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Better Than It Sounds / Film T

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  • Taken: 93 minutes of Liam Neeson beating the shit out of minorities in Paris.
    • Taken 2: Relatives of above-mentioned minorities apparently never got the memo to not mess with Liam Neeson's family.
    • Taken 3: Shady businessmen discover it's hard to get away with murder if Liam Neeson is involved.
  • The Tale of Despereaux: A tiny mouse and a rat save a town in which soup is so Godly important that they have a national holiday every year celebrating its greatness.
  • The Tale of the Princess Kaguya: Rich girl angsts for two hours about being rich and ends up abandoning her adoptive parents.
  • Tangled: A naive blonde who lives in the middle of nowhere ignores the wishes of her overprotective "mother" and leaves home, blackmailing a burglar into acting as her chaperon.
    • Or: A wanted fugitive frees a mutant who has been isolated from the general public.
    • Or: A troubled teenager with really big hair insists on Going to See the Elephant with her unsuitable new friend.
    • Or: A man kills an evil witch and proves his love by giving his girlfriend a haircut.
  • Tarzan: A half-naked man must convince his adoptive family that the British will not kill them.
  • Taxi Driver: An insomniac gets a firearms obsession and meets Jodie Foster.
  • Team America: World Police: US special forces being dicks.
    • Or: America's top special forces learn that "dicks" fuck "assholes" and "pussies".
      • Or: A pussy must become a dick to fuck an asshole, and a bunch of other pussies.
    • Or: America's elite special forces piss off the entire world by saving the motherfuckin' day, yeah.
  • Ted: A boy and his magic childhood toy both finally have to grow up after almost thirty years together.
    • Howard the Duck done right.
    • Ted 2: Childhood toy goes to court when he isn't allowed to adopt a child.
  • Teen Witch: Self-centered teenage girl develops god-like powers, which she proceeds to abuse for her own personal gain. No, not her.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990): Four deformed teenagers deal with the consequences of industrial pollution and urban violence.
  • Teeth: A young woman sexually matures with a beneficial mutation.
  • The Terminator: Robot with peculiar accent attempts to kill a waitress.
    • Terminator 2: Judgment Day: In the future, your computer hates you. The only person who can save you is a pre-teen Jerkass. Your computer REALLY hates him.
    • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines: Lax security and overly strict deadline result in mishap when installing a new network.
    • Terminator Salvation: Guy from the military goes rescuing his father, who is somehow younger than himself.
    • Terminator Genisys: Guy tries to prevent his son from distributing malware, while attempting to romance grumpy woman with a peculiarly accented foster father.
    • Terminator: Dark Fate: Robot attempts to kill a factory worker. The waitress, a Tank-Top Tomboy, and a peculiarly accented interior decorator try to stop him.
  • Tetsuo: The Iron Man: Man turns into scrap metal.
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974): A mentally handicapped man with a penchant for making his own masks and his family have a girl over for dinner.
  • That Darn Cat!: It's up to a feline and an FBI Agent with cat allergies to save a bank teller.
  • That Thing You Do!: Guy joins a band, gets famous, but it's short lived.
  • Thelma & Louise: Women try escaping their boring lives - and later the law - even when the only way out is a cliff.
  • Theatre of Blood: Actor gets really fed up with his critics.
  • The Theory of Everything: Wife of handicapped celebrity starts an affair. Based on true story.
  • There Will Be Blood: Oil baron goes crazy, discusses dessert beverages.
  • The Thing (1982): An immigrant just wants to fit in, but gets burned by anyone he tries to get close with.
  • They Live!: Homeless man wearing Cool Shades fights alien economists, who, presumably, are responsible for world bubblegum shortage.
  • The Thief and the Cobbler: A thief steals some balls. A peasant has to go find them. Meanwhile, a wizard who rhymes all of his words attempts to take over the kingdom.
  • The Thin Man: Wealthy alcoholic couple are dragged into solving a series of murders while on vacation in New York. Husband occasionally abuses wife.
  • The Third Man: A guy tries to find his old friend in Vienna. Only succeeds after he stops looking.
  • Thirteen (2003): Popularity is hollow. Oh so very hollow.
  • This is Spın̈al Tap: Washed-up old rock stars try and pretend they're still big.
    • Alternate: Some clowns with wigs and fake British accents write songs and play music better than at least half of all so-called serious musicians.
  • This Is the End: Celebrities call each other assholes, show off props from their movies, and die.
  • Thor: A guy goes to New Mexico after his dad throws him out. This dad then falls asleep after telling his other son that he is adopted.
    • Alternatively, a griefer literally gets the banhammer by the admin, who is also his father.
    • Thor: The Dark World: Scientist inhales some red mist. This brings back an old flame, kills his mother, and destroys half of a British university.
    • Thor: Ragnarok: The above guy gets kicked out again, this time by his sister after she breaks into his home. Trying to get back, he's going on the most 80s adventure he ever has, accompanied by a guy with anger issues, his annoying younger brother and a drunk chick.
      • Alternatively: Two guys' sister has a goth phase so long and so fierce that there's nothing for it but to cause the end of the world.
      • Alternatively: Guy doesn't want to share his home with his sister because she destroyed his favorite toy. Instead, he kills her and destroys their home.
    • Thor: Love and Thunder: The scientist rekindles with the guy to forget she's dying, while both try dealing with a man whose grieving over his daughter's loss is particularly destructive.
  • ¡Three Amigos!!: Washed-up actors discover that people they never expected to meet love their work a bit too much.
  • Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri: In a small town, everybody gets really angry about bold new advertising.
  • Three Big Men: American flag-garbed superhero and a Mexican wrestler who shoves things down his crotch battle bushy-eyebrowed arachnid character who's suddenly turned evil.
  • The Three Caballeros: A duck has a birthday party that eventually evolves into a fully-fledged acid trip in Latin America.
  • The Throne: A dad puts his son in a box for a week.
  • Throne of Blood: Cut down trees cause man to become a Human Pincushion.
  • THX 1138: The story of several bald people trying to escape a factory full of other bald people, approximately none of which makes sense. Oh, and there's a 15-minute-long scene of two people walking through a white room.
  • Time Bandits: A young history buff is tired of being ignored by his shallow, consumerist parents, so he decides to follow a band of criminal midgets through a hole in time and space.
    • Alternatively - Some guys steal a map but really don't.
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: a bunch of middle-aged white guys underact for two hours while dealing with a crisis in their workplace.
  • Titanic (1997): A period romance with a Downer Ending... from the guy who gave us the Terminator series. The film's male lead was earlier nominated for an Academy Award for playing a retarded teenager, and has gone on to call it the worst movie ever made.
    • Alternate: A suicidal English gentlewoman makes friends with a hobo who likes to draw pictures of naked women. After they get to know each other for a day and have sex, one of them freezes to death. Along with a few hundred other people.
  • To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar: Three men in unusual clothing go on a road trip, experience car trouble and stay in a small town while waiting for spare parts.
  • Tommy Boy: A Fat Idiot tries to prove his worth to his family, his employees, his customers, and Dan Aykroyd. He does this with the help of his smug, neurotic best friend who seemingly can't go five seconds without insulting someone.
  • Tom-Yum-Goong/The Protector: Someone steals a village's elephants. One villager sets out to get them back.
  • Tootsie: An actor becomes a popular soap opera star and develops the affection of his co-star - to her disturbance.
  • Top Gun: Guy finds love and tries to solve Daddy Issues through reckless usage of expensive government property.
    • Top Gun: Maverick: The guy has been endangering himself and his material for so long his superiors want him to teach others to do so.
  • Toy Story: A cowboy and a delusional astronaut vie for the affections of the young boy who owns them both.
    • Or: A political incumbent does not get along with a charismatic upstart. After the two of them are taken against their will to a pizzeria, and then to the house of someone whom both of them dislike, however, they learn to become friends. Also, the upstart learns the hard way that he cannot fly.
    • Toy Story 2: The cowboy is kidnapped by a man in a chicken suit and debates whether or not to travel to Tokyo and seal himself in a glass box for all eternity. While searching for him, the astronaut tries to steal a belt from a younger version of himself. We learn that the astronaut's back-story is basically a spoof of Star Wars. Also, Frasier in a cardboard box.
    • Toy Story 3: Evil totalitarian commune brainwashes the astronaut, so the cowboy races to the rescue. The villain is a teddy bear.
      • Or: The owner of the cowboy and the astronaut appears to have forgotten about them, so they are sent to a place ruled by an evil teddy bear. They try to escape, fighting - among others - a creepy monkey.
    • Toy Story 4: To feel less useless, the cowboy is keeping a life watch on a suicidal new friend. Once both jump out a car, and the suicidal is kidnapped by a ginger who wants to rip the cowboy's voice box off, the astronaut races to the rescue.
  • Total Recall (1990): Man with peculiar accent helps people breathe easier.
  • Training Day: A cop fresh from the office gets trained by a manipulative rogue of a cop. It slowly gets worse.
  • Trainspotting: A man is subjected to hallucinations (he swims in a toilet, a baby's head turns all the way around). One of his friends is killed by cat shit, another is obsessed with Sean Connery. Later the man steals a few thousand dollars from his friends and leaves town.
    • T2 Trainspotting: The man decides to return home, tries to help the Sean Connery-loving friend in his pub.
  • The Transformers: The Movie: Transforming Mecha rip off Marvel Comics, kills off half its cast to hair metal music.
    • In the words of one of the stars of said movie: "You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy. Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another. The Japanese have funded a full-length animated cartoon about the doings of these toys, which is all bad outer-space stuff. I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed."
    • Transformers (2007, live-action): A boy's car and its friends protect him from alien invaders who have arrived in search of eye-wear. Meanwhile, a part-time model declines to eat donuts.
    • Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen: Aliens search for the boy after he's possessed by a piece of metal.
    • Transformers: Dark of the Moon: The boy tries helping a guy who wants to stop his mentor's plan to save their homeland.
    • Transformers: Age of Extinction: Failed inventor saves people who are being hunted by the government and the aliens who created them. Also, dinosaurs are involved.
    • Transformers: The Last Knight: Like the above, with the addition of something related to King Arthur.
    • Bumblebee: Before that boy, the car met a girl.
  • Transylvania: Woman goes to Romania with two friends to look for her lost lover. Later she gets dumped, ditches her friends and goes travelling about with some random orphan and a hobo with a car.
  • Treasure Island (1988): A bunch of big-nosed Russian-speaking englishmen cartoonishly fight over a treasure. This is occasionally interrupted by pirates giving you life lessons in song form. Most well known for a scene where some of the englishmen walk for a few seconds.
  • Treasure Planet: Troubled young man goes on a space-sailing treasure hunt, and ends up causing the villain to abandon their lifelong dream.
  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre: Greed leads to discussions about badges.
  • Tremors: Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward, and Reba McEntire team up to stop a worm infestation.
  • Trick 'r Treat: A little boy shows town the true meaning of its favorite holiday.
  • Troll: A troll doesn't like Harry Potter. Actually as bad as it sounds to many.
  • The Troll Hunter: A bunch of university students make a documentary about the work of a Norwegian government contractor.
  • A Troll in Central Park: An environmentalist gets banished from his home for breaking the law.
  • Troll 2: A young boy invokes the Power of Goodness in the form of pissing on a table and eating a double-decker bologna sandwich.
  • TRON: A guy goes through way too much effort to gather enough evidence to support a copyright dispute. Otherwise, a movie about a BASIC programming command.
    • TRON: Legacy: The guy's son has more copyright troubles, so he goes to visit his father and they battle with a Neo-Nazi.
  • Tropic Thunder: Closeted rapper, Iron Man doing a Samuel L. Jackson impersonation, drug addict and nerd (who is the only reliable man in the group) try rescuing actor from his fans.
  • Troy: Beautiful woman runs off with horny prince. Her husband and brother-in-law don't take it well.
  • True Lies: Dissatisfied wife considers cheating on her peculiar-accented husband until she learns that he lied about his real occupation.
  • The Truman Show: Insurance salesman lives humdrum life unaware that he's the most famous person on the planet.
    • A comedian best known for his wild expressions decides to do an artistic movie. The movie and trailers spoil the plot in the first thirty seconds; expect the fourth wall to be broken repeatedly.
    • Small town man really, really wants to leave showbiz. There is a literal fourth wall and stairway to heaven.
  • Tucker & Dale vs. Evil: A movie about two guys who are so creepy that co-eds start killing themselves just to get away from them.
  • Turning Red: Girl upsets her mother by becoming a furry.
    • Or: A dispute between a teenage girl and her mother deteriorates to the point that a Kaiju turns up in Toronto and inflicts Monumental Damage.
  • Twice Upon a Time: A shape-shifter, a mime, a wannabe actress, and a wannabe superhero are the only ones who can stop an eccentric factory owner from giving everyone a serious case of chronic nightmares.
  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me: In a small Washington town, a troubled teenage girl realizes that an ancient supernatural being is sexually interested in her, and sneaks into her bedroom window in order to explore this.
  • Twin Town: Jobless siblings fueled by grief, glue and non-authentic hot-dogs test drive a series of cars in various locations around Swansea.
  • Twister: Two divorced scientists try to study bad weather, then fall in love again. Reuse of aluminum cans leads to salvation.
  • Two Lane Blacktop: A couple mumbly and inarticulate longhairs and their noncommittal female hitchhiker companion challenge a habitual liar to a cross-country drag race. Then they sort of forget to finish it.
