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Characters / BrainScratch Commentaries Fictional Characters

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    Pretzel Bag 

A bag full of pretzels, it originally lived with Ryan, until it apparently moved to Johnny's place. While there, Johnny proceeded to betray Pretzel Bag, and eat his intestines, killing him during The Pokemon Crystal Commentary. As of now, Johnny has not been punished, and the law has over looked this blatant case of murder. Probably because he was revealed to be alive in a recent stream of Johnny's. Now safe, away from Johnny's pretzel eating tyranny. For Now...

Tropes that apply to Pretzel Bag:
  • Killed Off for Real: He was murdered by Johnny.
    • Back from the Dead/Disney Death: However, in a recent stream by Johnny, it was revealed that he was indeed alive. Whether or not he came back from the dead or was ever killed to begin with is unknown.
  • Speech Impediment: Can only make crunching and shaking noises.
  • Token Non-Human: The only commentator to date that isn't human.

A vast amount of beings, most named by Solaris Paradox. According to him, the name is a fusion of Biff Tannen and buffalo (as in buffalo sauce).
Johnny: That's just weird.

The list of Biffalos are as follows:

  • Biffalo I: The baby Metroid, introduced in Super Metroid.
  • Biffalo II: A constantly regenerating pet rock, introduced in Super Metroid.
  • Biffalo III: The Companion Cube, introduced in Portal. Has a pirate accent for some reason.
  • Biffalo IV: Apparently died of whiplash during his conception while trying to save the Leaf Village from a nine-tailed Demon Fox riding a giant toad. Mentioned in Portal 2.
  • Biffalo V: A Mabari Bloodhound that Lewis named offscreen. Mentioned in Portal 2.
  • Biffalo VI: Another Companion Cube, who inexplicably speaks in a thick Jamaican accent, introduced in Portal 2.
  • Biffalo VII: Blizzard Buffalo, also known by his full name Bilzzard Biffalo, introduced in Mega Man X3.
  • Biffalo XV: A yellow Pikmin who died at the hands of Ted's recklessness; the name Biffalo was given to him posthumously. Introduced in Pikmin.
  • Biffalo XXIV: A Dragon Quest Slime figurine owned by Ted. Named during the TooManyGames panel.

Tropes that apply to Biffalo:
  • Companion Cube: Biffalo The Third and Biffalo the Sixth were both literally Companion Cubes.
    • Besides that, every Biffalo is treated like this by Solaris.
  • Killed Off for Real: So far, Biffalo the Second and Biffolo the Third are the only ones that were seen onscreen who weren't killed.
    • Biffalo the Twenty-Fourth was killed by Ted, only to be revived a few seconds later.
  • Legacy Character
  • Token Non-Human: No incarnation of Biffalo has been human.
    • Though we have no idea what species Biffalo the Fourth is, Ryan assumes that it is another Companion Cube.
  • The Speechless: The only incarnations of Biffalo that has spoken was Biffalo the Third and Biffalo the Sixth.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: There are at least seven other Biffalos that weren't even mentioned in any commentary so far, as Biffalo the Fifteenth was introduced in Pikmin, with no mention of any of it's previous incarnations. Though according to Lewis, he says they were all Compainon Cubes that were destroyed during Aperture Tests.
    • Even Lewis himself lost track of all those fuckers.

    Psycho Kirby
Our “Hero”
An adorable puffball hero, canniball, and Sith Lord.
Tropes that apply to Kirby:

    Green Biker Dude 
The only one to enter battle in Mega Man X2 besides the title character himself; his talents were wasted after a lucky shot murdered him at the beginning of the game. The playthrough was then dedicated in his honor. He will be missed.
Tropes that apply to the Green Biker Dude:

  • Badass Biker: The commentators attempt to play up his badass nature, but only really have the fact that he rode a motorcycle to work with.
  • Badass Normal: Sure, he may have no powers, no weapons and no evidence of combat skills, but that doesn't stop him from being the best there is.
  • In Memoriam: After he crashes and dies, the clip is played back with sad music over it and its mentioned several times after that the playthrough is in his memory.
  • Killed Off for Real: Just as he was introduced in Mega Man X2, he was cruelly taken away from the world, who had to make due with some blue guy.
  • Memetic Badass: Again, there's nothing special about him besides the fact that he dies, but the crew decide off the bat to worship him.

    Pokémon Fan Club President 
The owner of the Pokémon fan club in Vermillion City. While he likes giving free things away, he'll only do so after he finishes talking about his favorite Rapidash. And even then, he'll still call you up then and again to talk about it some more.
Tropes that apply to The Pokémon Fan Club President:

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: He'll call the guys from time to time in the real world to talk about his Rapidash.
  • Catchphrase: "Rapidash-dash-dash, don't ya wanna hear about it?"

    Pyromaniac Samus 
A silent heroic soldier, has an extreme fetish of explosions, the bigger the explosion, the more satisfied she is.
Tropes that apply to Samus:

  • Battle Cry: "Shoulder Pads, AAAHHHH!!! (Hut hut hut hut hut)" According to Ryan and Lewis. Subverted in that it's only when she's in the Varia suit.
  • Mad Bomber
  • Samus Is a Girl
  • Stuff Blowing Up: She has a massive fetish for this sort of thing, as stated above.
  • Too Dumb to Live: When Adam told her not to use weapons unauthorized, she took that as “turn off EVERYTHING”, something that frustrates Adam to no end.

    Manic-Depressed Luigi 
Shy and frightful brother of Mario, has a dark view of most things, enjoys watching things go bad for Mario and often isn't impressed by anything. Has a significant rivalry with 'Annoying Dick Waluigi.'

For tropes pertaining to him on Johnny's channels, click here

Tropes that apply to Luigi:

    Waluigi Scapelli
Click here to see his true identity. 
Also known as 'Annoying Dick Waluigi'. Not very different then his normal self, Aside from being a drug addict, gambler, a Titan, a follower of Lord Helix, and the alter ego of Arlon the Serene from Kid Icarus: Uprising

    Donkey "Konkey Dong" Kong
The hero of DK Island who just happened to stumble into the group for Mario Party 4 and just sort of stuck around because, as he aptly puts it, "DK not know what doing".
Tropes that apply to DK:

  • Achievements in Ignorance: He's openly too dumb to tie his own shoes, yet somehow succeeds. Quick to claim "DK KNOW WHAT DOING", before some inevitable following hiccup leads him to admit "DK NOT KNOW WHAT DOING".
  • The Big Guy: He's Donkey Kong. Luigi is rather fond of exploiting this when available. Also why nobody generally tries to pick on him.
  • Friend to All Living Things: In his own words, "DK EVERYONE'S FRIEND". Yes, even K. Rool.
  • Functional Addict: While everyone believes he's drunk on banana, DK is quick to correct them in that he's just been hitting a bit too much Crystal Coconut.
  • Gentle Giant: Not an ill-meaning bone in his body.
  • Hulk Speak: Oddly enough, this is his more humorous trait.
  • Idiot Hero: His entire MO.
    • Idiot Savant: ...Though he has rare flashes of striking, lasting competence.
  • No Indoor Voice: You can just hear the nonstop capslock in his caveman fashion of speaking.

    Crazy Toad
Also known as Satan Toad, A con artist and possibly the devil.
Tropes that apply to Toad:

    Penny-Depraved Tails
Sonic’s “Best Friend”
Sonic's best friend, it seems that they're only friends because Tails is still waiting for the penny Sonic stole from him.
Tropes that apply to Tails:

  • Ambiguously Gay: Despite only hanging with Sonic to get his penny back, he was a little too eager to pull of the Super Special Awesome 69 Attack with him...
    I dunno Sonic, I’m enjoying it.
  • Butt-Monkey: Ever since he had his penny stolen.
  • Only in It for the Money: Tails really only hangs around with Sonic because he has his penny.
  • Running Gag: His missing penny.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Played with, as although he is famous in his own right, his story in Sonic Adventure indicates he has very high opinion of himself, as it portrays Sonic as a dumbass who acts like HE’S the sidekick, while Tails does some of the things Sonic does in his own story.
  • Super Wheelchair: In the Sonic Heroes commentary, they say that in Adventure 2 he was apparently paralyzed, and he used his repurposed aeroplane mech as his wheelchair. His physical therapy is now over, but he still rides it every Saturday morning because he likes it.

    Captain Falcon
Your lord and savior has arrived.
The god of awesomeness. He owns a church and runs non-believers over with his car instead of smiting them. His signature Falcon Punch can break galaxies.
Tropes that apply to Captain Falcon:

  • A God Am I: Ryan would have you believe Captain Falcon is infallible, and their characterization of the guy agrees.
  • Memetic Badass: Falcon's character is all in reference to memes related to his Falcon Punch and Large Ham nature in the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • Signature Move: The Falcon Punch, which will invariably be pronounced "Falcon PAWNCH" and be offered as the solution to any problem Falcon may encounter.

    Waddle Dooters
Also known as "Waddle Dee". Formerly the hardest boss in existence, Waddle Dooters is now an ally. Most of his family members are dead, but they do occasionally give him unhelpful advice from beyond the grave.
Tropes that apply to Waddle Dooters:

Sterence is the name of the first Metroid met in the Metroid Prime commentary.
Tropes that apply to Sterence:

    Junkles and Knuckers 
Junkles and Knuckers are two Echidnas that "aid" Dr. Eggman in Sonic 3CD & Knuckles & Knuckles. Junkles is a beatnik who recites poetry and Knuckers is a Rastafarian who bangs on bongos and smokes weed.
Tropes that apply to Junkles and Knuckers:

    Jesus Barrel 
Featured in the Donkey Kong Country 3 commentary, he's a barrel and he walks on water.
Tropes that apply to Jesus Barrel

  • Clone Jesus: What might explain the multiple ones in a single stage.
  • Walk on Water: It’s how he got his name in the first place.

A Tetris block shaped like an L, that is apparently Ted's wife.

    Boat and Ship 
The boat from Pokemon2000, who has shown skills beyond the so-called "Chosen One", Ash Ketchum. His grandfather, Ship, was found wrecked in the Link: The Faces of Evil commentary.

Miyamoto's evil twin, apparently the only person able to bring him down besides Yuji Naka. Brought up in Part 3 of their Splatoon playthrough. Has an Evil Spock goatee and Wario's mustache.

    Stares the Abyss 
The newest recruit for the resistance. He likes to sit in the corner and stare at everyone.
  • Crazy-Prepared: He always has eye-drops handy wherever he goes.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Though he is pitch black, he is fighting against Eggman’s regime. (According to Ryan, Stares came about when he wondered how dark he can make the entire character)
  • The Pollyanna: Always has his mouth open with glee, even when the situation is bleak and everyone else is feeling hopeless.
    Johnny (as Knuckles): Stares the Abyss, you are so happy to be here, you know what? I'm glad someone's having fun out of all this!

    Conrad Veidt
The male protagonist of Pokémon Sun and Moon. He has a constant smile on his face.
  • Perpetual Smiler: He almost never has his smile leave his face, even while faced with villains.
  • Shout-Out: He is named after the actor who played The Man Who Laughs, the character that the Joker was based on.

"That’s not our brain in the icon."
Didn’t expect this, huh? (Art by The Switchback)
Yes, the channel itself is a character. It was revealed to be sentient during Oregon Trail
  • Brain in a Jar: Well, Brain in a icon anyway.
  • The Hero Dies: It dies before reaching Oregon... Though given it’s the channel itself, this obviously doesn’t stick.
  • The Voiceless: Doesusay a single word throughout the trek to Oregon.

The badass from DOOM. He can somehow hear the BrainScratch Crew in his head.
  • Ironic Hell: Ted theorizes that’s he will go to heaven when he dies, not because he’s a good person who deserves it, but because he would enjoy hell and the demons wouldn’t want him.
  • Moral Myopia: The reason he started his rampage wasn’t because Earth was invaded, but because his pet rabbit Daisy was killed.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Much to Samuel’s dismay.
    Johnny (as Samuel): I hired a f***ing Child.

    Bipedal Mutant Future Tigers 
Bipedal Mutant Future Tigers, or just Bipedal Tigers, are mutated Tigers from the future.
Ascended Extra: They went from being minor enemies in Crystalis to be the overarching antagonists of the SNK collection.

    Color-blind Geoff
An asshole who is Ted’s rival. He was originally made up as a joke in the The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time commentary when Lewis made the disclaimer that the channel does not have anything against Blind people to which Ted jokingly said “Except you Geoff, you suck!”. He was brought up again years later in the Splatoon commentary before finally appearing as Trace in the Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! live-streams.
