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Characters / Ambition of the Red Princess - Church of the Three Heroes

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All Spoilers Off for the whole of Ambition of the Red Princess, and the many plot points the story lays out in later chapters.

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Church of the Three Heroes (Major Spoilers)


  • Adaptational Heroism: Zig Zagged. From the original canon of the Shield Hero story, the Church of the Three Heroes were unambiguously evil in actively putting down Naofumi's heroic achievements and took their overly-zealous religion too far. The entire church in command of Pope Balmus and the members were all in agreement to take over Melromarc and needed to be stopped by all four heroes working together. Here in Ambition of the Red Princess, while there are some factions of the church have their ulterior motives, there are others who want to be genuinely peaceful, are reasonable in bringing their support to the commoners, and can put their religion aside to work with the Shield Hero's party to face off an undead Scourge.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: From canon, the church as a whole banned the usage of shields, because they do not wish to associate themselves with the Shield Hero in any way. However, by giving up shields, they lose a tactical advantage in fighting, just like how Pope Balmus' defeat in canon was the result of not creating a magical shield. Ambition of the Red Princess has the church use shields for a tactical advantage and does not wish to waste such a valuable weapon over being too prideful of their beliefs.
    Richard: Mighty stupid reason to forgo a strategy advantage. Do you take us for badly written villains in come stage plays, or trashy knight novels for the audience to laugh at? Or do you think that the shield fanatics in Siltvelt refuse to use a weapon because their immortal god king doesn't? We wouldn't have beaten back the Siltvelt Invaders, if we were that stupid.
  • Antagonist Abilities: Members who are a part or ally themselves with the Three Heroes Church gain lots of perks, manpower, and political advantages to anyone opposing them. Even when some of the unsavory or Hate Sink type members make huge mistakes that set back the Three Heroes Church from progressing throughout Melromarc, their losses are able to be tanked from their large military numbers and enslaved people working under them. Contrast to the heroes, they have limited resources from the Three Heroes Church looting everything, and are separated from the rest of their allies, thereby forcing the heroes to think on their own to overcome the church.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: Back in the Great War, many members of the Three Heroes Church opposed the cruel tactics of the beastmen enslaving human, and despite most church members being racists, they were ultimately a Noble Bigot to bring peace to Melromarc. However, by the current events of Ambition of the Red Princess, the Three Heroes Church itself became violent slavers to their own country, as to gain more control, all while blind zealots follow their power-hungry superiors.
  • Belief Makes You Stupid: The most fanatical and zealous members of the Three Heroes Church are depicted as the most foolish, since the members plan on expanding their influence throughout all of Melromarc, but lack any real tactical planning or straight goals to achieve.
  • Big Bad: Slowly over the course of the story, the Three Heroes Church loom behind as a background threat behind the minds of the main characters, as the organization is on a race to be the first to claim the Seatto Heirloom. By the time and in the aftermath of the Third Wave, the Three Heroes Church rise up in power as the main villains of Ambition of the Red Princess. The organization takes their radical plans into motion by chasing after the remaining members of the Shield Hero's party, scattering apart the other Three Heroes, and subjugating many noble house in Melromarc to further their own goals for power.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: As dangerous of a threat the Three Heroes Church presents itself to the public, their plans and rise to power are expected by many to eventually be put to a stop, since the organization only resorts to taking mindless violence to force everyone into bowing before them. For such a fearsome reputation the Three Heroes Church struck onto everyone, the organization itself became the prime target for everyone to defeat, and no backup plans have been made for any losses the Three Heroes Church might suffer.
  • Blatant Lies: The Three Heroes Church claim to be protecting Princess Melty in their custody and taking care of Aultcray's injuries, but they are really only interested in expanding their influences onto nearby house inside of Melromarc.
  • Childish Villain, Mature Hero: The more reasonable authority figures of the Three Heroes Church such as Pope Balmus, Logarius, and smaller members who are able to side with Naofumi with no grudges attached are portrayed as heroic people. The more childish and highly fanatical side of the Three Heroes Church are actively against the Shield Hero and are willing to use violent methods to subjugate everyone into their rule.
  • Disney Villain Death: Many members of the Three Heroes Church, and House Consevatie's men get killed via falling in chapter 129, due to Naofumi leading them into his Pit Trap near the cliffside of Balafon.
  • History Repeats: Same events where demi-humans of Siltvelt enslaving their own people and ones from Melromarc are repeated once again by the Three Heroes Church enslaving the people of their same nation, all while many blind zealots are oblivious of their heinous actions.
  • Hostage Situation: The Three Heroes Church have a boy and their overly zealous followers lure the Three Heroes and their companions into a trap in chapter 111. The Church does so with the intent to turn Bertia and Iris into their own hostages, as so they can pressure their fathers from retaliating against the Three Heroes Church, because of their daughters' endangerment.
  • Disney Villain Death: The last army of the Three Heroes Church brought to suppress Graile's rebellion meet their doom by Streibough performing a Taking You with Me in the form of an earthquake spell to drag everyone down from a great height.
  • Distinction Without a Difference: As servants of the Three Heroes Church, they are given "holy seals" to mark them as loyal members, despite the name and purpose being the exact same of how a typical Slave Seal operates.
  • Evil Power Vacuum: Discussed. After the fall of Biscas T. Balmus and in his comatose state, Cromwell becomes the Tyrant That Takes The Helm in controlling the remains of the Three Heroes Church. Though Cromwell may be in control, Malty and Uranus don't expect the case to last for long in chapter 105, as there is a chance another greedy member of the church may backstab Cromwell for the position of leader.
  • Faith–Heel Turn: Most members have gone bad, as the majority of them would much rather stick to their disjointed beliefs and blindly follow Cromwell's orders to expand the Three Heroes Church's influence over Melromarc, rather than practicing the faith that actually makes them good people.
  • Forced into Evil: To unwilling participants of the Three Heroes Church, they consists of commoners or enslaved people who are only following the commands to kill the Shield Hero, or expand the church's influence out of fear that they will be killed for their disobedience.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Despite having many guards to watch over Balafon, they slack off on their jobs and instead take casual breaks, since most of the people in Balafon follow their given orders without question or disruption.
  • Karmic Misfire: Believing that Naofumi and Mein are in some way responsible for the goddess beating down on everyone in chapter 94, Cromwell and Consevatie convince their church members to go into conflict with each other to blame Naofumi and Mein. Reasonings to think that the event is of Naofumi's fault is Cromwell believing he failed to keep Lautrec under watch and Naofumi is the Shield Devil. Consevatie on the other hand just wants to slander Mein as a coward that ran away from the goddess only interested in killing her.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Although Ambition of the Red Princess is not really a comedy series and occasionally has its moments where the main characters get into comical shenanigans, the appearance or interactions with the Church of the Three Heroes either downplays or removes any potential comedy in exchange of focusing on the political drama to gain more power.
  • Motivated by Fear: Fearing the violent conquests and enslavements of Siltvelt, the Melromarc people's fears were used to fuel support for the Three Heroes Church to grow in power as a precaution to be protected from their neighboring nation enemies. Instead, those same fears are what caused the Three Heroes Church to become a corrupt organization wanting all of their people in Melromarc to be subjugated with complete control.
  • Political Hostage: An unnamed boy demands with the Three Heroes to hand them over Bertia Ibil Nochers and Iris Lana Amelia to the Three Heroes Church. Iris, sensing something wrong with the boy's demands in chapter 111, she calls out that she and Bertia are likely to be used as a Political Hostage against their fathers to not attack the Three Heroes Church, and the reason Katarina is not mentioned is because her father is safe at Cal Mira island.
  • Switching P.O.V.: Chapter 121 contains the different perspective of different members inside the Three Heroes Church to analyze their thoughts and confrontation with Pope Biscas T. Balmus.
  • The Power of Hate: From the growing hatred of Melromarc's people despising the actions of Siltvelt during the great war, the Three Heroes Church gained its power from the people wanting to give support to their goals to oppose Siltvelt. However, the same hatred gained the church so much power that they were given the resources needed to start a coup on the own country.
  • Vestigial Empire: The Three Heroes Church radiates the appearance of an unstoppable religious organization that can conquer all of Melromarc onto its knees, but hides from the public that it's most high-ranking members are so overly zealous of their beliefs or are too power-hungry for their own good to properly plan their expedition.
  • Zerg Rush: The knights of Graile that might have been collaborating with the Three Heroes Church choose to enslave everybody in their city by outnumbering every commoner in numbers and not having any strategy beyond quantity. Deconstructed, as it means that Malty, Naofumi, Demitrius, Uranus, Streibough, and Oersted are able to slip through the knights and hide out into Nagumo's dojo in chapter 104.

    Pope Biscas T. Balmus 

Pope Biscas T. Balmus

Debut: Chapter 2/Chapter 2: Alliances and Schemes under the moon (Mentioned), Chapter 21/Chapter 18: Rude Awakening

Origin: The Rising of the Shield Hero

  • Adopt-a-Servant: As a last resort to spare the demi-human children found in the liberated slave camps, Pope Balmus as them trained to become servants of the Three Heroes Church to give them the closest depiction of a free life, without angering any of his more unstable followers of the church.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: To expose Cromwell's Ambition Is Evil motive behind the rash actions committed to expand the control of the Three Heroes Church, Pope Balmus places his words in a way to have Cromwell risk his life under the threat of a Neck Snap if the former has enough faith at the Chief God giving him the necessary rewards to survive.
  • Batman Gambit: He intentionally makes himself a gullible person willing to compensate the resources and Taking the Heat of the Three Heroes Church, so that when the nobles present their requests and problems in chapter 121, Pope Balmus is able to find a way to see past their lies and exploit the options he is given from their deceitful play of the game of thrones.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Pope Balmus very much wants to have Confessor Oliver Cromwell killed in chapter 121 via Neck Snap, but stops himself from doing so to have Cromwell continue cooperating in boundaries with the Three Heroes Church. Once Cromwell finishes living out his purpose, Balmus promises to kill him off in someway.
    Pope Balmus: Good. You are a smart man, Cromwell. I shall let you live... for now.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Knowing that there is no other way to give the demi-human babies he found to have a free life, out of the possibility that the followers of the Three Heroes Church might kill them, Pope Balmus has the demi-humans become servants of the church to save them from getting killed.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Zig Zagged. Chapter 121's interlude focuses all on Pope Balmus of the past and present, but it is done through different characters having varying point of views on how they see Pope Balmus in their lives.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: He has a reputation as a powerful fighter of hand-to-hand combat, but his status as an unconquerable person in battle is broken by Lautrec's Goddess defeating him with a stab wound.
  • Defiant to the End: The sword of Web!Raphtalia is left hanging on his body, but rather than fully give up and just die, Pope Balmus uses his arms to smash the arm of the goddess that stabbed him with her sword.
  • Deus Exit Machina: Being the pope of the Three Heroes Church, Balmus has the most control among the organization, as a majority of his followers look up to him, despite some members being more fanatically inclined to hate the Shield Hero. However, due to being put in a coma in the aftermath fight against Web!Raphtalia, Balmus' lack of presence results in Cromwell and Siegmar Isaac Octavius Consevatie taking control of the Three Heroes Church to arrest Naofumi and Malty.
  • Dramatic Irony: He uses The Peter Principle to to make Consevatie into a watcher of Balafon in chapter 127's omake, because Pope Balmus believes the action can minimize Consevatie as a threat from participating in more serious manners. However, what Pope Balmus does not know is that he had sent Consevatie to present in one of Malty and Naofumi's destinations, which would unintentionally endanger both their lives to the misfortune of Balmus' decision-making.
  • Dramatic Ellipsis: Promising to let Cromwell live through chapter 121, Pope Balmus makes the former's allowance to live as an eventual death threat that is followed by an ellipsis.
    Pope Balmus: Good. You are a smart man, Cromwell. I shall let you live... for now.
  • Dramatic Pause: In chapter 121, Pope Balmus says nothing for some time at Cromwell's justification that the latter's step in as the regent for the Three Heroes Church and actions taken were necessary for a noble goal. Speculated by Cromwell, he suspects that Pope Balmus' silence is a way to put pressure on his mind, but believes the tactic to be futile, for he believes himself to be too smart.
  • Eye Take: Pope Balmus has his eyes be narrowed down as a way to respond to the news in chapter 121 of Master Shirou's shrine, a place that is valued, had been ransacked by unknown individuals of the church.
  • A Father to His Men: Having been a personal and important figure for both his church and demi-human followers, all of them raged at the goddess that stabbed him with her sword in chapter 94. The demi-humans all decried at the goddess and promised to make sure she is killed off right away.
  • Flashback: Starting off chapter 121, Pope Balmus has a flashback looking through the remains of the slave camps in the aftermath of the Great War and choosing to spare the remaining demi-human babies as servants of the Three Heroes Church to give them the closest of a free life.
  • For Your Own Good: Balmus attempts to have Jaune be returned back to the rest of his family in chapter 127, as Balmus wants to keep the boy safe from the dangerous clutches the Three Heroes Church. However, due to Archduke Wales not wanting Jaune to have his decision to continue fighting be invalidated by Pope Balmus, the latter gives up on his idea for Wales out of respect.
  • Friend to All Children: Back at the aftermath of the Great War, Pope Balmus took in the demi-human children born by rape to give them a chance to live with the Three Heroes Church, rather than have them be executed for their association as just children forcefully conceived by the Siltvelt enemies.
  • Heroic Bastard: Invoked. Whereas the demi-human children born of rape were originally going to be executed, simply by being the child of the Siltvelt enemies, Pope Balmus changed their fates by raising them in the Three Heroes Church.
  • Good All Along: From the perspective of the main characters, Pope Balmus looks to be always maintaining the face and manners of a kindhearted person, under the suspicion Pope Balmus is plotting someway to hurt them. Since the antagonization and rising power of the Three Heroes Church, it is believed to be Pope Balmus to be the root cause ruining the lives of everyone. As it turns out in chapter 121, Pope Balmus is revealed to not be the culprit, as he was in a Forced Sleep when the horrible events occurred. Further solidifying his disappointment at what the Three Heroes Church had become, Balmus sets himself out in Taking the Heat of all the damages caused and repair the strained relationships with the Four Legendary Heroes.
  • Instant Death Stab: Downplayed. He gets stabbed right through his body by Lautrec's goddess in chapter 94. While the blade of the sword stab is still on Balmus, he remains Defiant to the End of the situation by breaking the arm of the goddess, before dying to the ground.
  • Last Ditch Move: As his health is slowly sapped away from the sword stab he got from the goddess, Pope Balmus is able to get a clear accurate shot at breaking the goddess' arm.
  • List of Transgressions: Greeting Cromwell in chapter 121, Balmus strikes up his conversation by listing down all the actions Cromwell took to further the control of the Three Heroes Church at the cost of many lives lost.
  • More Despicable Minion: While he remains a reasonable leader that is a caring father-figure towards all his slaves, and actively promotes having a peaceful relationship with all of the Legendary Heroes, most of his close followers either have selfish motives for themselves to exploit the faiths of the Three Heroes Church, or are blind zealots too focused on their own faith to respect differentiating values.
  • Motivational Lie: To give himself hope he is making the right decision in adopting the demi-human babies to become enslaved followers of the Three Heroes Church, Pope Balmus convinces himself that it was necessary for their survival. However, in the back of his mind, he wonders if the life he has given them is only a Fate Worse than Death.
  • Neck Lift: He grabs and lifts behind the neck of Cromwell to intimidate him into submission for his reckless action to take charge of the Three Heroes Church. Holding onto Cromwell's neck, Pope Balmus tests his faith of the Chief God on how willing Cromwell is going to risk his own life at the possibility of a Neck Snap.
  • Neck Snap: Balmus places his hand and pressures it onto Cromwell's neck in chapter 121 to pressure the former to no longer make anymore reckless moves, or else he will have him quickly killed by the snap of the neck.
  • Not Me This Time: For some time after falling unconscious under the outer goddess's stab wound, Balmus is blamed by Malty for most likely being the one to have orchestrated the Three Heroes Church's growing influence throughout Melromarc in chapter 108. However, it turns out that within the same chapter's omake, Balmus is still in a comatose, has no involvement with what the Three Heroes Church are doing, and someone else is destroying his shrine.
  • Not Quite Dead: Pope Balmus is left impaled by the goddess' sword in chapter 94, yet despite the impalement, he doesn't die right away and uses the last of his strength to break an arm of the goddess.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: To outsmart Cromwell from his hidden lies and to trick nobles into letting their guard down in chapter 121, Pope Balmus either acts oblivious to their requests, appearing not to look deeply in what their double-meaning words, until countering them with his adept responses or revealing he had known their true intentions all along.
  • The Peter Principle: Invoked. To lessen Consevatie as a threat, Balmus promotes him into the overseer of Balafon village, believing it will stop Consevatie from getting involved in the dangerous matters. In a twist of Dramatic Irony, the decision will only heighten Consevatie's threat as a person, since he will be present in the destination Malty and Naofumi wish to arrive to disrupt Balafon's food productions for the Three Heroes Church.
  • Prepare to Die: To shatter the illusion of Cromwell's invincibility and pride as a confessor, Pope Balmus questions if the former is willing to risk his questionable faith and rewards bestowed by the Chief God in tanking a grasp that might result in a Neck Snap.
  • Pull the Thread: Pope Balmus pretends to be clueless at Cromwell's responses in chapter 121 towards what the latter plans to do with the Three Heroes Church, before finally exposing the latter as a selfishly ambitious person by questioning just how special he is in what gift the Chief God gave him to permit such actions.
  • Puppet King: Defied. To stop any suspicious nobles or members of the Three Heroes Church from using Princess Melty for their selfish gain, Pope Balmus entrusts Lady Ethnia, a noblewoman he trusts, to become an Unflappable Guardian for Princess Melty in chapter 121.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Getting stabbed by the Lady of the Sword in the third wave, and being put near the state of death has angered several of his church followers and has alerted the people of the battlefield to really put in their efforts to kill the goddess.
  • Secret Test of Character: His way of testing how loyal Raziel is to him, is to question the latter on what choices he plans on making if he were to not be currently influencing him. When Raziel decides on upholding his integrity, Pope Balmus declares his answer as the moment that shows Raziel is ready to watch over Cromwell from potentially causing future havoc.
  • Slave to PR: Though he is compelled by his compassion to spare the demi-human babies in the slave camps, he is forced to have them be turned into servants as the closest way he can grant them a full life, because he can't risk his Tough Leader Façade breaking, thereby looking himself as an unworthy leader for the Three Heroes Church.
  • The Social Expert: Having lived a long time to understand how the game of thrones operates, his charisma is dedicated to given vague questions or answers to stop people from learning how he thinks inside of his head, and to have people believe he is someone that could be easily manipulated with pressured requests.
  • So Proud of You: Despite the disappointment he feels from the rash actions the Three Heroes Church took to antagonize the Legendary Heroes and personal shrine for Shirou, Pope Balmus expresses his proudness to Janne in chapter 121 for her efforts to risk her life to save the Shield Hero from the dangers of the Third Wave.
  • The Stoic: Pope Balmus's attitude always has a straight face worn when engaging conversations with people, which allows him to analyze how people act, all while people are left out of the dark on what hidden motives lie inside of his mind.
  • Sympathetic Slave Owner:
    • In his interlude at chapter 121, Pope Balmus intentionally got the demi-human babies he found to be enslaved, as he wants to give them a chance to live their lives, but can't grant them full freedom out of fear that the rest of the Three Heroes Church will see him as a heretic siding with those associated with Siltvelt.
    • Waking up from his injuries to discuss matters with Vittorio and Wales in chapter 127, Balmus mentions having personally set his demi-human children to be personal slaves to himself, all while cutting off the control of the Three Heroes Church, so to ensure no one is able to abuse his children without his knowledge.
  • Taking the Heat: He takes on the blame for all the crazy stunts and crimes the rest of the Three Heroes Church had committed, all while he was being healed of his injuries, so that he could effectively punish the unstable members and compensate the people who have been hurt.
  • Tempting Fate: Using The Peter Principle as his reason to promote Consevatie as the overseer of Balafon village, Pope Balmus believes the worst the boy can do is destroy Balafon out of his own incompetence, all while Balmus is unaware that giving Consevatie more power in Balafon would endanger the lives of Malty and Naofumi once the both arrive to their desired destination.
  • Token Good Teammate: All while most of the Three Heroes Church use their political powers and numbers of armies to take control of the many noble houses in Melromarc to take their side, Balmus is one of the few people trying to minimize the damage the Three Heroes Church is causing, and wants a stabilized relationship with all of the Legendary Heroes for their future assistance.
  • Tough Leader Façade: He remains strong and rough in wanting to turn the demi-humans found in the slave camps into becoming servants of the Church, so that none of his human followers will not see his merciful and insecure side as a form of weakness to their eyes.
  • You Are in Command Now: To provide a future for the Three Heroes Church's faith to continue, Pope Balmus proposes for Preacher Logarius to lead the faith into a positive direction onwards chapter 121.
  • You Did Everything You Could: He expresses sadness that Janne failed to protect the Four Legendary Heroes from the Three Heroes Church and the desecration of Shirou's shrine, but Pope Balmus is nevertheless proud for Janne's efforts to keep the unstable situations under control at the cost of her life.

    Sister Amelia 

Sister Amelia

Debut: Chapter 21/Chapter 18: Rude Awakening

Origin: The Rising of the Shield Hero

  • Adaptational Nice Girl: Downplayed. On top of her being given an Adaptational Villainy for her more active role in Ambition of the Red Princess, she gets to have a small Pet the Dog moment where she gives a remorseful look at a dead church templar that was unnecessarily killed by Consevatie, while Sister Amelia's canon counterpart had too brief of a screen time to have nice moments.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: By The Rising of the Shield Hero, the worst of Sister Amelia was her being smug in denying Naofumi his class upgrade, while the version of her in this fanfic portrays her as a dangerous fanatic that screams for her church allies to fight for their organization's cause to kill the Shield Hero, and has a Fantastic Racism disdain near Raphtalia.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Sister Amelia's only villainous actions in The Rising of the Shield Hero was to deny Naofumi his chance to have access to the dragon hour glass by King Aultcray's order and her reaction to Naofumi's denial is to let out an arrogant smile. By Ambition of the Red Princess, Sister Amelia plays an active role in expanding the Three Heroes Church to claim all of Melromarc and being far more than just a rude jerk in canon.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: She discusses a demand with Father Gordon of the Four Heroes Church in chapter 103, but he refuses to give her what she wants. For Father Gordon's inability to grant her request, Sister Amelia goes to stab him in the stomach by the end of the chapter.
  • Ascended Extra: In The Rising of the Shield Hero, she acted as a Spear Carrier character that only appeared in one scene to deny Naofumi holy water. By Ambition of the Red Princess, Sister Amelia is a major member of the Three Heroes Church that recurs in arcs that involve her taking charge as a leader.
  • Blasphemous Praise: She praises Consevatie as a god for having beaten up Bartfort on his own in chapter 112, even though her faith dictates her to believe that the Three Heroes are the ones that should be on a pedestal.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Desperate for Consevatie to pay attention to her, Sister Amelia has her disdain towards Raphtalia being the person Consevatie is hogging himself with.
  • Death Glare: Whenever put near the positions of Raphtalia and Firo, Sister Amelia will have tendencies to glare behind their backs out of her own Fantastic Racism or hatred for the Shield Hero.
  • Dirty Coward:
    • As soon as trouble in Graile is spurred and she is unable to find suitable evidence to frame Naofumi and Malty as confederates of their real selves, Sister Amelia flees Graile in hopes of avoiding the upstart of a rebellion. When Sister Amelia does return back to Graile in chapter 110, she makes sure to bring an army of the Three Heroes Church as back up to ensure victory and her own safety.
    • After getting a lucky arrow shot In the Back of Malty in chapter 133, Sister Amelia is quick to flee from engaging in more arrow shots out of fear from Malty generating a [Hellfire Ballista] as payback for what had happened. Even when Malty is left tired out after firing her powerful fire spell, Sister Amelia makes no attempts to confront her again, based on the fear of her own life.
  • Disney Villain Death: Along with the army she brought back to Graile for a last round to end the rebellion, Sister Amelia is killed by Streibough opening up an earthquake that sends her down the pits of a large chasm in chapter 110.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Exaggerated. In response for the punch she received from Father Gordon and because the latter is refusing to give into her demands, Sister Amelia screeches at her knights and indirectly every knight in Graile to burn down everyone.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Though Sister Amelia was correct on Spotting the Thread of the Shield Hero's involvement with the mountain landslide in chapter 131, her decision to convince Consevatie to send his men to stop Naofumi from crossing over to Siltvelt ends up being a fatal miscalculation that only serves to be self-defeating, even if her advice seemed smart on the surface.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Witnessing Consevatie murder a church templar in chapter 131, Sister Amelia questions if the move Consevatie pulled was wise for both their strategical value and the rest of their remaining allies. Looking at the dead templar, Sister Amelia gives a remorseful look to give respect to his loyalty for Three Heroes Church, and the unnecessary death given to him.
  • Eye Take: Sister Amelia's eyes widened in shock at chapter 108 from witnessing Naofumi debunk her claims of him not being the Shield Hero and for inspiring a revolution in Graile.
  • Hero-Worshipper: She becomes a worshipper of Consevatie from watching him beat up Bartfort, and giving him Blasphemous Praise as someone who is a god in chapter 112.
  • Hesitation Equals Dishonesty: In her attempt to discredit Naofumi and Malty from playing their true selves in chapter 108, Sister Amelia at first has confidence in denouncing that Naofumi isn't the Shield Hero if he has no shield. However, Naofumi expecting to be denounced pulls out his imitated buckler shield, and any attempts of Sister Amelia's further deception is only blatant denials with a hesitation to bring confidence to her own lies.
  • Humanizing Tears: Downplayed. She does not cry, but a glimmer of remorse sparkles in her eyes to signify her standards and respect to a church templar's needless death at the hands of Consevatie in chapter 131.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: Contrast to Consevatie being a complete idiot that leads his knights on the basis that everyone around him is an NPC, Sister Amelia, one of the many allies that stick with him, exhibits better competence for her worries and intellect providing strategic value, rather than a pursuit of blind hedonism like him.
  • In the Back: Just as Malty charges up a [Hydrosphere] to set out the fire near Zylden's prison cell, Sister Amelia makes her appearance behind Malty's back to fire an arrow to wound her in chapter 133.
  • Leave No Survivors: She makes an order in chapter 104 to enslave or kill everyone in Graile, as a result from getting a well-deserved punch from Gordon for having stabbed his stomach.
  • Named by the Adaptation: The Rising of the Shield Hero only had her be a Spear Carrier that only said a few lines and lacked a name in her sole appearance. The fanfic gives the priestess the name of Sister Amelia, as so she is associated to House Amelia and be an Ascended Extra that plays a major role for the Three Heroes Church.
  • Never Speak Ill of the Dead: Though the church templar displayed no redeeming qualities by his lifetime, his unnecessary death is what spurs Sister Amelia to give out her condolences towards him being a great templar, despite Mein viewing him to be too fanatical for his own good.
  • Not Quite Dead: Sister Amelia appeared to have died in chapter 110 by Streibough landing her to a Disney Villain Death in an earthquake. It turns out, however, that Sister Amelia survived the earthquake looking dirty when she returns in chapter 112 steaming with rage for having failed conquering Graile.
  • O.C. Stand-in: Being a minor character from her home series, Sister Amelia's only known trait was that she was a Smug Smiler that was proud of denying Naofumi a level-up from the dragon hour glass. At her role in Ambition of the Red Princess, Sister Amelia's expanded role gives her the personality of an overzealous church member willing to do absolutely anything to uphold the unstable teachings of the Three Heroes Church, at the cost of ruining the Four Legendary Heroes and noble houses.
  • Oh, Crap!: Sister Amelia's face widens into fear and shock from the realization that firing an arrow onto Malty's arm did not weaken her in chapter 133, but instead gave fury to the latter to charge up a [Hellfire Ballista] as retaliation to kill her,
  • Only Sane by Comparison: Compared to the many blind zealots in the Three Heroes Church focused only on furthering their beliefs, and Consevatie being too busy fantasizing his false victories at the expense of others, Sister Amelia thinks the clearest out of everyone for the effort and caution she puts in the actions she takes. Though better than most of her church comrades, it does not excuse Sister Amelia in also being a zealot that constantly rages her fanaticism onto others.
  • Pet the Dog: After spending most of her time acting as a fanatical Jerkass only interested in the expansion of the Three Heroes Church, she gets to have a redeeming moment in which she has an Even Evil Has Standards to Consevatie murdering a church templar who was loyal to their cause in chapter 131.
  • Revenge by Proxy: From either Father Gordon denying to fulfill her demands or receiving a punch from him for having stabbed the latter, Sister Amelia makes an order for her knights to enslave everyone that is holding out demi-humans or Cultist, as she believes that every person in Graile had made themselves to be just as bad as the Three Heroes Church's enemies.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Even though parts of the information Jackson have to her had plot holes, or that important details were kept away from her in chapter 131, Sister Amelia manages to come into a correct conclusion where the Shield Hero used Bed-Chan's roots to cause mountain landslide that killed most of House Consevatie's knights.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • Rather than to deal with the rebellion uprising in Graile, she leaves all of her church templars and slave fighters to do the fighting, while she takes her time to flee from all the conflict in chapter 109.
    • Once again in chapter 133, Sister Amelia ditches attempting to engage Mein in more arrow shots out of the fear that the latter could kill her with a dangerous fire spell. Even when Mein is in a Heroic RRoD, Sister Amelia is left too afraid to look back and finish Mein in her weakened state.
  • Slave Race: Invoked. Her words to burn down everyone in the Graile at chapter 104 is to have the knights inside of the city to attach a Slave Crest onto anyone, so as to expand the rule of the Three Heroes Church.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Being a loud Jerkass that screams for her fanaticism to fuel the zealots of the Three Heroes Church, she is assumed to be too caught up in her beliefs to have an intellectual mind. By chapter 131, Sister Amelia gets to demonstrate a bit of her intellect by understanding the plot holes to Jackson's message delivered to her, and making a deduction that summarizes the entire mountain landslide ordeal as an organized plan.
  • Spotting the Thread: Hearing from Jackson of the news regarding a mountain landslide that killed the knights accompanying Lady Ebonheart, Sister Amelia makes an excellent deduction to everything that appears wrong by questioning how Jackson ended up being the only messenger, and the Bed of Chaos having the intelligence to outsmart soldiers.
  • Tears of Remorse: Downplays. Her eyes are nott pushed enough to cry, but they become filled with a remorseful look to give a sign of respect towards a church templar that Consevatie did not need to kill, just so his own superiority is flexed.
  • Team Killer: Downplayed. Father Gordon, a member of the Four Heroes Church which is a branch of the Three Heroes Church is killed by Sister Amelia in chapter 103 for failure to accept a deal with her.
  • This Cannot Be!: Sister Amelia is left in disbelief that Naofumi can somehow imitate a fake shield with his balloons to debunk her claim that he isn't the Shield Hero in chapter 108. Having no more tricks up her sleeve, Sister Amelia can only resort to making denials with no claim to solidify her lies to turn the public away from Naofumi and Malty.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • She quickly undergoes a breakdown of yelling in chapter 108 as a reaction to the people of Graile rebelling against the Three Heroes Church's, and Naofumi and Malty making their appearances to further strengthen the revolution. All while in the background, Sister Amelia could only deny everything that is happening and make futile orders to fight the rebels.
    • In the aftermath of Graile's rebellion, Sister Amelia's reintroduction back into the story at chapter 112 has her rage be let loose to blame Naofumi and Malty for having interfered her attempts to have Graile be taken control by the Three Heroes Church.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: From watching Firo in chapter 96 make several defiant words against Consevatie and the church to stay loyal to Naofumi, Sister Amelia suggests for Consevatie to let the bird die, as Firo is shown to be way too rebellious to be controlled. Consevatie on the other hand wants Firo alive for being a monarch breed filorial.
  • With Us or Against Us: In her praise to uplift Consevatie as a god at chapter 112, she claims that his will is to cast down all the Legendary Heroes, and anyone who fails to support the Church of the Three Heroes are to be labeled as heretics.

    Preacher Logarius 

Preacher Logarius

Debut: Chapter 21/Chapter 18: Rude Awakening

Origin: Bloodborne



Debut: Chapter 67/Chapter 56: A Song of Hate and Prejudice

Origin: Original Character

A commoner working for the Three Heroes Church with the motivation that the organization is used as a way to protect the lives of all common folks. Though Jackson started off with animosity towards Naofumi, simply by being a Legendary Hero, Jackson eventually warms up to join his side, after realizing the cruel hypocrisy the Three Heroes Church commits against its own people.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: He holds a strong belief of all nobles not being trustworthy, since they all hold most of the riches most of the commoners desire to obtain a better life. By hating the nobles, Jackson is compelled to help commoners, and can struggle to get along with noble ranking heroes he suspects to be unworthy to be trusted.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: To shut down anyone's attempts to keep him inside of the Lute Village mine out of their own paranoia he is not trustworthy, Jackson wards off all attempts by claiming he needs to visit the Three Heroes Church at a regular schedule to not alert the organization of anything wrong that might have happened.
  • The Atoner: Feeling remorse of his inability to help the Lute Villagers from the Three Heroes Church enslaving all of them, including Naofumi and Mein, Jackson takes measures to redeem himself by betraying the Three Heroes Church in chapter 127, and to join up with Mein and Naofumi to make up for his mistakes and biased judgement.
  • The Bait: To lure the Three Heroes Church into Naofumi's Pit Trap in chapter 129, Jackson is given the role of the Fake Defector to convince the Three Heroes Church into following him to fight off Naofumi's group. Eventually once reinforcements are called, Naofumi would then lure all the soldiers to get themselves killed in an artificial cliffside formed by Bed-Chan's roots.
  • Berserk Button: A surefire way that can set him off to have a tantrum is to bring in a discussion related to Consevatie, as part of Jackson's reasonings to work with Naofumi's group is to get revenge on Consevatie being an unlikable prick who can't keep a promise to keep the common folks safe.
  • Betrayal by Inaction: He gets his Lute Village people that he once saved betrayed, by not alerting them of Consevatie's laid out trap and doing nothing all while the latter gets busy capturing everyone with his goons. Jackson afterwards feels like a Regretful Traitor for failing to do anything that would save the commoners he holds in high regards.
  • Betrayal Insurance: Due to the Naofumi and Mein's group not trusting him, as they had once experienced first-hand of his Betrayal by Inaction back in Lute Village, they implant a fire rune kill-switch onto his chest as a safety precaution to ensure Jackson does not betray them in their plan to lure the Three Heroes Church into a trap in chapter 129.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Downplayed. Jackson's physique is that of a normal human, in comparison to Logan being seen as the more muscular man of the duo.
  • Break the Haughty: Jackson once had his arrogant hatred of higher-ups and summoned heroes be one of the unsympathetic members for Mein and Naofumi worked with. However, since Jackson's ideals to save the commoners were betrayed by the Three Heroes Church enslaving everyone in Lute Village, and Consevatie smugly taunting over breaking his promise, Jackson's pride is shattered, leaving him despairing as a failure. By the time he meets up with Naofumi and Mein, Jackson lets go his pride of summoned heroes being evil to treat them with dignity as the ones who have what it takes to provide for all the common folks.
  • The Bus Came Back: He once left the story after working with the Shield Hero's group to fight a group of undead back in Boletaria Castle, but Jackson makes his return again in chapter 117 by having the Lute Villagers to sneak away from the rest of the Three Heroes Church.
  • Bystander Syndrome: Downplayed. He gets accused of doing nothing in Lute Village, all while Father Caleb and the rest of the Three Heroes Church members went around the village enslaving all of its women. However, Jackson does eventually perform his Heroes' Frontier Step once out of the danger, as while he wants to save the commoners, he does not want to do so as a way to get easily killed by the church.
  • Captain Obvious: The first description he lays out about Consevatie is to call him an idiot, which is a fact Naofumi and Mein know from all the times they had met him.
    Jackson: First thing you need to know about Consevatie. He himself is an idiot.
    Mein: As if we need anyone to tell us that.
  • Cassandra Truth:
    • Despite his claims as a changed man that wants to work with Naofumi to save all the common folks from the Three Heroes Church, his altruism is dismissed completely by Mein, as she thinks his motives lie only on revenge to the people who have wronged him and opportunism to grasp onto powerful figures.
    • Since joining Naofumi's party in chapter 128, Jackson faces distrust of his facts from him and Mein, since they hold suspicion that the provided information is either to manipulate them or is false. However, by slowly interacting with each other and Jackson explaining himself, his provided knowledge of the Three Heroes Church begins to hold water in their eyes.
  • Crossing the Burnt Bridge: Despite his Betrayal by Inaction to Naofumi and Mein in chapter 118, where Jackson did nothing while the Three Heroes Church took actions enslaving all the remaining Lute Villages, Jackson takes charge to unite himself with Naofumi and Mein in chapter 127 to have another chance at being able to help the common folks for real and atone for his previous actions.
  • Defector from Decadence: Jackson once was a part of the Three Heroes Church to have the organization be used to help the situation of the commoners, but after all the cruel acts of slavery enacted, and the Shield Hero being the one he is most familiar that is saving the commoners, Jackson defects from the Three Heroes Church in chapter 127 to side with Naofumi.
    Jackson: You backstabbing bastards betrayed me first! I joined the Three Heroes' Church, because I thought you'd protect us common folks from being used by those summoned heroes! But all you faithless backstabbers have done since the Third Wave have hurt us common folks!
  • Despair Event Horizon: Implied. Afterwards the events of chapter 118 where he wallows in remorse from his Betrayal by Inaction to protect the Lute Villagers, Jackson's return in chapter 126 and 127 have him be looking down at the ground in shame, implying he never got over his traitorous actions.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Downplayed. Fulfilling his Betrayal by Inaction to do nothing or to inform anyone of the fake Vicar Vittorio plot Consevatie made, Jackson is ashamed to have hurt Raki's idolization for him.
  • Explosive Leash: A fire rune is drawn on his chest to act as a Betrayal Insurance that if he were to betray Naofumi's group, Mein could kill Jackson immediately if the latter chose to indulge being to have a Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, instead of being a Fake Defector in chapter 129.
  • Fake Defector: Part of the plan to infiltrate into Balafon Village in chapter 129 is to claim that he is still on the side of the Three Heroes Church, despite having made clear he had sided himself with the Shield Hero. That way, even if some members of the can claim him as a traitor, they won't be able to provide evidence to their claim if he is willing to provide fake information that can lure them away from the Shield Hero.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: Even when he is ultimately accepted to become part of the Shield Hero's group to gather up on intel about Consevatie and the events happening in Balafon, Naofumi and Mein make it clear that they have not forgotten his previous betrayal, and hope he lives up to his expectation as a change man, instead of selling them out at the last moment.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Out of shame from taking a Betrayal by Inaction to the Lute Villagers he once saved from the Three Heroes Church, Jackson's next appearance in chapter 127 has him betray his church faction after realizing their hypocrisy in making the lives of commoners worst. Away from the Three Heroes Church, Jackson wishes to make amends with Naofumi and Mein of his previous betrayal, in hopes of helping them save the commoners.
  • Heel Realization: Initially, he once hated Naofumi for being a summoned hero that exists only to suck off the suffering of people to be revered as a hero. However, after witnessing the cruelty of the Three Heroes Church and their betrayal to him, Jackson apologizes for having sided with the wrong organization and promises to atone under Naofumi to save all the people that have been hurt.
  • Heroes' Frontier Step: He is cemented as a hero different from the blind zealots of the Three Heroes Church by being the only one in Lute Village to have made the act to lead the remaining villagers into a mine they can hide away.
  • Internal Reveal: Mein and Naofumi not knowing what is happening to Raphtalia and Firo as slaves under Consevatie, Jackson's arrival in chapter 117 gives them a summary that Raphtalia and Firo are given an unusually comfortable lifestyle by Consevatie forcing them to live inside of his mansion.
  • Make an Example of Them: Jackson's somber expression to work with the search party in chapter 126 is used as an example for the other knights to never question Consevatie, unless risk facing punishment.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Getting betrayed by Consevatie of the latter failing to keep his promise to keep the Lute Villagers safe, Jackson is left sulking for putting his trust believing the Three Heroes Church have any intentions to help the common folk. By the time Naofumi's party appear in chapter 127, Jackson takes the opportunity to work with Logan to betray the Three Heroes Church, to get revenge on how the organization had wronged them, and save all the people they have enslaved.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Jackson is partially correct about nobles being self-serving that they ignore or oppress the likes of commoners, which serves as a reason that fuels him to help the commoners in need. However, because Jackson hates rich nobles so much, he can act as a Jerkass to any high-ranking figure and can be difficult to get along with him.
  • The Redeemer: At his ongoing betrayal of the Three Heroes Church in chapter 127, Jackson convinces Logan to side with him in betraying their faction, as continuing to work for them would only a Morton's Fork in which they are enslaved by the very organization they work for. Having succeeded in persuading Logan, they team up together to ally themselves with Naofumi's group in hopes of standing against the Three Heroes Church from enslaving everyone.
  • Reformed, but Rejected: Approaching Naofumi and Mein, Jackson is faced with distrust near them in chapter 128, as they both can't trust his reformation completely, if he was willing to standby doing nothing when Consevatie's lackeys enslaved everyone in Lute Village. However, Jackson is eventually given a second chance by Naofumi to join his group if he can prove himself to be redeemable, despite Mein distrusting him within her mind.
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: Though he may want to join Naofumi's group in beating the Three Heroes Church for all the commoners, Jackson retains his anger issues when having to bring up the people he hates, or his prejudice towards the higher-ups of society.
  • Revenge: One of the reasons he is motivated to work with Naofumi is because he needs his help to confront Consevatie and have the latter be punished with humiliation for all the smug talk of his egotism.
    Jackson: Yeah. I'm not going to lie to make myself look good. I want that arrogant cunt to suffer. I want to see him humiliated! His achievement and pride were torn to shred! His broken body dragged through the mud before his face got grinded in the dirt!
  • Regretful Traitor: Downplayed. He never made an active effort to betray the Lute Villagers he saved inside of a mine, but he does nothing to warn them or do anything once the Three Heroes Church captures all of the villagers. Failing to live up to his word to protect the commoners, Jackson only feels shame for himself once Raki questions him for not having done anything all while the rest of the commoners are left captured.
  • Self-Offense: Arriving inside of the Lute Village mine in chapter 117, Jackson is suspected to be a member of the Three Heroes Church that needs to be taken down to avoid all the villagers from getting exposed. That is until Raki comes in to break up the conflict between everyone inside the mine to explain Jackson as the one to have saved the remaining villagers.
  • Smug Smiler: His words are laced with smugness to deconstruct Mein's attempts to keep him trapped inside the Lute Village mine, as he knows that him going missing would alert the Three Heroes Church of problems.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Starting off calm in diffusing all conflicts with Naofumi in chapter 128, Jackson is quickly triggered into shouting by expressing his Berserk Button and hatred of how much he wants Consevatie to suffer.
  • Token Good Teammate: Downplayed. Jack has a distasteful personality interacting with people he does not like, and particularly the nobles, but in the end, he is one of the better members of the Three Heroes Church that protected the Lute Villagers from the organization's cruelty.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: He has his share of arrogance and vindictiveness to people that would normally make him a villain, but keeps those impulses in check with his altruism to be a great hero that can save the common people around him.
  • We Would Have Told You: Since he has intel related to Consevatie and the conflicts with the Three Heroes Church, Mein questions Jackson in chapter 130 as to why the latter never told the group all of his insider knowledge. To Jackson's defense, he makes it clear that the more secretive information he has is hearsay, and whatever information he has concrete proof of will likely get dismissed because of Mein and Naofumi's distrust.
    Jackson: I just wasn't these okay? All I heard are what the servants and guards mumbled to each other in gossip. Hearsay! You people aren't exactly receptive to what I say. Even if I remembered it earlier, you'd all accuse me of trying to lie to you if I said something sooner.
  • You Said You Would Let Them Go: He is outraged to find out Consevatie taking the little boys of Lute Village to be executed in chapter 118, since while Jackson never actively helped the Three Heroes Church, he never wanted the innocent people he helped saved be killed from his Betrayal by Inaction. Meanwhile, Consevatie disregards the promise he made with Jackson to keep the boys safe in exchange to kill them to hurt both Malty and Naofumi.



Debut: Chapter 67/Chapter 56: A Song of Hate and Prejudice

Origin: Bloodborne



Debut: Chapter 67/Chapter 56: A Song of Hate and Prejudice

Origin: Original Character



Debut: Chapter 68/Chapter 57: Army of Faith

Origin: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Confessor Oliver Cromwell 

Confessor Oliver Cromwell

Debut: Chapter 87/Chapter 75: Forging of the Future Heroes (Mentioned), Chapter 91/Chapter 79: Order Tide

Origin: The Familiar of Zero

  • Ambition Is Evil: Cromwell is seen as an unstable and evil man among the Three Heroes Church, because he prioritizes his ambition to gain personal power for himself over the lives of the people he orders to be conquered. By faith, he uses the excuse of the Shield Hero as the devil and the Three Heroes as hypocrites to expand his own goals.
  • Blunt "Yes": He bluntly agrees his actions to further the Three Heroes Church during the Waves of Catastrophe to be necessary, as that being his main response to Pope Balmus giving a List of Transgressions in chapter 121.
  • Conflict Ball: Confessor Oliver Cromwell was the one that started the Church of the Three Heroes to go against the members of itself, so he could have Naofumi and Mein be treated as scapegoats to be used for why Lautrec's goddess came into Medea. Cromwell goes as far as to attack his own church colleagues and demi-human followers to start a riot in seizing everyone of the Shield Hero's party.
  • Conflict Killer: Discussed. Confessor Oliver Cromwell taking the path to enslave and kill people that opposes him gives Mein, Uranus, and Naofumi the impression in chapter 116 that he trying to make himself out as an enemy for everyone to fight against.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Since becoming a major controlling figure of the Three Heroes Church, he has been making active decisions to conquer all of nobility around Melromarc, but has no effective backup plan to fight the future waves, which would render all of his progress meaningless as called out by Pope Balmus.
  • Egocentrically Religious: Being a confessor of the Three Heroes Church, Cromwell sees himself deserving of its leadership afterwards Pope Balmus' comatose state, and expands his superiority over the organization by having noble houses and important nobles be held hostage to slowly submit to his rule.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Implied. As horrible as he may have been to treat Naofumi and Malty as criminals, and being the Tyrant That Takes The Helm of the Three Heroes Church, it's discussed by Uranus and Malty that Cromwell is not the type of person that would slip down a path of self-destruction to enslave a city of innocent people for no reason.
  • False Reassurance: Despite Pope Balmus seeing his actions to further the Three Heroes Church's control as a List of Transgressions, Cromwell frames his actions to him as a noble goal permitted to him by the Chief God to promote their faith. However, Pope Balmus not convinced, and only being alerted of Cromwell's dangerous ambitions, the latter is given a death threat for trying to hide his crimes under a positive spin.
  • Fantastic Racism: Cromwell views the demi-humans on the Church's side to be beneath his respect, and most importantly towards Balmus' care for them, Cromwell believes himself to be more fit to be a more personal candidate for Balmus to talk with first, instead of having to be delayed by the comfort of the demi-humans.
  • The Fundamentalist: Believing himself to be a necessary leader for the Three Heroes Church after Pope Balmus' coma from his sword stab, Confessor Cromwell takes charge in following the strictest protocols of the Three Heroes Church hating the Shield Hero. Though there are lessons such as extending Strength, Truth, and Justice to enemies, Cromwell ignores such teaches to focus himself on viewing Naofumi and all of his parties as criminals that are in someway, responsible for Web!Raphtalia's arrival. Any person that opposes him, and his own church colleagues and demi-human followers, Cromwell treats them as an enemy where he is willing to put weapons near their heads.
  • Insult to Rocks: He is described by Richard as a insane narcissist so selfish that it would make Vicar Lawrence, a person who is far from a saint, look good in comparison to what Cromwell is as a person.
  • It's All About Me: Preparing himself for confrontation with Pope Balmus in chapter 121, Cromwell believes himself as someone important enough to have his messages and actions be directly addressed to Balmus on a personal level, instead of having his own Fantastic Racism flare up from Balmus valuing his demi-human followers more.
  • It's Quiet… Too Quiet: He notices that while he may have been called to confront Pope Balmus to speak of recent events, no sound was made next to his ears, indicating to Cromwell that Balmus had received his information from the demi-humans first, before he himself could relay the information to Pope Balmus.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Downplayed. After spending much of his time off the frontlines to conquer noble house and getting away from his crimes to actively antagonize all of the Legendary Heroes, Cromwell's leadership is temporarily put to a halt in chapter 121 by Pope Balmus threatening him with a Neck Snap if Cromwell were to take his ambitious actions too far.
  • Klingon Promotion: Downplayed. He got King Aultcray into a Forced Sleep and hoped for Pope Balmus to be in his bed for an indefinite period, so that he is given an opportunity by the Three Heroes Church followers to have himself be the closest depiction of their leader.
  • Lethally Stupid: Not thinking ahead of his goals to conquer and divide the noble houses into serving the Three Heroes Church, Cromwell had unknowingly endangered many of his allies, along with his enemies, as he made everyone too busy dealing with the Three Heroes Church, rather than the Waves of Catastrophe raining down on everyone.
  • Neck Snap: Being held in a Neck Lift at chapter 121, Cromwell is given a death threat by Pope Balmus of his neck getting possibly snapped by the latter's pressured hands as a way to test his willingness to believe the Chief God had given him something special.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Cromwell likes to frame his actions as growing the faith of the Three Heroes Church, and seeing what steps are taken to control everyone in their faith as necessary steps. However, behind everything he did, all of it was motivated by Cromwell's own selfish ambitions to increase his position within the Three Heroes Church and have more people follow him without question.
  • Obliviously Evil: He interprets all the actions he has taken to discredit and kill both Princess Malty and the Shield Hero as necessary steps to expand the faith of the Three Heroes Church, all while Cromwell ignores the innocent lives he had taken and his end goal only appears to be a way to satisfy his lust for power.
  • Principles Zealot: The huge part of the Three Heroes' faith is that it holds a strong hatred to those being the Shield Hero, and because of this part of the faith, Confessor Cromwell is actively taking measures to blame Naofumi for supposedly being the one responsible at bringing Lautrec and the latter's goddess into Medea. Confessor's faith to the church has reach borderline levels of insanity, as while the church hates the Shield Hero, one of the main teaching the church still provides to always prioritize on Strength, Truth, and Justice, even if the enemy may be unlikable.
  • Psychotic Smirk: Feeling as though he is able to manipulate Pope Balmus with the False Reassurance portrayal of his actions to pressure him in chapter 121, Cromwell feels a smirk creeping up his face, before pushing it down for a cool attitude.
  • Regent for Life: Ambitious to keep his role as the main figure for the Three Heroes Church to look up to, he made sure to have King Aultcray go in a Forced Sleep and do anything possible to have Pope Balmus side or be manipulated into his goals.
  • Saying Too Much: By claiming his actions as righteous in expanding the control of the Three Heroes Church, Cromwell had unknowingly revealed his true intentions to gain more power for himself. At that point foward in chapter 121, Pope Balmus finishes Pulling The Thread and has Cromwell be put on a Neck Lift to stop pushing his destructive actions.
  • The Starscream: All while King Aultcray and Pope Balmus are left in a comatose state from their injuries, Confessor Oliver Cromwell exploits their weakness to intervene any further by taking control of the Three Heroes Church to conquer many of the noble houses, and dispose the remaining members of the Melromarc royal family.
  • Team Killer: Downplayed. He doesn't kill the demi-human followers, but because Cain and Mittelt choose to not follow his orders to capture the Shield Hero immediately, Cromwell shocks them with their slave crest for defiance.
  • Teen Hater: Primarily at the Four Legendary Heroes, he sees them as nothing more than children given absurdly powerful weapons that can't grasp his grandiose plans to expand the Three Heroes Church's influence.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Amongst one the members of the Three Heroes Church who committed violent crimes out of a misguidance to follow their faith, Cromwell stands out as one of the worst for taking leadership of the Three Heroes Church to further his own ambitions, and guising his selfish intentions under weak excuses.
  • Too Clever by Half: Believing himself to be competent player knowing the rules of the game of thrones and the manipulative wordplay, he pushes his False Reassurance of his actions too far that it ends up exposing his ambitious motives to Balmus in chapter 121. Once he gets his true nature exposed, Cromwell is left on a Neck Lift where he begs mercy to Pope Balmus.
  • Too Dumb to Live: His decisions to actively take control many of the lands in Melromarc have driven away many of nobility and the Four Legendary Heroes against him. On top of having so many enemies targeted to himself, Cromwell has no plan to think of fighting against the incoming Waves of Catastrophe, which has a strong possibility of endangering many lives, including himsefl.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: After Pope Balmus is severely injured from his sword wound from the goddess and is out cold, Confessor Cromwell takes it upon himself to become the main leader of the Three Heroes Church, despite not being a vicar. As the regent, Confessor Cromwell prioritizes his leadership to hunting down the Shield Hero and all of his companions under his control, and to any opposition, including members of his own faction are arrested on the spot.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: His reasoning to Pope Balmus on expanding the influence of the Three Heroes Church, despite the time being in the midst of the Wave of Catastrophe is that it is the best way to unite all the noble house in Melromarc. However, Pope Balmus seeing through the lies can already tell that whatever excuses for beneficial goals Cromwell proclaims is pure for the latter's own ambition for power.
  • Villains Want Mercy: Spending his interaction with Balmus being Too Clever by Half, Cromwell's confidence to outsmart Balmus by his charisma is put to question of his ambition exposed by the latter giving him a Neck Lift under the threat of a Neck Snap. Terrified of what Pope Balmus might do, Cromwell begs for forgiveness of his eagerness on rapidly expanding the Three Heroes Church's control.
    Confessor Oliver Cromwell: Please, forgive me for my overeagerness to please. I... I only live to serve you and our Lord. Your Eminence.
  • With Us or Against Us: Believing himself as a leader that needs to take up the mantle of Pope Balmus, Cromwell wants his rule and orders to be absolute in capturing the Shield Hero and all his companions under suspicion they are related to bring Lautrec's goddess. Everyone opposition Cromwell is met, he chooses to treat them all as enemies to be arrested and be held as hostages, and it includes even his own church members that don't follow his mind of thinking.
  • You're Nothing Without Your Phlebotinum: He sees lowly of the Four Legendary Heroes, as he believes their greatness is wasted, because none can comprehend that big picture plans he has in mind, and the strong reputation they have is based primarily on their weapons. Without the Legendary Weapons, Cromwell only sees them as childish adults.

    Commander Monro 

Commander Monro

Debut: Chapter 115/Chapter 98: Wings Stripped Away, the End is Nigh

Origin: Assassin's Creed Rogue

  • Exact Words: His boss, Cromwell, ordered him to "protect" Lady Silvia at all cost, but knowing Cromwell, Commander Monro is aware that the order meant was to put Lady Silvia into a Hostage Situation and gain leverage over the monastery. As a chance to exploit Cromwell's order and remain strong in keeping the faith of the Three Heroes Church as righteousness, Monro takes the order in a surface-level interpretation by allowing the monastery to keep Lady Silvia if they believe they can keep her safe with their own strength.
  • False Reassurance: Subverted. When asking the monastery for Lady Silvia to be handed to him, it appears as though he has malicious intentions to turn her into a Hostage Situation under the guise of protection. When denied to have Lady Sylvia as an option, Commander is surprisingly content with the answer, as it turns out he really did want to keep Lady Sylvia safe and was only using the Exact Words of the orders Cromwell wanted him to fulfill.
  • Foil: To the rest of the Three Heroes Church zealots confronted in chapter 111, they all use the excuse, that they need Iris Lana Amelia and Bertia Ibil Noches in their side for protection, only just so the two can be used in a Hostage Situation against their fathers. In comparison to Commander Monro, he genuinely wants Lady Silvia to be protected from the Three Heroes Church itself, as he willingly allows Lady Silvia to be protected under Rhapsodos, rather than to blindly follow Cromwell's orders to keep her by his side at all costs.
  • Good All Along: He at first looks to be a commander that approached the monastery to kidnap Lady Silvia under the False Reassurance of protection, but it turns out that he meant his word in wanting Lady Silvia to be safe, since he lets the monastery members keep her if they believe themselves to be strong enough to battle the Three Heroes Church.
  • Token Good Teammate: Among the Three Heroes Church who have largely turned away from their faith to blindly follow Cromwell or polarize anyone against the Three Heroes Church itself, Commander Monro acts as one of the few good people in the church. As shown with how he follows Cromwell's orders to "protect" Lady Silvia, Monro actually goes on to let Rhapsodos protect Lady Silvia instead, because he himself knows that Cromwell' is not actually a good leader for the Three Heroes Church.

    Father Caleb 

Father Caleb

Debut: Chapter 116/Chapter 99: My Friend, do you fly away now? (Mentioned), Chapter 120/Chapter 103: There are No Dreams, No Honor Remains

Origin: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
A member known for going on a rampage in Lute Village enslaving women out of his own misogynism that they are undeserving of the same rights as men.
  • I'll Kill You!: Right afterwards he is able to remove the quill the burned his hand, Father Caleb promises to kill Madame Dolores for using an unsuspecting weapon to harm him.
  • Neck Snap: All while a Shadow talks to Mein on what routes to take to be escorted out of Melromarc, Father Caleb makes his debut by grabbing the Shadow's neck from behind to snap it.
  • Slasher Smile: Caleb wears a malicious smirk right after murdering the Shadow in chapter 120, making his intentions clear to capture everyone Madame Dolores is sheltering from the Three Heroes Church.
  • Straw Misogynist: He holds a strong hatred for the female gender to an absurd degree, believing them to be taking up the achievements of men, which thereby motivates him to enslave whatever women he sees, regardless if they are human or demi-human.
  • Surprisingly Sudden Death: He gets a Shadow casually relaying information for Mein in chapter 120 to be immediately killed from behind by a Neck Snap.
  • Tempting Fate: Casting doubts on how Madame Dolores could possibly hurt him with a quill, Caleb's doubts are defied by the quill heating up to scar his hand.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Even before he joined the Three Heroes Church to take control of Melromarc, Caleb was one of the more infamous members for his Straw Misogynist views on women and the many blunt actions he suggested to punish the female gender out of his own belief they are taking away the importance of men.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He has openly voiced out his opinions to have women be put down at all costs, believing them to be a threat to men, but fails to realize that Melromarc is a matriarchy that puts a lot of value onto the lives of women, which would easily make him out as a charged criminal.
  • Villainous Demotivator: His cruelty to have all the women at Lute Village by enslaved by an iron rod burned into their bodies is a reason no member of the Three Heroes Church dares defy him under the threat that they would be killed.

    Brother Petrus 

Brother Petrus

Debut: Chapter 121/Interlude 18: Confession of the Vainglorious Liar

Origin: Unknown



Debut: Chapter 126/Chapter 108: Bed of Chaos

Origin: Unknown

A knight of the Three Heroes Church pressured to follow their commands out of fear they might ruin his life, and by extension, his family. However, he is convinced of switching sides to join up with Naofumi under the persuasion of Jackson's reasons that the Three Heroes Church will eventually turn on everyone to be enslaved.
  • Affably Evil: Though on the side of the Three Heroes Church to kill Naofumi and the latter's allies, Logan remains politely nervous near his church colleagues, as he only follows orders from being Trapped in Villainy, and is quick to betray the faction by taking the time to talk his worries with Jackson in their fight.
  • Bound and Gagged: Discussed. Naofumi mentioning to him as to what had happened to Zylden in Balafon, Logan suggests the possibility that Zylden was bounded and gagged up, because of Consevatie being too busy to personally deal with him.
    Logan: Anyways, they got him bonded and gagged, then thrown into one of the small houses they keep troublemakers in. Because Consevatie doesn't want to deal with him.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Downplayed. Jackson and Logan are relatively on the same height, with the exception of the latter possessing bulkier muscles that make him more of a giant to Jackson.
  • Defector from Decadence: Logan used to be a part of the Three Heroes Church to kill the Shield Demon as one of their orders, but because of the threats they laid out for failure to comply, Logan is persuaded by Jackson's reasonings to ditch the organization in exchange of working with Naofumi.
  • Even Mooks Have Loved Ones: Conflicted that failing the orders of the Three Heroes Church would get him and his mother severely punished, Logan chooses to disband himself with the organization to ensure his mother is safe from harm once he is able to have the Shield Hero's help destroy the organization.
  • Forced into Evil: Logan has the awareness to understand the Naofumi is not the Shield Demon the Three Heroes Church slanders, but regardless still tries to kill him, since he refuses to have himself and his mother be risked for punishment by the Three Heroes Church.
  • Gentle Giant: He has a muscular physique that surpasses Jackson's body in comparison, and Logan is the softer one of the two in which he is afraid of getting killed by disobeying commands set by the Three Heroes Church and is nervous at taking drastic actions.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Joining Jackson to leave the Three Heroes Church and become allies with the Shield Hero, Logan ditches his fear of the organization staking his life in to assist Naofumi's goals to defeat the Three Heroes Church and liberate all who have been enslaved.
  • I Have Your Wife: By extension to what fuels his fearful motivation to work for the Three Heroes Church, Logan is afraid of the organization using his mother by proxy as a punishment after they get him killed or enslaved.
  • Machiavelli Was Wrong: The Three Heroes Church using the fear of death and slavery as threats to himself and his mother, Logan is compelled to betray the organization by Jackson explaining that serving the church would only get them enslaved for all their hard work.
  • Token Good Teammate: Out of the Three Heroes Church parties who are violently partaking in capturing Naofumi, Mein, and all of their navigators in the mountain, Logan is pitted in a fight only against Jackson in chapter 127, where he reveals that the church has him Trapped in Villainy. When convinced by Jackson that the Three Heroes Church are going to betray them as slaves by the end of servitude, Logan leaves the organization to find better opportunities to bring out a peaceful life by being allies with the Shield Hero.
  • Trapped in Villainy: Working for the Three Heroes Church, Logan has no animosity towards anyone he is targeted to kill, but follows his orders from the fear the Three Heroes Church would ruin his and his mother's life.
    Logan: I don't! But what am I going to do? If I don't fight the Shield Demon like they told me to, they'll kill me, or slap one of those slave seals on me! And then they'll also move into my mother!

    Old Knight 

Old Knight

Debut: Chapter 127/Chapter 109: To Boldly Flee

Origin: Unknown

  • Big "NO!": Once Jackson showed his true allegiance with the Shield Hero in chapter 129, and betrayed the Three Heroes Church by leading them into a trap, the old knight takes the chance to say a Big "NO!" to Mark for not believing his Cassandra Truth.
  • Boom, Headshot!: The old knight meets his end by Ren shooting him by the head, causing his fall onto the ground.
  • Cassandra Truth: Jackson coming back to rejoin the Three Heroes Church in chapter 129, old knight commander recognizes him to be a traitor that betrayed the church for Naofumi's party. However, because the old knight lacked physical evidence to provide proof of Jackson's betrayal, other members of the Three Heroes Church are forced to accept Jackson to see how truthful he is in giving information to the Shield Hero.
  • Cowardice Callout: He calls the commoners fearing for their lives as ungrateful and unfaithful to the Three Heroes Church's commands to kill the Shield Hero, until the old knight is Killed Mid-Sentence that shuts down all his further insults.
  • I Warned You: As Jackson returns back with the Three Heroes Church in chapter 129, the old knight yells out loud to all his church colleagues of Jackson being a traitor that sided with the Shield Hero. Unfortunately for the old knight, he is not believed by anyone, due to lacking concrete evidence. By the time people believed the old knight, most of the armies were dead by the trap Jackson lured everyone into, and the only celebration the old knight can make is the proof of his truth being correct.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: While he does his Cowardice Callout for the commoners of the Three Heroes Church refusing to take action to kill the Shield Hero, the old knight's insults are suddenly cut short by a bullet booming through his head in chapter 129.
  • No Name Given: Since his introduction, he has only been called the "Old Knight", because nobody had ever said his real name, even when he died to Ren.

Demi-human slave fighters/War Pigs

  • Baby Factory: Humans both male and female were made slaves by the demi-humans of Siltvelt as a means to produce demi-human Child Soldiers that can level up into muscular intended to participate in the Great War.
  • Betrayal by Offspring: Dumah and Zephon betray Balmus and his goal by being the only ones of the demi-human slaves raised by him to willingly work with the Three Heroes Church in bringing down the Legendary Heroes and commoners to their knees.
  • Child by Rape: The children picked up were the remains of the enslaved humans forced to breed with the Siltvelt demi-humans as a way for a Baby Factory to form quick demi-human Child Soldiers.
  • Child Soldiers: The church had turned the demi-human orphans after the Great War from 25 years ago into Tykebombs that are loyal to them through the teachings provided. By chapter 91, the demi-humans are turned into an army of soldiers used to fight the monsters of the third wave.
  • Either/Or Offspring: Any child that has been conceived by either a demi-human father or mother, there is a 100% guarantee that the offspring born is a demi-human, even if one parent is a human.
  • Half-Breed Discrimination: Regardless if the children had one human parent to birth them, the Church of the Three Heroes discriminates them as animals unworthy of the same rights as humans, so the only life they are given is to be adopted into servitude.
  • Slave Brand: Mittelt and Cain are shown to have a slave seal be attached on their bodies for choosing to object with Cromwell's orders to have the Shield Hero and all his companions be detained. Even if the demi-humans are loyal followers of the Church, the higherups still see them as animals to be enslaved at the possibility of being questioned.
  • Shock Collar: The demi-humans may have their loyalties set to the Three Heroes Church, but the higherup members have them be wearing a Slave Collar that can shock them for their disobedience.
  • Token Evil Teammate: While all the other demi-humans are loyal to Pope Balmus, his goals, and to remain with the integrity to help everyone in need, Dumah and Zephon stand out as the ones that have betrayed Pope Balmus to become malicious attackers for Consevatie and the radical church members.
  • Tyke-Bomb: In chapter 91, it's revealed through Mein's observations that the Church of the Three Heroes had been taking demi-human orphans that were left over from the Great War that was 25 years ago. The demi-human slaves were then Indoctrinated by the church to become strict followers of their beliefs.

    Janne D'Arc 

Janne D'Arc

Debut: Chapter 91/Chapter 79: Order Tide

Origin: Original Character

  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Janne wants to always be on her way to help out Pope Balmus' goals in anyway, so when she is unconscious or unable to attend for a specific task to be performed, she blames herself for not doing enough.
  • It's All My Fault: Feeling like her unconsciousness as a result of saving Naofumi prevented her from keeping Master Shirou's shrine safe from the thieves within the Three Heroes Church, she blames herself as the problem and the failure for being unable to protect all of which Pope Balmus values deeply.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Among one of the demi-human orphans that were raised by the church, Janne was the most personal for Pope Balmus and the highest ranking of the demi-human followers.
  • The Paragon: As a result of her angelic-looking appearance and indoctrination of the church, Janne is treated as the saint for people of Melromarc to look up to for being righteous.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Her most admirable actions was by going out of her way to risk her life to save Naofumi during the Third Wave, even though no one gave her such a request to save his life. Coming by chapter 121, Pope Balmus is thankful and proud for her actions to be loyal to his cause, despite having no orders to save the Shield Hero.



Debut: Chapter 95/Chapter 83: The Last of Us

Origin: GaoGaiGar



Debut: Chapter 95/Chapter 83: The Last of Us

Origin: High School D×D



Debut: Chapter 108/Chapter 93: Viva La Revolution (Mentioned)

Origin: GaoGaiGar



Debut: Chapter 108/Chapter 93: Viva La Revolution

Origin: Legacy of Kain



Debut: Chapter 110/Chapter 95: Breakthrough

Origin: Legacy of Kain

    Sir Dumah 

Sir Dumah

Debut: Chapter 118/Chapter 101: All That Awaits you Is A Somber Morrow

Origin: Legacy of Kain

    Sir Zephon 

Sir Zephon

Debut: Chapter 118/Chapter 101: All That Awaits you Is A Somber Morrow

Origin: Legacy of Kain


    Thaddeus Campbell 

Thaddeus Campbell

Debut: Chapter 77/Chapter 66: UNLIMITED POWER

Origin: Dishonored

  • Combat and Support: Thaddeus brings up his hundreds of men as reinforcement to assist the Legendary Heroes in killing the Thunder Lizard, as well as the undead.



Debut: Chapter 78/Chapter 67: No Way Home

Origin: Dragon Age: Origins
