dakka: She has the lion's share of multi-hit attack cards. Most of her moveset revolves around getting as much use out of her ship's guns as possible.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Her full name is Hyperia.
  • The Reliable One: CAT.exe outright describes her this way, declaring the crew can always count on Peri.



The ship's engineer. His deck creates and manipulates midrow objects, such as drones and missiles.

  • Anxiety Dreams: Discusses some of his with CAT.exe, and is not reassured by her labeling them as such.
  • Artificial Limb: His right arm and part of his left horn are holographic constructs.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Eagerly leaps at the chance to include a sword-swinging hero in his chess game with Dizzy, and fanboys over the blade Sir Ratzo carries and his bladed missiles. Swords also tend to show up in his dreams...
  • I Call It "Vera": Names all of his drones, and will frequently announce them as they're launched... and mourn when they're destroyed.
  • The Nicknamer: He gives nicknames to all of his drones when you launch them.
  • Power of Trust: Discussed; in one conversation with the core singularity, he states that he's not as afraid of it as the rest of his teammates because he has faith that it knows what it's doing. Being informed otherwise causes him to start panicking.
  • Safety Freak: One of Dizzy's core memories accuses him of being one, with Dizzy complaining after Isaac prevents him from overloading the Cobalt For Science! that Peri hired a greater killjoy than herself. However, it hurts Isaac's feelings enough for Dizzy to immediately say he didn't really mean it.
  • Sidekick: He is introduced in his first memory as Dizzy's assistant. Though it turns out he was actually told by Peri to keep an eye on Dizzy and make sure he doesn't do any experiments that don't relate to the mission.
  • Theme Naming: Likes to follow themes when naming specialized drones; Energy Drones tend to get names like Juice, Sparky and Battery, while Jupiter Drones are primarily named after the various moons of Jupiter. Downplayed with the standard drones, as among the wide range of names he gives to those are shout outs to all seven Koopalings.
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: When startled or especially worried, his already round eyes get even wider while his irises turn into pinpricks.
  • You Can Always Tell a Liar: His tell is how he tends to look askance whenever he's not being truthful, such as when he reassures Dizzy that he wasn't hurt by his accusations of being a Safety Freak or tells Peri that he doesn't believe Dizzy's theory about the time crystal possibily being sentient.



A mercenary. Her deck includes strong attacks and status effects, but can overheat the ship if overused.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: About the only person she isn't a total bitch to is Books, because Books treated her nicely when they first met, catching her completely off guard.
  • Commander Contrarian: Frequently complains, insisting that the team would be much better off if she were in charge of everything.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She usually has something snide to say to just about anyone.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Perhaps her biggest Fatal Flaw is how frequently she fails to consider the potential consequences of her actions, whether short or long-term.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Her real name is Eunice. She doesn't like non-pirates calling her that, though. Cleo also gets away with it, for obvious reasons.
  • Double-Edged Buff: Her buff cards are just as potent as her attacks, though many of them build up Heat even faster.
  • Embarrassing Password: She balks at the prospect of shutting down Drakebot 2 with its password, as she doesn't want to say it in front of the other crewmates.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Downplayed. Drake is initially encountered as an enemy before she's unlocked, and her first core memory shows that she was a mercenary that plotted to steal the Cobalt for profit before the loops began. However, once she actually joins the crew, she only helps out of self-interest and doesn't even hide the fact that she's the Token Evil Teammate. In fact, even after being unlocked, she'll still appear as an enemy if she's not in your crew.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: Can happen to her if a run gets ended by Drakebot 2. Or by anyone trying to collect the fake bounty she put on the Cobalt Crew.
  • Kill It with Fire: If she (or Drakebot 2) is fought as an enemy, her attacks will all inflict a stack of Heat when they damage you.
  • Must Have Caffeine: For her, a quadruple expresso is cutting back.
  • Personality Powers: Her hot-headed, impulsive attitude is well reflected in how many of her cards involve the risk of Overheating your own engine.
  • Robot Me: If she's in your crew, her ship, the Fireball, is piloted by a robotic version of herself called Drakebot 2. She gets rather defensive when asked about her design choices. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't recognize Drake, meaning you'll still have to fight it.
  • Space Pirate: And proud of it.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her scheme to get a fragment of the Cobalt's core is what caused the time loop in the first place. Though Max and Dizzy uploading CAT into the Cobalt's core may have contributed to it.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Most of the crew dislikes her, and for good reason. Even the core singularity outright tells Drake that the only reason it's helping her is because it couldn't find a way to simply abandon her in the time loop without it negatively impacting those it actually cares about.
  • Token Evil Teammate: She doesn't even try to hide it, even after becoming a crewmate. She outright tells the core singularity that she's not a good person, and will casually tell the crew she's intending to steal one of their ships the second they're freed from the loop.
  • The Unapologetic: She's only willing to apologize to Cleo for the Noodle Incident that happened between them, and is clearly uncomfortable with doing so. When it comes to the Cobalt Crew, by contrast, she makes clear that she not only doesn't regret any of the troubles she's caused for them, but will happily continue antagonising them.
  • Villain Respect: While generally derisive and quick to insult the Cobalt Crew, she can express her admiration for Peri's ability to dole out impressive amounts of damage, addressing her by her full name.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: One of her favorite tactics is sending out a fake Distress Call, then threatening her would-be rescuers. She also programmed this into Drakebot 2, and is rather perturbed if her own robot attempts to rob her in this fashion.



A hacker. His deck involves enhancing and exhausting other cards and manipulating hand position.

  • Artificial Limb: The back of his head is covered by metal, and his ears are metal as well.
  • Crush Blush: Reacts this way towards Dahlia, blushing when asked to "Smile for the reticle!" and meekly replying "...okay."
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Max's deck is the most unconventional of them all. He focuses on hand position and exhausting cards. With the right setup, however, he can do some incredibly broken things. Math.Max can draw almost your entire deck for one energy (or zero energy if you upgrade it), which is very useful if you have a lot of zero-cost cards and can ensure you get the cards you need. He can also return cards from the exhaust pile with Cloud Save and play expensive cards for cheap with Admin Deploy.
  • Meaningful Appearance: When waking up for the first time, he notes that he's wearing fingerless gloves, connecting that to his role as a "cool hacker guy".
  • Rule of Cool: Max lives by this rule. Plugging CAT into the Cobalt's core? Wizards piloting spaceships casting spells? Breaking through the time barrier? As long as it's cool, Max is in favor of it.
  • Save Scumming: Invoked by Save State, which enables Max to record the current physical position of your ship, then return to that location at any time with a Load State card.
  • Skewed Priorities: Played for Laughs; he has a tendency to focus on things other than combat, such as rearranging the deck chairs.
    Max: Hey did you guys know that these command terminals have solitare on them?

    The Seventh Crewmate (SPOILERS!) 


An alchemist researching the time crystals, who joins the crew after several encounters. Her cards use Shards as a resource to power up defense, movement, and midrow actions.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: The rest of the crew tends to treat her as such, particularly when it comes to reprimanding her whenever she starts yelling about kicking their opponents' butts.
    Peri: Books! Language!
  • Cast From HP: Her Bloodstone Bolt card Invokes this by dealing damage to your own ship's Hull in order to attack. If you have a Shard handy, though, the damage is repaired afterwards.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Her timeline isn't broken at all, and she has absolutely no reason to help the crew. She does so anyway.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Played With in that the lenses on her glasses are sky blue, making her eyes look blue as well.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Downplayed by her habit of gripping the bottom of her comms window, something she does quite frequently without appearing to notice how she's breaking out of it in the process.
  • Loved by All: Her cheerful demeanor and willingness to help endears herself to the other crewmates almost immediately. Peri threatens to harm anyone who ever harms Books, and even Drake can't help but like her.
  • The Pollyanna: While she might spit out the occasional "Drat!" when things aren't going the crew's way, she generally remains confident that they'll pull through no matter how bad things look. Even when she admits otherwise, she's got a smile on her face.
    Books: (on entering combat in a ship with low Hull) I feel unprepared! That's a very normal feeling for me, though.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Her glasses tend to go opaque in this fashion whenever she starts really getting into combat.
  • Science Wizard: Studies the crystal Shards and uses them to fuel extra effects for many of her cards.

    CAT.exe (SPOILERS!) 


The ship's onboard AI.

  • All Your Powers Combined: How she ends up freeing the crew from the time loop. By bringing the other characters onboard the Cobalt, she's able to break through the boundary using their combined abilities. In game, this is her gimmick when she becomes a playable character, as she's able to grab cards from the other crewmates.
  • Death Is Cheap: Aside from being alright with sacrificing herself at the end of a run even though it's painful because she knows she'll be back in the next loop, one start-of-run dialogue with Peri has CAT.exe mention that she regularly shuts herself down for five milliseconds to scan for data corruption. When Peri compares it to death and asks how that feels, CAT.exe states that anything exciting must take longer than five milliseconds.
  • Fun with Acronyms: CAT stands for Cobalt Active Terminal.
  • Glamour Failure: In the future memory, she goes through this due to her holographic projector breaking down. Doubles as Game Face, as she is hellbent on getting the crew out of the time loop no matter what gets thrown their way.
  • Grew Beyond Their Programming: She started out as a simple program, but being uploaded into the Cobalt's core caused her to merge with it.
  • Living MacGuffin: She is the personality created when the Cobalt interfaced with the ship's computer — the Cobalt Core.
  • Nightmare Face: She occasionally turns black and shows a frightening face when someone does something she doesn't like or when she becomes unstable.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: At the end of each loop, she uploads herself into the Cobalt to bring it out of the singularity. This apparently deletes her within an instant. Though given that she turns out to be the Cobalt's singularity, this may not be the case.
  • Virtual Sidekick: She's an AI created by Max and serves as the ship's onboard computer.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's difficult to talk about her without spoiling her true nature.
  • What the Hell, Player?: Is the most likely to directly challenge the player's more questionable decisions, such as protesting whenever you allow your ship's structure to be randomly modified ("HOW IS THIS BETTER?!") or wondering why you chose to attack Cleo.
  • What Would X Do?: Will occasionally say variants of this while playing various [character].exe cards.

Lazuli Nebula Enemies



A strange mouse in a robe and wizard hat piloting the Tower.

  • Irritation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery: Played With in that he takes offense to Books, angrily insisting that he doesn't offer autographs and accuses them of trying to steal his spells.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: There's a lot of debate among the crew whether or not his magic is real or simply science posing as magic. Max studies it and declares that it's real, though it's heavily implied that he's lying to spare Wizbo's feelings.
  • Science Wizard: He's a wizard piloting a spaceship who can cast spells on you to cause weird effects.


Spike/George/Riggs/Spike Two

A pirate found in the Lazuli Nebula piloting Needler. He's not very good at it.

  • Butt-Monkey: He's introduced giving the worst excuse for a holdup ever seen and is generally treated as a joke. Eventually Drake decides he's not cool enough to have the name Spike.
  • Ignored Epiphany: One match against him starts with him musing on the Lost Technology he's seen still picking fights long after their creators have expired, and noting the futility of it all. He concludes by stating that, since he's already feeling bad because of it, robbing you won't make him feel any worse.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Despite being treated as a joke in-universe, he's one of the more tricky opponents. He puts a buff on himself every other turn that causes him to instantly retaliate whenever you attack him. He also gives you cards that force you to attack him automatically, just in case you decide to wait it out a turn. Worst of all, you can't get rid of these cards.
  • One-Steve Limit: Played With. There's another enemy in the Sapphire Cluster named Spike. If you've met both of them and Drake's in your crew, Drake decides that Spike needs to change his name because the other Spike is much cooler. You can enforce this by naming him George or Spike Two, or continue to subvert it by naming him Riggs.



A bounty hunter piloting a massive warship called The Humble Approach.

  • Glass Cannon: While he has a lot of guns, he has a glaring weakness in the form of a brittle cockpit.
  • Ironic Name: His ship is called The Humble Approach. Nothing about it suggests humility.
  • More Dakka: His ship has a ridiculous amount of guns. Because of this, it's fairly difficult to get by him without taking some hull damage, as the sheer number of attacks he throws at you means you're going to get hit a lot.
  • Non-Indicative Name: With a name like Jumbo you'd expect him to be an elephant, or at least some sort of large animal. Instead he looks like a hamster.
  • Smug Snake: Very prone to tooting his own horn and talking himself up.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Unbeknownst to him, the bounty he's pursuing is totally fake, having been created by Drake as a distraction. He's not happy if he finds out.

Sapphire Cluster Enemies

    Sir Ratzo 

Sir Ratzo

A strange mouse wearing full armor and wielding a sword, piloting a ship named The Chariot.

  • Berserk Button: Do not break the rules of a duel if you agree to one. Additionally, if Drake's in your crew, she might offhandedly start the fight by suggesting targeting his weak point and getting it over with. Sir Ratzo will then refuse to offer a duel and call you a jerk.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: If you agreed to a duel and stuck to it, he'll yield when his hull has taken significant damage and flee.
  • Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: Before the fight, he'll usually offer a friendly duel where he agrees not to attack your weak points if you agree not to attack his.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: He has a giant shield on the front of his ship. It serves as an armored point.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Or rather, using your swords as missiles always works.
  • Ye Olde Butchered English: When he first appears, CAT wonders if the auto-translator is malfunctioning before he clarifies that this is just how he talks.

    Rogue Starnacle 

Rogue Starnacle

A massive mollusk that floats freely in space.



An evil version of Riggs who serves as the second boss of the game. She pilots a massive ship called the Dreadnought.

  • Berserk Button: She really doesn't like it if you navigate completely away from the Dreadnought. Not only does she have plenty of things to say about this, she'll overheat the Dreadnought's engines in order to instantly catch up with you.
  • The Dreaded Dreadnought: Her ship is just as imposing as the name implies, loaded with guns and missile bays.
  • Evil Twin: She wears black leather and has purple eyeliner and tries to rob you.
  • Excessive Evil Eyeshadow: Uses plenty of purple eyeliner, which Riggs seems to think looks cool.
  • Expendable Alternate Universe: Dismissively insists that her crew counterpart and the rest of her cohorts are nothing more than "time clones" that she's more than willing to dispose of. Also insists that she's the only "real Riggs", refusing to acknowledge the possibility that she's also met her end in the time loop.
  • Future Me Scares Me: When you first see her, she comments on how she used to be soft, suggesting she's a future version of Riggs. As it turns out, she's actually the half of Riggs's memories representing her days as a pirate, meaning she's a past version of Riggs.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In the finale, when Riggs gets her onto the ship, she points out that the two of them can't escape the time loop since one would absorb the other. When Riggs makes it clear she's planning to take that risk, Evil Riggs gives Riggs her pendant (implied to be a fragment of the Cobalt's core), merging with Riggs and making her the dominant personality.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: When Riggs calls her "Evil Riggs", she states that she's just Riggs and that your Riggs is "Stupid Riggs".
  • Save the Villain: In the finale, Riggs insists on saving her. This turns out to be necessary, as she's actually one half of Riggs's memories and the two must merge in order for Riggs to leave the time loop safely.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: Downplayed in that she's not afraid to overheat her own ship in order to prevent the Cobalt crew from escaping her fight.

??? Enemies



A crab person piloting a crab shaped warship named "Evolutionary Perfection".

  • Flunky Boss: He usually doesn't attack directly. Instead he releases powerful attack drones. They're bubbled, too, meaning they take two hits to destroy.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: His ship can move great distances. He has a very nasty habit of releasing drones in your face then moving far away from you.
  • Superior Species: He seems to think very highly of crabs. Most of his dialogue is him sharing crab facts, many of which are blatantly biased.



A friend of Drake's who pilots the DX-5 "Missiler".

  • Ambiguously Related: He looks a lot like a male version of Drake, though the game doesn't mention if they're related or not.
  • Friendly Enemy: If Drake's in your crew, he's pretty friendly with her. Doesn't stop him from dueling you to the death, though.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: He's one of the only two enemies that will flee if significantly damaged, the other being Sir Ratzo. You still get rewards if this happens, though.



A skunk that pilots the "00-A Mining Drill".

  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: Normally his drills only do one point of damage a hit, but when he's firing off each of them half a dozen times per turn, they'll rip through the player's vessel without any shielding.
  • More Dakka: He uses mining drill lasers rather than conventional ammunition, but this is the principle behind his attacks. His ship fires off more consecutive shots by far than any other enemy vessel.
  • This Is a Drill: The main feature of his ship are a pair of mining drills, though rather than ram them into the player's ship, they both fire multi-hit lasers.

    Buried(?) Relic 

An ancient, seemingly derelict ship in a tight crevasse that has a warning imprinted on its side, which is ignored for the sake of treasures.

  • Portent of Doom: The first time it's encountered, CAT.exe sees it's transcribed with the "This is not a place of honor" warning proposed for nuclear waste sites. The warning is then ignored in order to grab its loot.
  • Schmuck Bait: The battle starts with the Relic at 7 out of 10 Hull, and if left alone will merely heal to full and not attack. If it can be destroyed in a single action, that's that. If it can't, it immediately gains an additional twenty hull, mobilizes, and attacks in a way that can't be completely dodged due to the area's walls.

Other Characters



A lady who runs the repair yards. She'll repair your ship's hull, as well as remove or upgrade cards.

  • Genre Savvy: If you try to fight her, she laughs menacingly and mocks you for choosing to kill the shopkeep when you know you're in a time loop before giving you a chance to back out.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: Her ship's devastating offense means that she's exceptionally vulnerable to the Parry card, which can wipe her out in a single turn.
  • Noodle Incident: Drake tried to steal some artifacts from Cleo once. It's not known what happened, but Drake apologizes for it and is very tense around her.
  • Optional Boss: After a few runs, you get the option to fight her. She's easily the hardest opponent in the game and, unless you built your deck specifically to face her, she's very likely to kill you with just her opening salvo.
  • There's No Kill like Overkill: Her opening salvo covers almost every lane, and unless you have a good plan to deal with it, your ship's probably going to eat enough damage to die multiple times over.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: If you actually beat her, you'll get an artifact that gives you a free energy every turn, but the repair yards are empty for the rest of that loop. Not so bad if you wait till the last one to fight her. Just make sure you still have enough gas to take on the Cobalt.



A walrus who runs a coffee shop. Enjoys spirited debates and gossiping.

  • Commander Contrarian: Loves debating so much that he is more than happy to get into an argument with you about the merits of any kind of upgrade, enabling you to flip a card from its A version to B or vice-versa... at the cost of a little Annoyance.
  • Knowledge Broker: Acts as one; he was responsible for Drake learning about the Cobalt courtesy of Riggs not watching what she said while visiting his establishment.

Dracula himself, who can be randomly encountered in an event.



The pilot of "Soggins' Very Cool Ship". Due to installing a glitchy targeting system, his rockets keep redirecting towards himself, and the player needs to save him from himself for a reward.

  • Crippling Overspecialization: Soggins' ship consists of only missile launchers and no cannons, so installing a system that powers up cannons but makes his missiles fire backwards was not the best idea.
  • Time-Limit Boss: The crew just needs to keep him alive for six turns by blasting his missiles in order to get a reward: the malware that caused his targeting system to malfunction, his Seeker missiles, or a random artifact.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Downplayed; should the team manage to save him, he cracks a joke about how he can't thank them enough, "so I won't." Depending on what you pick for your reward, he can also get passive-aggressive and sulky about it.



The owner of his own emporium of ideas, who offers to give his wares away for free while admitting that perhaps they're completely useless.

  • Lethal Joke Item: By themselves, none of his inventions are useful: Lightning in a Bottle grants 3 energy but costs 3 to play, Buckshot fires your cannon three times for zero base damage, Bruise makes you take one damage to your hull before recovering one hull, and Waltz shifts the ship two spaces left followed immediately by moving one space right twice in a row, and their upgraded versions are equally useless. However, they can become devastating when combined with another card or artifact that, respectively, lets you play certain cards for free, increases the base damage of all attacks, increases all healing effectsnote  and/or gain Overdrive when damaged, or fires your cannon every time you move.
