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Character Death / Your Final Frontier

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  • Your Final Frontier 1:
    • Night 1: Huckleberry was killed by the Ninja, leaving no trace. Teal later stated in Murder-free that he teleported her into a nearby star, incinerating her.
    • Day 2: Due to inactivity, ROBO_Head died as collateral damage when spacing a T-1000.
    • Night 2: Giovanni and Sara were shot, then their bodies were incinerated.
    • Night 3: Nyquil was burned to death.
    • Day 4: Huitzil was falsely convicted of murder and crushed to death by an electromagnetic press.
    • Night 4: Duke Nukem was executed for trying to kill an innocent (Wren), and Voxel was electrocuted with reckless abandon.
    • Day 5: The remaining innocents — Wren, Akane, Bill's Brother, and Game Gear — lost the game due to being outnumbered by murderers, and the judges swiftly executed them all.
  • Your Final Frontier 2:
    • Night 2: Draco was stabbed to death with a pair of nail scissors, then partially dissolved in lye.
    • Day 3: Adrien was falsely executed for the murder of Draco, and tortured to death by Sendri until they accidentally gave him a lethal injection.note 
    • Night 3: Doof was shot by the Black-Hat Gunslinger.
    • Day 4: Datz, for blatantly framing Adrien the previous day, was swiftly convicted of murder and executed by being pushed out of an airplane with a defective parachute.
    • Night 4: Hibachi, the Ninja, was killed by... the Ninja. The Illusionist swapped Hibachi with her intended target that night, resulting in her being Hoist by Their Own Petard.
    • Day 6: After a day and a night with no further death, GIR was voted to be executed seemingly out of nowhere... but he turned out to be the Captured Spy, and so was released, and in his place, Amelia was executed by Sendri beating her with their cane, then dusting her with the retractable Wooden Stake hidden inside it.
    • Night 6: Marshal was slashed open so their entrails fell out. Their entrails were arranged in the shape of the word "LOL".
    • Day 7: Zim was convicted of murder and executed by being fired out of a cannon.
  • Your Final Frontier 3:
    • Night 1: Holly is electrocuted and her body cooked into steaks.
    • Day 2: Mettaton is convicted and executed by being put on a deadly remake of his quiz gameshow.
    • Night 3: After a day and a night with no deaths, Stezzai is bashed in the head with a bottle of currentcorn syrup.
    • Day 4: Mark February is convicted and executed by having his own life patented, resulting in his organs ceasing to function one by one when he stops owning them.
    • Night 4: Loona attempts to kill 2-E, but is stopped by the Hero, Dr. Elliot, who saves 2-E and kills Loona at the cost of his own life.
    • Day 5: With the game over, the Captured Spy, Rebel Cookie, was executed for failing to get eliminated, via a punch to the gut and a sword to the head.
