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Characters / Awaken

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A list of characters from the webcomic Awaken.

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Main Characters

     Piras Dameschi 

Protagonist of AWAKEN. A.K.A. "That damned redhead."

  • Amicable Exes: Piras has an ex-girlfriend named Cassandra who he doesn't have much interaction with, but is still on enough friendly terms with her to sit next to her during an assembly and comfortably fall asleep on her shoulder.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Piras' parents died when he was only a kid.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Piras only recently got his license, and has already managed to total several motor scooters.
  • Fiery Redhead: It's pretty safe to say that Piras is loud, strong and passionate. And also has red hair.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Piras is a muscular, Long-Haired Pretty Boy and at one point strips naked to bathe in an oasis in public. In bonus art, the artist really seems to like drawing him shirtless, in his underwear, in revealing outfits or completely naked.
  • Not Blood Related: Camille's family took in Piras after his dad died and they were raised together. However, they are not related.
  • Red Is Heroic: Piras is a Fiery Redhead who usually wears a red jacket and is pretty darn heroic.


A woman Piras runs into whose unintentional interference with his life causes his flux abilities to awaken.

  • Older Than They Look: It's become clear that Nly is significantly older than she looks as her connection to Piras' father starts to be examined.
  • Parental Substitute: Nyl basically acts as a surrogate mother for Cian. She goes as far as quickly pulling him away when Piras starts making some Freudian jokes as well as reprimands him for swearing. Ironically, her official profile says she dislikes kids.
  • Psychic Powers: Nyl can use these to alter people's memories.
