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Characters / Blue Rose

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The most numerous race in the setting, the Humans of the world come from numerous nations and backgrounds that players can select to represent their play style.
  • Aldin Humans are described as "good and noble" with a disposition toward fairness and compassion.
  • Forest Folk, technically Aldins, are seen as an entirely different community. They are more rustic, in tune with nature, and likely to bond with animals- Rhydan or mundane.
  • Human Islanders suffer from regular devastating storms and are more muscular, resilient, and economical than others.
  • Jarzoni humans are more zealous, devoted to their family, and adhere to their religion.
  • Kernish Humans are often victims of the Lich King's cruelty and make a perilous journey to freedom. They are psychologically scarred and resilient, and know the true value of peace and freedom.
  • Lar'Tyan Humans come from a nation where females hold all social, political, and economic power. They are expert merchants that find Aldis' egalitarian ways baffling or refreshing, depending on their caste.
  • Rezean Humans are some of the best warriors in the world. Their horse riders are second to none and their clan witches are revered for their elemental power.
  • Roamer Humans are the righteous descendants of a fallen nation, living in colorful caravans as traders, performers, and fortune tellers. Other nations spurn them as thieves and mischief makers, but Aldis has welcomed their caravans with open arms.


  • Intelligent, psychic beasts that possess souls and the ability to communicate via telepathy. The Rhydan are the reason Aldis exists as a free nation in the first place, having instigated the Great Rebellion. Rhydan come in many forms- Bears, cats, dogs, horses, badgers, wolves and foxes being just a few of the choices available to a player. Rhydan will often establish a psychic bond with another living creature, often human. Within Aldis, they are recognized as citizens under the law.

Sea Folk

  • A case of Our Mermaids Are Different as the Sea-Folk are androgynous humanoids that dwell near lakes, rivers, islands and oceans across the entire world. They are excellent swimmers and spirit dancers.


  • The descendants of the mythical Vata via human partners, the Vata are silver-haired humanoids who excel at Arcane studies.


  • A mockery of the Vata created by the Sorcerer Kings' experiments on Vata'An peoples. These dark-skinned Vata are treated with suspicion by those who know of their origins, but are just as likely to be a good and decent person as any human. Their only other physical difference from their Vata'An cousins is their ability to better see in dark spaces and susceptibility to blinding light.

Night People

  • A race of orc-like people created by the Sorcerer Kings to be unthinking and devastating soldiers, their experiment was only a partial success. The Night People make fearsome enemies but they possess all the tact and intellect of any human or Vata in the world. Only in Kern are they still employed universally as enforcers and brutes.

     Player Classes 


Magical class of characters, able to specialize in Psychic Powers, Elemental Powers, or even The Corruption.


Skill based character class encompassing Rogues, Bards, Diplomats, and other characters neither magical nor combat focused.


Build like a brick house and ready to hit as hard. Damage dealers and shields for the rest of the group.

     Important NP Cs 

Queen Jaellin of Aldis

The current monarch of Aldis, selected by the Golden Hart to rule after the death of King Haylin when she was just 18 years old. Jaellin began her reign as a reserved, bookish monarch, listening and absorbing information in her council meetings. Most controversially she lifted the ban on the study of Sorcery within Aldis (though it is still illegal to practice). As of Second Edition, she has ruled for 18 years and was recently married to a resistance fighter from Kern.

  • All-Loving Hero: Takes an active role in ensuring the betterment of her subjects' lives.
  • Badass Bookworm: Before becoming the Queen, Jaellin was a traveling Noble who worked with the Kingdom's records, using the knowledge to save the village she was assigned to from a series of floods.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Jaellin chooses to lead the attack on Kern through the Shadowgate beneath the city of Aldis.
  • Shrinking Violet: Made the minimum number of public appearances possible while Queen, until she became more comfortable with the role.

Lich Lord Jarek of Kern

The last of the rulers of the fallen Old Kingdom. Jarek was able to seize the least promising but best defended territory when his contemporaries were fighting over Aldis, and he chose to wait out the fighting (and the ensuing Great Rebellion) in seclusion, preparing to attack and seize the remnants of the Kingdom when his enemies tired themselves out. His initial invasion was repulsed, and while Aldis grew stronger over time, Jarek relied upon guile and corruption within Aldis to weaken his old enemies. He attempted a second invasion in the 15th year of Queen Jaellin's reign.

  • 0% Approval Rating: Universally hated and feared by those subjects he hasn't beaten and brainwashed into serving him.
  • Evil Overlord: Absolute ruler of Kern.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Is defeated by Jaellin after she leads the Sovereign's finest through his own Shadowgate, into his fortress - bypassing all of his defenses.
